The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, June 23, 1909, Page 33, Image 33

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June 23, 1909. THI THE DRINK TRAFFIC. The drink traffic constitutes one of the worst problems of cities. It constrains good citizens to arm for the encounter, and forget all party lines and local limits, in the fight with a foe that is perhaps on the whole the most malignant and dangerous. Whether it be the Blue Ribbon, Red Ribbon, or White Ribbon that we wear; whether it be the banner of Good Templars, Sons of Temperance, Father Matthew or other organizations, under which we march; whether we adhere to the policy of Canon Wilberforce, with his renunciation of alcohol even as a medicine; or to that of the late Dr. How1 rH PrnoKw U* 11V* nnnnontrotinn n f all forces on the saloon; we must think only of that on which we agree, and in view of the present and awful peril put a stop to intemperance. , Even the slower and conservative Britishers are waking up to the perils of drink. There is one church in a Scotch city whose four successive pastors were victims of drink, and three of them died drunkards?and all, men of brains. The question of suppressing strong drink presses on all alike. A merchant in St. Louis, urged by a temperance deputation to join them in the fight, turned them off abruptly, saying, "It's no business of mine!" Soon after, an accident on a railway sent home his own wife and two daughters mangled corpses, and that accident was due solely to rum! Where law is r t adequate, we must have legislation; wnere the law is adequate, it must be enforced. We must not imitate the Irishman, who said in reference to certain legislation, "I'm in favor v ..e law, but agin its execution." The conflict is growing closer and hot ici. yjn iuf une siue nui umy lensyeruuce, but total abstinence is gaining ground with the intelligent and virtuous classes. Wine drinking, that was almost universal in 1838, had become exceptional in 1888. Fifty years thus saw it banished from the sideboard and the table, in thousands of homes where it used to be a common fashion to offer it to callers and use it as a beverage. Where a quarter century before, not one total abstainer could be found in the British House of Commons, there were afterward fifty. The United States had at least one president in the White House whose noble wife dared to banish it even from state dinners. Congressmen and Senators are not ashamed to appear on the platforms of great public gatherings as the advocates, not only of total abstinence on tne part of the individual, but of prohibition on the part of the state. In Scotland, fifty years ago, ministers cf the Gospel got tip3y at in sutnaiions, wnere now it would be regarded as a scandal and disgrace.?Missionary Review. BIBLE BEES. The "Bees of the Bible" are very numerous. They never 3ting; they yield a grest deal of honey, and It is their nature to be found "together In swarms. Here is a specimen of Ihem: "Be kindly affectioned one to another." "Be sober and watch unto prayer." "Be content with such things as you have." "He strong in the Lord." "Be courteous." "Be not wiBe in your own conceit." Z PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU' The Normal and ASHEVILLF. N Under care Presbyterian Church. Offers 15 teachers and officers?experts. Site unrl tuition. $125 per yenr. For catalogue, addrc B |B |BV I MB P I L; L -j| M- fll 1 Silliman Coll< CLINTON, An endowed school for girls, nnder I hill country. Handsome, roomr bnlldlngs. 1> Steam lient. All necessary equipment. Thre Elocution, Physical Culture, Stenography an ENDOWMENT MAKES PRICES LOW THE SOUTH. Let ua explain this to you. Address the President, REV. I*. H. Fishburne M Waynesbi Beautifully situated; has an able an modem equipment. Noted for Its high etati resented last session. Kates $3S0 per year. If looking for a first class school, send ft J AS. A. FISHBURNE. t Wm. T. Bartta, Proo. Axthor A. fastaaa WILLIAMS-RICH Dry Gstds, Nations and 209-211-21S anal SIS Magazino, 8 Naw York OfWoa, B Leonard St. P. Stop Smoking! Sto Yon ought amd oan quit by bsIbc twoaty yurt. Prlco, |LM par box. ROSE Df JAMES H. All H1ATWI, OAS AM* Box 2 Contractors' 6 Bealers T*L Main MM. Buy Your Fun There are many reasons whj largest la the South. We bay In lower freight rate*, and the goo When yon come to our store yo from. Tou can get Just what yo Therefore, when you visit E headquarters. We will be glad write for prices. RfrHnnv Ar TT N/J wuv* w ? "Furniture for the Borne Beautiful .* - iJL rH. 33 Collegiate Institute OITH CAROLINA to young women three thorough coarse* of study, rated for healthfulaes* and beauty. Board and R8 EDWARD P. CHILD8, President. jH R p Jb~* BE* - 2 ' *y ^!zr i-^vH ^giate Institute LOUISIANA 'resbyterlan control. Ilealthful location In the eautlful, well-shaded grouuds. Electric lights, e courses leading to degrees. Music, Art, il Typewriting. Kll THAN ANY OTHER GOOD SCHOOL IN BROWNI.EE, Clinton, Louisiana. Hlitary School I oro, Virginia il well -choncn faculty, * tplendid runptu and dard of scholarship. Fourteen States were repSchool opens September 16th. >r illustrated catalogue. 1. B, Principal. Box 215. Ab, TIm-Ptm. ML M. Buns, Soo> * Treat [ARDSON CO., Ltd. d JrtUn of Men's Furnishing Goods >12 Common and Bit Brovtor Ma . Mo wot 181. MCW MM. IAN 6, LA p Chewing Tobacco! ROSE TOBACCO CURB. -Oa markot tar WG CO., Birmingham, Ala. runrat, stwtucc i IlLtil, M10RMC BBB B BLMTMC FiXTMBM * Exchaai*, New OtImii, La. 111 liwOIrt ec, nar Pfiai niture From TJa ' you should. Our stock is the carload lots and get lower prices, ds reach us iu perfect conditio*, u have big assortments to snlnct >u want. Llchmond, make oar store your to see you. If yon oannot come, undley, Inc., " 7(9-11-13 E. Broad, Richmond,Vt