The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, June 23, 1909, Page 22, Image 22

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22 T?. Church News (Continued from Page 19.) laid. A goodly number of the members of the church anil their friends came together to witness the ceremonies. One of the Methodist pastors, gave a brief address on "Christ the True Cornerstone'' and Dr. T. S. Clyce, of Sherman, President of Austin College, spoke with power upon "The Bible the Standard of Chris tian Idfe." The Building Committee consisting of Ruling Elders R. E. Rose and J. P. Critz, and Deacons E. S. Goodner and W. L. Blanton, with the assistance of the workmen put the block in place. It bears on two faces this inscription. "Presbyterian Church South, 1909." In the stone was placed a copy of the Uibie, a Confession of Faith, a child's catechism, a copy of "The Presbyterian of th3 South," "The Christian Observer," and of the local daily paper, a list of charter members, a ' list of present members and a copy of the last sermon preached here by Dr. G. A. Russell, who served this church for six years. The stone was then sealed up. Our hearts rejoice in this work and it was a happy circumstance that just five years before, to a day, a cornerstone was laid in the # ?l.? . ? ? 41,In .. . ?4 r,?- WTa. rSonlr iUl illCi tuai^c ui nuo yaocui. '? ^ God and take courage. The Presbytery of Western Texas-met in the Westminister Church, San Antonio, Wednesday, June 9, 1909. . Present six ministers and three ruling elders. Rev. B. D. Kennedy was received into the Presbytery after the usual examination upon letter of dismissal from the Presbytery of St. Louis. He will supply the church at Seguin for the ensuing year. After a careful and thorough examination Presbytery ordained Licentiate Harry W. Hamilton to the full work of the gospel ministry. Mr. Hamilton was ordained as as evangelist to labor in Edwards county and in the surrounding territory. His headquarters will be in Rocksprings. He will be eighty miles over the mountains from the nearest railioad and from the nearest Presbyterian preacher. The following order was taken for the installation of Rev. T. O. Perrin, as pastor of the church at Refugio: Rev. John B. Hiwlsnn In nrp^iiln nrnnnnn^ tho nnn. stitutional questions and charge the congregation. Rev. H. S. Springall to be hu alternate. Rev. B. D. D. Greer, to charge the pastor with Rev. J. Leighton Green to bo his alternate. Ruling Elder C. N. Bailey, cf Rockport with E. R. Porter, of Gregory to complete the commission. Brooks I. Dickey, S. C. Central Texas Presbytery: At a:i adjourned meeting of the Presbytery ot Central Texas, held in Temple, June 8, the following business was transacted: The name of Mr. A. S. Harris was dropped from the roTT of candidates for the ministry, without censure. Rev. James E. Green was installed pastor of the Flr.'t Church, Temple, by a commission appointed by the Presbytery. Mr. Thortes H. Bumpkin, having removed from the bounds of Presbytery, Mr. F. H. Iyeslie, an elder in the Bartlett Church, was elected a member of the Committee of Home Missions in liis place. At his own request, the Church concurring, the pastoral relation between Rev. George L. ? y [E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SCU1 Bitzer and the Corsicana Church whs dissolved, to take effect July 1, aud he was dismissed to the Presbytery of Savanna a, r* ollnnr aim (n a 11 pull f rum thr> VaUlosta Church, Georgia. The following resolutions were adopted: Whereas, In the providence of God and the Rev. George L. Bitzer, D. D., has been called to another field of labor, and has been dismissed by this Presbytery that he might accept the call from the Va'.dosta Church, Presbytery of Savannah; therefore be it resolved: (1) That the Pres bytery of Central Texas in dismissing Dr. Bitzer to the Presbytery of Savannah, would- place on record its high appreciation of his labors within our bounds. (21 That we commend him to the Presbytery of an able presbyter?always zealous of good works; and to the church at Valdosta, as a strong preacher of the Word, a most faithful pastor, and a kind sympathetic frierd and brother?ah ways abounding in the work of the Lord. M. C. Mutton, S. C. VIRGINIA. Danville: Rev. Michaux Raine, of Norton, has assumed the pastorship of the Diieiiuu .Memorial v^uuruu. lie uus uiao in charge a mission of the First Church. Alexandria: On Thursday afternoon, June 10, was held the semi-annual meeting of the Lavras Workers and tne Helpers Missionary Sociecies. Rev. C. A. R. Janvier, of Philadelphia, brought an inspiring message about the work for women in India, where for fourteen years he was a missionary. The offering up to the present amounts to: Lavras