The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, August 11, 1909, Page 28, Image 30

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28 TH1 J The Library A BOOK THAT WON A SOUL. A writer in the Epworth Herald, we suppose a Methodist minister, tells of i the impression made upon him by a pass- > age in "The Virginia Comedians." by Cap tain John Esten Cooke, author of "Sur- j rey of Eagle's Nest" and other Con- I federate war stories. As an employe in 1 a publishing house it was his part to | read the booK about to be republished. He says: "The most impressive fact about the book was that the author quoted a passage from the book of Isaiah in a very striking and effective way. That passage of Scripture kept going through my mind. It was as persistent as Mark Twain's famous Literary Nightmare. It beat itself into consciousness at every turn. All day tsaturaay J was impressed and oppressed by this quotation from the Bible. On Sunday morning I went to church, and when the minister arose and announced the text for the sermon, much to my surprise and astonishment, the very passage of Scripture of which I had been thinking for two days had been selected as the text." That afternoon at an evangelistic meeting he made confession of Christ. "One of the first things I did after my conversion was to write to Captain John Esten Cooke and tell him what had happened through his fortunate quotation of a passage of Scripture in his book, 'The Virginia Comedians.' 1 have a letter in iu luiut.', nuicQ i esieem among tne treasures of my life. It is needless for | me to say that I keep a copy of 'The Virginia Comedians' by me all the time, and when faith gets cold, and the spirit of consecration needs renewal, I look at that singular book, which in the provi- ; dence of God meant so much to me before I was twenty." Anti-Saloon League Year Book. 1909. Compiled and written by Ernest H. Cherrington. Managing Editor of the American Anti-Saloon Press Bureau. 256 pp. Cloth, 60 cents; manilla. 35 cents. Columbus, O., and Chicago. The Anti-Saloon League of America. 1909. This book is an encyclopedia of facts and figures dealing with ttie liquor traffic and the temperance reform. Its yearly editions, always brought fully up-to-date and showing the progress of events in the traffic and in the reform, have come to be regarded as the most reliable sources of facts, figures, and Illustrations. "Popular Lectures of Sam P. Jones." Ed ited by Walt Holcomb, 12 mo., pp. i 127, 75 cents net. New York, Chicago, Toronto. Fleming H. Revell Company. 1909. Six characteristic lectures, some of them dictated by the famous speaker just before his death, and others reported by competent stenographers, all preserving the style in which they were spoken. j y E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU National RICHM? (Formerly The S CAPITAL. SSOO.MO DIB J. L Antrim. John S. Ellett. Wm M. Edward C. Mayo. A. R. Ellerson. OF Ink. C O J 1 rxr? II ?r:n Intareit A llowed on S?t!d{I Daporits. The Nowk High-Class Diamonds and other Pre and Wedding Rings, Silver Novelties, an latest Patterns. Fine Imnorttd and An ettes. Goods sent on approval upon sei ?21 East Main Street. William Franti JEWELERS Sterling Silver and Solid Gold Got Mail inquiries and orders promptly att< TO DCD&ID P?CD A DTU CMTC r> A Incorpi FIRE Rl SUN INSU OF NEW Chas. Jan' William T. Mans, Secretary. Electric Ligl You ataaply press the button and pa; Now Orleans Railway A Light ( INSt LIABILITY PI 8TEAM BOILER GODCHAU ACCIDENT 626-630 C< W. I? BYRNES. Pres. JOHN T. GI Capital Assets ... HIBERNIA IP i No. 300 Camp Street LOS8B8 Pi Buy Your Fui There are many reasons wi largest In the South. We buy Ji lower freight rates, and the go When you come to our store y from. You can get Just what j Therefore, when you visit headquarter*. We will be gla<! write for prices. Sydnor & B -Furniture for the Home Beautifu f - TH. August ii, 1909. State Bank NB, VIRGINIA. tate Bank of Virginia) SURPLUS, SXOO.OtO ECTOBS Hill. Jtmra D. Crump. Jo*. M. Fourqurean Borac* S. Haww, Granville G. Valentine FICEBS I, Cashier Julien H. Hill, Assistant Cashier We invite you to do business with us in Company ?cious Stones. New designs in Engagement d Cases of Silver for Bridal Presents of the uerican Watehes. Opera Glasses and Lorgntisfactory city reference. RICHMOND. VA6g\ Branch Store: /\ 1014 S. Rampart St lil). ?Opposite? vvr* Union Station, and OPTICIANS. >ds. Appointed Railroad Watch Inspectors. nded to. SPECIAL ATTFNTiom ni i m RONDELET ST-, NEW ORLEANS, LA. irated 1855 IVER MARINE RANCE CO. r ORLEANS rier, PresIdenL Fergus G. Lee, Vice-President. it and f only far what yea uae. Tgxjart advice tree. 917 Baronwe Street. WCW ORLEANS, LA. FRANCE hone 1665 PLATE GLASS X A MIOTON, Ltd. 8URETY BONDS 3MMON 8TREET BURGLARY BBONS. Vlce-Pres. P. B. BURKB. Sec'* (200,000.00 - (482,445.54 ( iSURANCE CO. New Orleans, L&. JD PROMPTLY niture From Ua ly you should. Our stock Is the q carload lota and get lower prices, >ods reach us in perfect condition, ou have big assortments to select rou want. Richmond, make our store your I to see you. If you cannot come. Lundley, Inc., ii" 7(9-11-13 E. Bread, Richmond, V*.