The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, July 14, 1909, Page 34, Image 36

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. 34 THI W ANTS Readers of The Presbyterian ot the Sooth may use these columns for publishing their wants or wares. The cbanco will be 2 cents for each word, cash to accompany orders. WANTED?To hear of location for physician. Must have good school and ehurcn. Address, M. D., care Presbyter lan. WANTED?By an experienced graduate, a position to teach in a school or family. References and testimonials furnished. Address, Box 15, Sinks Grove, W. Va. WANTED?Boarders during the summer at Rogersville Synodical College. Cool, quiet, pleasant. Address, L. Rolfe, Rogersville, Tenn. WANTED?We want an agent in each of our churches to canvass the congregations for new subscribers to the Presbyterian of the South. For terms address the Presbyterian of the South, 104 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. w A \TTI?n T>? - - - . .. .. -nli-. i jcju?r?y a young laay of three years experience position to teach in private school or family. Address, stating terms, Miss B., care this paper. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO YOUR SEASON'S SHOPPING. Whether you want STREET SUIT, EVENING or RECEPTION GOWNS, or WEDDING TROUSSEAUX, get my samples and estimates before you decide with whom you will place your order. With my knowledge of correct styles, combined with taste and good judgment, and the personal Interest I take in every order, I am sure I can please you. I guarantee perfect lit and satisfaction. ivirto. UMAKLES ELLISON, Louisville, Ky. The Safest & Quickest Way TO Transfer Money (8 BY Long Distance Telephone For Rate* Apply to Local Manager. Cumberland Telephone 6 Telegraph Company (Incorporated) NEW OR LEAN 8, LA. CITY BANK of RICHMOND, VA. Wm. H. Palmar P P iWUim President. V-Preeldent. J. W. Sinton, Cashier. CAPITAL, $400,006.00 SURPLUS 6 UNDIVIDED PROFITS, I175.M0.I6 Correspondence. Solicited. !L m. y ( L PRESBYTERIAN OF TI I Full College Coursea d with Music, Painting (J and Elocution. 67th Sea- I ton Begina Sept. 8, 'Q9 Ijjj MAKES ERSKINE < TTNIVER3ITY trained men on facu History and Philosophy. Modem Literary societies and athletic onranisat PRESBYT BLACKSHEAR, GEOR< A safe school for your s< of Southern Georgia, and offei emphasised. Couserratlvo met especinl attention to backward discipline. Unusual advantages Alabama Syn TAL A Thorough, High Grade, Cli Art and Elocution.- Delightful C Teachers. MO' For Catalogue and other Info DANIEL I B RO (I THE PRESBYTERIAN The Synod of Texas now offers. In Courses leading to the B. A., B. 8.. and Chrtstain College men and one woman The Special Departments of Piano, Art are in charge of Christian artists Visiting Director of Music and Teacl Fresident and his wife, and to this hoi and basement brick and stone dormitory viuii?ic uiivacciicu in iexao. Aiui located on highest point in centre of moi and no saloons. Next Sissies opt at September 23, 1909 tt a To become i offered. Just get lut and In a few bank account ! NATIONAL II of any Nation Writ* u? ?t ^ PLANT CmH?I mmm ? IE SOUTH. iuljn : COLLEGE ^ Ity. Courses embrace Engrlish LiU building. Young men's and young ions. For illustrated catalog: add rep James Strong Moffatt, D.D ERIAL INS" jIA >n or daughter, situated In the ring full academic and music hods and thornmrh work. In students. Teachers live with I i at coat. Address for catalog CLEMENT . odical Collej LADEGA. ALABAM ossleal Institution for Young Li llmate. Excellent Location. TTO?"THOROUGHNESS." irmatlon, address the Preslden REV. T. PEYTON LAKERC WIMWOOD. TEX > 500 feet above the sea level) CO-EDUCATIONAL < waniei natter tjoilege, equal oppor B.Lit. decree? are equal to those of constitute the Literary Faculty. Fi Voice Culture, Violin, Guitar. Mi of ability and experience. WILLI tier of Interpretation. The Girls' me parents are invited to send thei for ffirla in process of erection, tude (16001 is ideal. Ma'atia pract it beautiful residence section of a ci For catalogue and full informatio T. P. JUNKIN, Pre,id HU V Bl w wnvin GOLDEN OPPORTU i FACTOR In tbe affairs of tt o tbe bablt of saving out pari years you will be surprised at If you deposit your money in IANK, which bos tbe largest 8 lal Bank South of Washington ooca about our thofl < f BAN! a m1* and tura way to obtain wai CRS NATIONAL BANK. Rfc M Surplus and July 14, 1909. For Catalog and full I Information address I John W. Gains*. Pres. I or IVo. C r U.r I s' 1 Tounded in 1&49 ESTMINSTER COLLEGE FULTON. MISSOURI IBUSHED 1837 WEST, S. C. traturc. Languages, Mathematics, r women's Christian associations. . Prciidant, Due West, S. C. riTUTE FOUNDED 1901 healthful long leaf pine region courses. The Christian life dividual attention to all and students. Boys under Military ue, h.. SYDNOR, Principal. FOR WOMEN A idles. Literary Coursaa, Music, Full Corps of Experienced t, WALTON, Talladega, Ala. lOLLEGE % s COLLEGE of TEXAS (unities for girls and boys. The any Ollege in ths South. Seven fteen teachers in ad Departments, sndolin. Oratory. Expression and 1AM H. SHERWOOD. CHICAGO. Dormitory is the home of the r daughters. A new three story irally unknown. College buildings ity of 12,000, with many chnrches n, write ent. Brown wood, Texas. ITERS riAUdf M AIM WpBABR ItiS DEPARTMENT! :h/v\ond,va?T NITY its world Is now I t of your Income the aire of vonr the PLANTER'S urjdus^and Profits KING EY MAIL; * I khh dnood, Vs. Profits. SI, \