The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, June 23, 1909, Page 29, Image 29

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June 23, 1909. TH EARN $7 DAILY SELLING Fir.. ?:': on earth. Write for special agents and dealers terns. DR. HAUX SPECTACLE CO.. St. Louis. Mo. National " "A Fjr Giuatry ani Suburban Homes Gives all the advantages of a city water works, and furnishes fire protection, which reduces insurant)# rates. Aystesas furnished for use with hydraulic rams from spring or aruM, ?r auy mi or power pmmp from well. Capacity 140 gallema *p. Seal sketch ef your bulldlmg Gentler to 111 infra tlon, giving depth of weD er fell to spring or braneh, oaf we win estimate es to cost. EKE IS out GUARANTEE: Yon purchase * National Water Supply Br?t?tn, Install it aooordinc to directions furnished br us. oaerate it for one year, and if at the endof that time yea are not satisfied in every particular, yon can retain the system to us. and we will pay the freight charges, and refund to you in cash every dollar you have paid us. Write now while you think of it. The cost ie email compared to the eemfort It will give you. Address carefully as follows to insure prompt attention: GRAHAM DAVIDSON A CO., 27-611 E. Main St.. Richmond Mm Via Bristol ?AH? THE? Norfolk & Westers Railway Tha Hurt Llaa M?nm MEW ORLEANS, BIRMINGHAM, MEM PHIS, CHATTANOOGA, KNOXVILLR ?ANI>? WASHINGTON, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. Solid Train Sarvlca Dining Car. Ail Information akaarfully forilakai WARREN L. ROHR, Western Passenger Agent, Chattaneega, Tenn W. B. BEVILL, General Paseenqer Agent. Roanoke, Va. % E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUT NOW TO PREVENT TYPHOID. During the next few weeks many people will develop typhoid fever. All of these people will have to undergo a long illness and about one in ten will die as a result of the disease. The summer epidemics of the disease usually begin to appear about the first of July, showing that the germs are taken into the system about this time. While some cases of typhoid will develop in spite of all preventative measures. yet a large major.ty of the cases can be prevented by the observance of a few simple precautions. To prevent the disease the real cause must be understood. In plain terms no person can contract typhoid fever unless he swallows, in some manner, some of the excrement of a person who has or has had the disease. This is most often done in water or milk that has been contaminated with the germs from a typhoid case, but the excrement may be carried to the food, or even directly to the mouth on tne feet of flies that have fed upon it. Sometimes the disease is contracted by eating raw fruit or vegetables that have been soiled with the germs, or oysters that have come from polluted waters. Those who nurse cases of typhoid often contract the disease by carrying the germ into the mouth on the fingers, which they have failed to wash after waiting on the patient. The two danger points in the country are the well and the dry closet. If these are safeguards, the danger is rendered much less formidable. Information regarding these points is contained in tho publications of the State Health Department at Richmond and will be sent to any one asking for them free of charge. A CURE FOR POISON IVY. In a recent article on this subject a Missouri physician states that the simplest and most effective remedy for Ivy poisoning which he has used is simply a stiff lather made from common yellow kitchen soap. He says: "With a shaving brush work up the lather and paint it, with the shaving brush, over the part affected. Put on layer after layer, until you have a coating one-sixteenth to onetenth of an inch thick, and there let it remain until the pain, swelling, smarting or itching has disappeared. As a rule, If U.,i - m ? * - it tones uui a very icw flours 10 pcriBCt the cure. As you see, this remedy is within the reach of every one, and means neither delay nor cost of a physician. The poorest and commonest (rosin) soap seems to be just as efficient as a better or more costly soap. The cure is doubtless affected by the potash or soda of the soap, and by the coating of lather preventing the access of the air to the poisoned part. Toilet soaps and others which contain so little free alxall that they are not effective, should not be used for mis work.-' Yet this one thing I learn to know, Ka;h day mr re surelv as I en Hut doers are opeiled, ways are made, Ruide^s are lifted er are laid, l-y some groat law unseen and still. "Not rs I will." ?Helen Hunt Jackson. A H. 29 It's not always I. 5 1 temper? I | That causes a horse to II I balk. It may be a Sore CI 1 J T* onouiaer, a nruise or a L| Strain?maybe Colic or Bots. Dr. Tichenor's Antiseptic cures all of these troubles. AT ALL DRUCCISTS s 23 and 30 Cents Alto in quart bottlea. <iw r:j Bring Us Your Savings ? AND GET = 3 1-2 Per CentkPer Annum on Deposits\$1.00iand upwards % Whitney-Cential Trust & Savings Bank 616-618 Common St. NEW ORLEANS, LA. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO YOUR SEASON S SHOPPING. Whether you want STREET SUIT, EVENING or RECEPTION GOWNS, or WEDDING TROUSSEAUX, get my samples and estimates before you decide with whom you will place your order. With mv knowledge of corrort otvioe with taste and good judgment, and the personal interest I take in every order, 1 am sure I can please you. I guarantee perfect fit and satisfaction. MRS. CHARLES ELLISON, Louisville, Ky.