The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, July 07, 1909, Page 31, Image 31

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July 7, 1909. THI W. T. Hardte Wm. P. Hardie Robt. T. Hardie Eben Hardie Wm. T. Hardie & Co. COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. r.raulor Otr.a? T?? 1 VM. .VI K/vivw, CU1. L/l /aUVB, NEW ORLEANS, LA. The Safest 6 Quickest Way TO Transfer Money 18 BY Long Distance Telephone For Rates Apply to Local Manager. Cumberland Telephone 8 Telegraph Company (Incorporated) NEW ORLEANS, LA. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO YOUR SEASON'S SHOPPING. Whether you want STREET SUIT, EVENING or RECEPTION GOWNS, or WEDDING TROUSSEAUX, get my samples and estimates before you decide with whom you will place your order. With my knowledge of correct styles, combined with taste and good Judgment, and the personal Interest I take in every order, I am sure I can please you. I guarantee perfect fit and satisfaction. MRS. CHARLE8 ELLI80N, I I Alllaulll. "/ I CITY BANK of RICHMOND, VA. I Wm. H. Palmer, E. B. Addison, President. V-Prealdent. J. W. Sinton, Cashier. CAPITAL, $416,069.00 I SURPLUS 6 UNDIVIDED PROFITS, I $175,900.00 Correspondence Solicited. )j R. L. Christian & Co. i: 808 E. Main Straat, RICHMOND, . VIRGINIA. ]; i; FANCY GROCERIES ;; Agents for | HUYLER'S CANDIES | I E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE S Westminster Pre MISS CAMPBELL. Principal . i The American Boy la a better inveatm and bonds. No boy is educated without a I and ralue of money. A military school Is rood business man. A school of diaciplin men of correct habits. Our purpose is n good citizens. This is a select school, and ment in buildlnra. srrounds, rifles, saddles temptations of a city. Cotlese. military a Wesley Peacock, Ph. Bn Ur Col. Geo. LeRoy Brown, U. Capt. H. La F. Applewhite, 8ergL 3. Klingensmlth, U. The Peacack Naval 8cI AGNES SCOTT ( DECATUR ( THE COLLEGE offers advantaj THE AGNES SCOTT ACADEft offers a four years' course leading t Southwestern Pr CLARKSVIL Thirty-Fifth 8essi< Literary, Scientific. Divinity Cot Graduates prominent In the South. No saloons. Expenses moderate. \ MAKESM ERSKINE COl TTNIVERSITY trained men on feculty. Cou w History end Philosophy. Modern buiUins. Literary societies end e this tic oryeniutions. Fo Cluster Spi CLUSTE This school claims jour attention be< Christian teachers, and the personal ca will Interest jou if jou have a boy to e< Forty-four Y? OUTH. sbyterian Scho t t t i RICHMO ilitary College^^ eat than land and cattle and stocks 1 proper appreciation of the usefulness I a proper place for the making of a I e is the beet place for bora and roans ] ot to make soldiers and sailors, but I a high priced school. Unusual equip- I i. and navy cutter*, removed from the ed naval preparation. llv. of Georgia, President. 8. A., Superintendent. , U. 8. A., Commandant. 8. A., Cavalry. tool Conducted In Vacation. COLLEGE for \ near Atlanta), GEORGIA. ges equal to beet colleges for n 1Y, under separate faculty and o P reshman class. For catalog F. H. GAINEf ?v>v?^Tfn a v /ia* Lll?il^lALtUU I School of Dentist By Dentists, For Death School la the Stole., Lcadiog School URES: Large New College Bulk e New Library, New Practical Poi it, Heavy Operatory Clinic, Exclu&i i, Monthly Examinations and Da '.entral LocaUgp, Experienced. Tea trators. mi?wntr catalog and further particular. 1AM QUENSKAW, PJ.L, Beam, Bex 4St, esbyterian Unr .LE, TENNE8SEE. in Opens September 15th. iraeg. Students nearly all chi Excellent athletic record. Hea Vrite for catalogue. miT rounw k III M WESTMIP til COLLI * * A. 5. FULTON. r I v?f*1? EST ABU 9HED LLLUIji DDE WEST. I race embrace English Literature. Urifo Young men's end young women's Chi r illustrated catalog address |ame? St roof Moffatt, D.D., President, 0 ings Acadei :r springs, va. :ause of its superb location, its t re given each boy entrusted to u ducate. n of Successful Work. HAMrum WILSON, 3* 1 FOR ^ GIRLS ND. VIRGINIA Vomen tea. [ government, rue, address I, President. 5Sf Z I si the S?th ling:, Comrcelain Devely "White ily Recitaichers and Atlmt*, G*. | fersity irch members, ilthful location. . ????? 11A49 ISTER 2GE MISSOVRI 1837 8. C. i|M, Mathematics. iatian associations. us Wast. S. C. mv strong corps ol s. Our catalog HsadmaMsr.