The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, June 30, 1909, Page 28, Image 28

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28 TH] Household THE PUBLIC DRINKING CUP. It goes without the saying that a man must drink water, and it is equally true that a man can not always be choice in the place he drinks. These facts have I led to the public drinking-cup and offer the only excuse for its existence. The dangers from the public drinking cup are almost as numerous as the cups. ' In a railroad station, for example, the healthy but thirsty child drinks immediately after the filthy tramp; the young mother, with the baby in her arms, is next after the consumptive; and the | young boy follows the man in whose throat lurk the germs of disease. Every person who drinks from the cup while suffering from a germ disease, is liable to leave some of the germs upon the cup. The next person who drinks is equally as liable to catch the germs upon his lips, and to contract the disease. Sometime ago, a scientist became interested to know just how many germs could gather on a drinking cup. He took for his experiment a glass which had been used for nine days in a mihHr school, and found, by the aid of a powerful microscope, that there were not less than 20,000 human cells or bits of dead skin on the glass. Some of these cells had as many as 150 germs clinging to them, and few cells had less than 10 germs. In addition, the surface of the glass was covered with thousands of germs left in the smears of the saliva. Many of these germs were dangerous to health, and any of them could be taken into the system by drinking from the cup. As a matter of fact, that single glass had on it, not less than 100,000 germs of many varieties. The only safe policy is to leave the public drinking cup alone. Rinsing its edges with water improves but does not remove the dangerous condition. Private pocket cups and folding cups can be procured at small cost, and they will protect the user against the disease of others. Where it is necessary to use a public drinking-cup, it is possible to greatly reduce the danger from it. If the edge of the glass is placed, slightly below the under lip of the drinker, in such a manner as not touch the lip. the mucous membrane will not come in contact with the cup and will generally escape the germs on the cup. This trick is a simple one, and can be acquired with a little nraotlre Mrs. Waldo (of Boston): "I have a letter from your Uncle James, Penelope, who wants us to spend the summer on his farm." Penelope (dubiously): "Is there any society in the neighborhood?" Mrs. Waldo: "I've heard him speak of the Holsteins and Guernseys. I presume they are pleasant people."?Christian Register.' Do not draw Interest on the successes of the past; do something today. V E PRESBYTER I AW OF THE SOL (ORNISH' Two Tears' Credit Why S If Needed As Lq B9 S HJIL^RGfnHWl <>f your o r__|a_ai_____-'' :u 1 WI'Kil HHIBh <1?mnit)M lnaurestu? H The moRt iMued; It style* and whether yt boolclsyoi UV ?u re l/ou $?(*( nnd mare oil (()DNK| V f purchase of a piano. Vw'*' '?*F NEW PI Wick Blue Flai Because it's clean. Because it's economics Because it saves time. Because it gives be cooking results. Because its flame can b regulated instantly. Because it will not ove heat your kitchen. Because it is better thar the coal or wood stov Because it's the only oi stove made with i useful Cabinet Top like the modern steel range. For other reasons see s nor write our ne; ^ sizes. Sold wit with latest improi and beautifully i whether library, ( W rite to our n? ST A1 W. M. BTRNM, Proa. JOHN T. O Capital Aaoata . . . HIBERNIA If No. 300 Camp Street L080B Pi Electric Ligl Tm limlT BTMI th? bnitna mmd m I Maw Ortaana Railway A Light JTH. June 30, 1509. om F actorytoHome 1 aYear's Free Trial Ihouldn't You Buy w As Any Dealer? n The Corni*h Plan rlcf .places a strictly high grade piano your home, freight paid If you wish. '4H5jj ot torn factory price, upon terms (SBL?wkN a n choice, giving you I year to teat lent before you need decide to keepl t wscJirfBroit.TTM re you an Ironclad Bmid or la. which holds us to this offer and also trument against defect for 23 years. j^^WaaiiajB txd For The Noxv feggLJgg* 1 Hll 3 H N I V H BOOK WMM W M >eautlftil piano and organ catalogue hows the choicest of our 5*1 latest explains things you ought to lenow kUSmmfJOn Kl >u buy from us or elsewhere. The flf/Jill trs for the asking. Write for It now. t- w'^h5jC3jE?' HfA Washington, N.J. Sareont.mrd-buV II v"* getabllehed Over B? Years on the Cornish plan. rSE A ERFECTION me Oil Cook-Stove y WM "r(?^ ^ r- c - T~ irest agency. Made in three h or without Cabinet Top. ^ T /y TY%T\ cannot be equaled m \ for its bright and steady light, simple construction and absolute safety. Equipped ired burner. Made of brass throughout nickeled. An ornament to any room, dining-room, parlor or bedroom, sarest agency if not at your dealer's. MDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated > IBBON8, Vie#-Pre*. P. E. BURKH, 8#C) $200,000.00 . $482,44534 DURANCE CO. ... - New Orleans, La. UII noimi. it and Power >7 Mljr far what you um. Bxpert advice free Ce. 817 Baronne Street NIW ORLEAN8, LA.