The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, August 18, 1909, Page 31, Image 32

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August 18, 1909. TH A $100 TYPEWRITER FOR 17 CENTS A DAY Please read the headline over again. Then Its tremendous significance will dawn upon you. An Oliver Typewriter?the standard visible writer?the $100 machine?the most highly perfected typewriter on the market?yours for 17 cents a day! The typewriter whose conquest of the commercial world is a matter of business history ?/uuia iui if ten 5 a aayi The typewriter tliat Is equipped with scores of such conveniences as "The Balance Shift" ?"The Ruling Device"?"The Double Release"?"The Locomotive Base"?"The Automatic Spacer"?"The Automatic Tabulator" ?"The Disappearing Indicator"?"The Adjustable Paper Fingers" ? "The Scientific # Condensed Keyboard" YOURS FOR 17 CENTS A DAY! We announced this new sales plan recentpulse of the people. Simply a small cash cents a day. That Is the plan in a nutshell. The result has been such a deluge of applications for machines that we are simply astounded. The demand comes from people of all classes, all ages, all occupations. The majority of Inquiries has come from people of known financial standing who were axiraciea Dy tne novelty or tne proposition. An lmpreslsve demonstration of the immense popularity ot the Oliver Typewriter. A startling confirmation of our belief that the Era of Universal Typewriting is at hand. A Quarter of a Million People are Making Money with TT)e OLIVET? Typewriter The Standard Visible Writer The Oliver Typewriter is a money-maker, right from the word "go!" So easy to run that beginners soon get in the "expert" class. Earn as you learn. Let the machine pay the 17 cents a day?and all above that Is yours. Wherever you are, there's work to be done and money to be made by using the Olivet. The business world is calling for Oliver operators. There are not enough to supply the demand. Their salaries are considerably above those of many classes of workers. "An Oliver Typewriter In Every home!" u'nac is our oattle cry today. We have made the Oliver supreme In usefulness and absolutely Indispensable in business. Now comes the conquest of the home. The simplicity and strength of the Oliver fit It for family use. It Is becoming an important factor in the home training of young people. An educator as well as a money maker. Our new selling plan puts the Oliver or the threshold of every home In America. Will you close the door of youi* home or office on this remarkable Oliver opportunity? Write for further details of our easy oiTer and a free copy of the new Oliver catalog. Address The Oliver Typewriter Agency 114 North Pryor St. Atlanta, Ga. I ' CITY BANK of RICHMOND, VA. Wm. H. Palmer, E. B. Addison, President. V-Prealdent. J. W. Sinton, Cashier. CAPITAL, $400,000.00 SURPMTS a HNnnnnvn ?bacitc iSmST ' Correspondence Solicited. I 1 E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SCU' Greenbrier Pres IV1111tary Scti LEWISBU Young Men Prepared for Any Universit Thorough instruction, Christian Infl New Buildings, steam heat, water on ev sickness in history of school. Up-to-dat tennis teams. Experienced Faculty; all degree men fro Enrollment increased from 23 to 81 in Faculty. Every room taken during pa and gymnasium are under construction. Central Missis FRENCH C A better school for young ladies can For catalogue, address, AGNES SCOTT CC DECATUR (near tup r.fti i enc THE AGNES SCOTT ACADEMY, 1 offers a four years' course leading to F ARKANSAS C< Thirty-eightn session opens Septeml work is the controlling aim. College bi iences. Students' Home to be enlarged catalogue. Central Mississippi Institu FRENCH CAMP, MISS. Opens September 15, 1909. One of the most beautiful schools the South. Offers unsurpassed adv tages. 1. College curriculum, classes small. 2. Conservatory advantages in mu art and expression. 3. Sleeping rooms open on a portico 4. Delicious water. 5. Lowest rates offered by any f class school. 6. Double daily hacks from the stat to the college. For catalogue, address, J. A. SANDERSON, Principa *2 ? rH. 31 byterial School 100I lor Boys RG, W. VA. y or Professional School. uence, Military Discipline, Home Life, ery floor, healthful location; 110 serious e athletics; gocd football, baseball and im best Universities. students in two years. Seven teachers at year. Additional barracks for 30 boys For catalogue, address H. B. MOORE, A. M.f Principal. ?~: : r? institute AMP, MISS. not be found anywhere at any price. J. A. SANDERSON, Principal. )LLEGE for Women Atlanta), GEORGIA. ijual to best colleges for men. under separate faculty and governmer*n reshman class. For catalogue, address F. H. GAINES, President. \ -eparation for leading colleges 111 [A I \ \ x>ls. Classical, Scientific and a\_fjh \\\\ . Classes small, giving: each ifrfef \ V I L ATTENTION. Ill lA' A J life and splendid military dis- H VV / in of Riverside is unsurpassed. II "A >n the Blue Ridge Escarpment, II I \A 1th a fleet of boats, a 1500-acre fl I 11 ndid athletic grounds. Buildings 1/ ' :e In the South, all modern con- SN vW :ks. For handsome catalog address MILITARY ACADEMY \ Gainesville, Ga. DI ? FHF BA'fsviile LFI-iLJC^VJE^9 ARKANSAS ber 21, 1909. To excel in substantial uildings supplied with modern convenand other equipment added. Send for EUGENE R. LONG, President. I f t I > ' ^ \ V. v&B V * i^H