The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, July 14, 1909, Image 37

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Choice Books for Summer Reading Postpaid. The Trailers, Ruth Mason ? $ 1.10 The Web of Time, R. E. Knowles .... 1.10 Out of Doors in the Holy Land, Henry Van Dyke 1.C0 Whither Goest Thou?, J. J. Bell 1.20 Trail of Lonesome Pine. Jno. Fox. Jr 1.20 Scientific Faith, Howard Agnew Johnston 1.10 A Year in Europe, W. W. Moore, D. D 1.25 In Shamrock Land, Plummer F. Jones 2.25 The Undertow, R. E. Knowlcs 1.20 Dr. Gfenfel's Parish, Norman Duncan 1.00 Books of all publishers furnished at lowest prices. An order to us helps the extension work of our church. Presbyterian Committee of Publication Richmond, Va. Texarkana, Ark.-Tex. Bohne's Book Store BOHNE & WILT, Props. Booksellers & Stationers 1328 DRYADES ST., Near Thalia. New Orleans, La. Base Bait Goods, Fishing Tackle, and Periodicals and Religious Articles. New and Second-hand School Books ^ bought, sold and exchanged. Commonwealth Bank 12 North Ninth 8treet, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. CAPITAL - - $200,090.00 4 Per Cent ON SAVING8. ROYALINE OIL for Aching Feet. ROYALINE OIL After Shaving. ROYALINE OIL for Sore Throat. ROYALINE OIL, no Grease, no Stain. ROYALINE OIL, the best Antiseptic. 10c, 25c, 50c. Druggists Far COUGHS and COLDS "CROUP and all PAIRS It Acts Instaataneausly DIEZBALM 25c A JAR 25c A JAR AT AU. DRUGGISTS OR BY MAIL I d nir7 u ? - l. u. uill% new urieans, La, Rufus J. Paddock ATORN EY-AT-LAW, 284 Camp Street. Room 405. Special Attention to Collections. P. O. Box 731. 6 New Orleans, La. | y Reference: Prenbyterlan of the South. Solari's Fine Imp OUR GQ Corner Royal and Custom Hou i Complete Catalogue Issued. j The GfP Sweet Mellow ' A Ten Year G $350.00 gets on $50 ess if paid all < T GPITWF *Mn MAIW11I.I Natioi (Forn CAPITAL. SSOO.OOO J. L. Antrim. John S. Ellett. Edward C. Mayo. A. H. E John S. EUatt. President V In ?rn?t * Uowed on Savings Depoi The Alabami A Session begins September 1 FflPllltv pnmnron^ nf ?ro/? ? ?~ ?wwMapwMVA* Wl bI?U Anniston is in the mounts level. The healthfulness of th life of tbfe community can not for catalogue, address, W LEWISBUR" CONSERVE College and Preparato One hundred and forty-t of Music?Piano. Voice, sium; large campus; bea\ mate. Terms, $250.00 a it?^ ? tut views uu application. R. L. TELFORD, D. YOU CAN A1 OF THE GOSPEL," Round or Shape tongs. Sample copy S cents. E. A. ~rv < . - Vorted and Domes ODS ARE ALWAYS FRESH se Sts.?Phone 714. Corner St. Charles and Louh NE Make You Home a Happy Oru NEWALD Does It Tone?4 Pedals?Impt uarantee with Each P: e. Terms: $18 down j cash. Write for partic WALD COM NEW ORLEAN8, LA. ial State B; RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. nerly The State Bank of Virginia) SURPLt DIRECTORS Wm. M. Hill. Japnra D. Crump. Tliaun. Horace S. H?w??, Gra OFFICERS ira. M. Hill, Cashier Julien H. H Its. We invite yc a Presbyteriai For Men NNISTON, ALABAMA. 6, li?u9. uates of the leadiner univ?>ri lins of North Alabama, 1,00 e climate is unsurpassed. ' t but be helpful to young me rilliam A. White, Secretary < JOHN W. STAG G SEMINA \TORY OF ry Courses. Art, Lang hree students last sessic Violin, Pipe-organ, Ha Jtiful mountain scene \ r ^ n frt 1 /-v ) vai . vaiaiu^nc UI1U D., President, Lewi: FFORD zv&i every person; Notes, for $3 for 100. Wortls t K. HACKETT. 100 North Wmym S X ?; "J stic Groceries .XI liana Ave?'.?Phone 871. W ORLEANS, LA. r 3 >IANO oved action, iano. and $6 monthly, ulars. PANY ' ank JS. $*90,000 Jos. M. Fouiquerean nville G. Valentine 'ill. Assistant Cashier >u to do business with us. ti College sities in this country. 0 feet above the sea The social and moral in. jf Faculty. G, D. D.f President. RY AND MUSIC juages, Expression. >n in Conservatory irp. Fine lymnary; delip' fui clibookF ^beautisburg, IV. Va. Booh in your Church ?choot< and one for "FAMttJAR SONGS .nd music 83 very best IttNt, Fort Wuum, lad. .