Workers, $173.76; Helpers, $84.05; Total, $257.81. Glasgow: The pulpit of this church was most acceptably filled Sunday, June 13, by Rev. Twyman Williams, of Woodstock, who preached a most interesting and helpful sermon. Rev. Wallace T. Palmer, D. D., of Lynchburg, spent several days last week as a guest in this city. On Thursday and Friday nights he held services in the Presbyterian church which were greatly enjoyed by those present. Norfolk, Knox Church: At a congrega tional meeting held recently it was decided to build a new house of worship fit ?1 rtf t9K AAA o mnrlarn Sunday school room on a more eligible location. The pastor, Rev. W. H. T. Squires, is enthusiastic over the proposed change of location and believes it means a rapid growth, and development Into one of the strongest churches in- the city. Warm Springs: On Sunday, June 20, Rev. Wm. C. ^Vhite celebrates his twentysecond anniversary as pastor of this Church. That is a good many years for a minister to sustain himself and his acceptable service, whlc'a has been faithful and fruitful. After this anniversary, Mr. White takes charge, on the first Sabbath of July, of his new pastorate, Lock Willow and Union Churches, Augusta county. Buchanan County: This Is a field of great need and large opportunity in Abingdon Presbytery. Mr. Prank Clark aas been at work in the county for a year, and is now to be joined by Mr. W. W. Arrownod. A church has been organized at Grundy, and scnool Is to be opened there for the Christian education of boys and girls. From Grundy, the court house, as a centre, an evangelistic work will reach the whole county. Mr. A. A. CH. June 23, 1909. McLc 'ii, cf Union Seminary is doing a zealous and faithful work in one part of the county. He is supported, we believe, by a lumber company, Mr. Clark by an individual and Mr. Arrowood by the Urotherhood of the First Church, Richmond. Greenwood and Sinking Spring: The Rev. Lyttleton E. Scott was installed on Sabbath, June 13, over the Sinking Spring and Greenwood Churches by a commission of Lexington Presbytery, consisting of Rev. Messrs. Wm. N. Scott, Wm. C. White and J. A. Thomas, and Ruling Elder Wm. M. McAllister, of the Warm Springs church. The occasion was one of great interest to the gocd people of that charge and was attended by large congregations at both points. Mr. Scott has already won his way into the confidence and affection of the people and they are greatly encouraged to hope for blessed results from his ministry among them. A nice manse has been built; a horse bought and presented to the pastor, and abundant supplies placed in the manse in token of their hearty welcome. Saddler's Neck, Gloucester County: We have just closed a week's meeting. Large congregations were present and showed marked attention. The last night t Vl n nK 11 vnK wr?t?lJ J * t. t_ ?.?V V.UUIU1 nuuiu uui UU1U I LIt3 peopie.g Rev. C. S. Lingamfelter was at his best and preached with power and demonstration. Twenty precious souls came out from the world and eighteen enlisted under the banner of the Lord. The other two will soon follow. Ten children were baptized before the solemn reception of the new converts on the Sabbath. We are greatly indebted and endeared to the earnest preacher and worker, Mr. Lingamfelter, of Norfoia.. Above all we thank the Great Head of the Church for this gracious blessing and divine remembrance. W. H. Groves. Adjourned Meeting of Winchester Presbytery: Martinsburg, W. Va., June $, 1909.?Present: eleven ministers and five ruling elders. Ministers received: Rev. J. T. McBryde, D. D., from Norfolk Presbytery; Rev. E. B. Druen, from Lexington Presbytery; Licentiate, W. W. Grover, from East Hanover Presbytery, who was examined for ordination. Commissions appointed: 1. To ordain and install Licentiate W. W. Grover pastor of the Parsons, Hendricks and Hambleton churches, Rev. Messrs. W. W. Edge, J. E. Leeper, J. C. Silpr Dnrl M II I onih^ln olfornoiA * ~..w. ? *-?. uMinuutu uiwvi imic iu any with Ruling elders J. V. Parr, W. H. Gill and Mr. Harper of the Hendricks church. Time to be tlxed by the commission. 2. To install Rev. E. B. Druen pastor of the Springfield group: Rev. Messrs. J. F. Leeper, M. B. Lanibdin and P. J. Brooke with Br. F. M. Woods alternate to any and Elders E. S. Heiskell, Jas. H. Blue, J. W. Rinehari and D. A. Arnold. Time to be fixed by the commission. 3. To install Dr. J. T. McBryde pastor of the Falling Waters and Tomahawk churches: Rev. F. M. Woods, D. D., to preside ana preach the sermon: Rev. Chas. Ghisplin D. D., to deliver a charge to the pastor; liev. R. A. White to delive? a charge to the people, and Ruling Elders S. L. Dodd and Geo. Teatrlck. Rev. J. E. Triplett, alternate to any of the ministers. Time, first Sabbath in July. Morning at FalHng