The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, August 25, 1909, Page 25, Image 26

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August 25, 1909. TH Commonwealth "Bank 12 North Ninth Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. CAPITAL - $200,009.9# 14 Per Cent ON SAVING8. ROYALINE OIL for Aching Feet. ROYALINE OIL After Shaving. ROYALINE OIL for Sore Throat. ROYALINE OIL, no Grease, no Stain. ROYALINE OIL, the best Antiseptic. 10c, 25c, 50c. Druggists For COUGHS and C0LBS-.CROUP and all PAINS It Acts Instantaneously DIE!-BALM 25c A JAR 25c A JAR AT ALL DRUGGISTS OR BY MAIL L B. DIEZ. New Orleans, La. Geo. E. Egdorf Practical Painter and Decorator. 2231 Constance St. New Orleans. Phone Uptown 2396-L. Contractors' and Dealers' Exchange, Telephone Main 327. Estimates Cheerfully Qiven. | S.H.Hawes&Co. I Dealer in COAL Alee Lime, Plaster, Cement RICHMOND, VA. Bonds and Fine BankInvestments. lng Connections. Raymond M. Hudson ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Norfolk, Va. Practices in Supreme Court of the United States. And all Federal and 8tate Courts and Departments. C. J. Maemurde, Jr. B. R. Gregory. Macmurdo & Gregory GENERAL INSURANCE. Office No. t14 Henn?n Building. Phone Main 4411. New Orleans. La. Fire, Life, Aocident, Liability, Boiler, Plate Qlaae, Indemnity, Burglary, Tornado NEW OftLEANE, LA. [E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU! OUR ANNUAL COLLECTIONS. Month. Cause and Treasurer. January?Assembly's Home Mission Work. A. N. Sharp, Atlanta, Ga. February?Local Home Mission Work. PreBbyterial or Synodical Treas. March?Publication and S. S. Missions. R. E. Maglll, Richmond, Va. March?Synodical Collection for Schools and Colleges?Third Sabbath. Synodical or Presbyterial Treas. April?Education for the Ministry. John Stltes. Louisville, Ky. May?Foreign Missions. Dr. S. H. Chester, Nashville, Tenn. June?Local Home Missions. Presbyterial or Synodical Treas. July?Ministerial Relief. John Stites, Louisville, Ky. August?Local Home Missions. Presbyterial or Synodical Treas. September?Assembly's Home Mission Work. A. N. Sharp, Atlanta, Ga. a n?n??i? m? I wvpi?uia/c> nooouiui; o V^UllCVUUU JLU1 Schools and Colleges?Third Sabbath. W. L. Lingle (chairman), Atlanta. Ga. October?Foreign Missions. Dr. S. H. Chester, Nashville, Tenn. October?Bible Cause?Third Sabbath. Wm. Foulke, Treasurer, Bible House, New York. N. Y. October?Special Collections in Sunday Schools, for Support of Sunday School Missions?First Sabbath. R. B. Magill, Richmond, Va. November?Education for the Ministry. John Suites, Louisville, Ky. November?Endowment Fund for Ministerial Relief?Third Sabbath. John Stltes, Louisville, Ky. December?Work Among the Colored People. Dr. John Little, Tuscaloosa, Ala. December?Assembly's Home and School ?Last Sabbath. S. W. Somerville. Fredericksburg, Va. December?Indian Schools and Evangelization?Every Review Sabbath (in Saobath Schools and Y. P. Societies). A. N. Sharp. Atlanta. Oa. POLISHING A DIAMOND. The polishing of a diamond is a very low process, because of the great hardness of the material; besides this, the work must be frequently interrupted to allow the disk to cool out after it has become overheated by friction. Each time a new facet is to be cut the diamond must be removed from the dop aid reset at another angle, and the diamond cuuer iruaies to nis eye alone to guide him In this delicate adjustment, although m the case of very small diamonds a magnifying glass is necessary. The skill hown in placing the stone In the heated metal, sometimes with the bare hand, is surprising. The regular brilliant has fifty-six facets, besides the table and the collet; thirty-two above the girdle and twenty-four below; but as eight facets are flrat formed, both above and below, each of theae being recut into tbree or four smaller onea, there are considerably more than flfty-slx separate surfacos to i be cut.?June Century. t 4 J 'H. 25 CENTRAL BUREAU OF EDUCATION, Paris, Ky., Miss Kate Edgar, Proprietor and Manager. Prompt and reliable ir* formation given presidents of colleges On H Olinortn?on^on(? 1 1 _ -? ? ?? __t>?wuwuucui.s v?i scuuuis ui teachers suitable for their vacancies. Send for circulars. Belmont College Far YOUNG WOMEN. Nashville, Tea*. College anil Preparatory Courses. Music, Art, Expression, Modern Languages. Physical Culture ana Domestic Science. Matchless location. Register now. Catalogues on request. Addresn Box U. -4 IRA I.ANDRITR. D.I?.. LL ?.. President. Miss HOOU and Miss HERON. Principals. TULANE VNIVERSlTYor LOUISIANA SEW ORLEANS BDWLM B CUAIOUAB. XX. D . Ttwmdmmt. Tulanc University in nil itt iiepartmrni\ ? located in the City of New Orleans. the metropolis of the Sputh. Nine Detriment*, with twenty-three bwldinp.. Modern dorm none*, extensive laboratoricn. libraries, aod musrflm*. Full Course# ara offered in Language*. Sciend Engineering. Architecture, Art. Law. Med. lcine. Pharmacy, and Dentistry. Separate Departmrntfor Women. Expense* low Low dormitorv rates. Next se*?ion of all departments, exctyt N. O Polyclinic 'begins October i*t. iVrfnlinic o|an<f Noveiabri tsl. Send for catalogue Add re** R. K Bmu. Secretary. TEACHERS WANTED. We have on file hundreds of applications from all over the South, for competent teachers. Mew nnoo ?? vvuuu; IB every day. Write at once for particulars. The Southern Educational Bureau, Raleigh, N. CRoanoke college salem, va. For Men. bTtb year begins Sept. l?th. Courses for Degrees, with Klecltres; high standard. Alio Comnierctal and Preparatory Courses. Library, M{X? volumes: working laboratory; good morals and diaclpline;slx ( liurches; oo bar-rooms. Healthful mountain location. Very moderate eaaeaaea. Special term* to clergymen's sons ami candidates for ministry. Catalogue free. Address J. A. Sorehead. I'reoldeoC I^^lIeSl2eExMiUnin^oardSUdstla?SIi^g UNIVERSITY COLLEGE I OF MEDICINE rST leads all medical schools In Virginia, and Virginia H leads sll adjoining States?North, South, and West. HIGH CLASS SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, DEN TISTRY AND PHARMACY. Expenses Low. Students limited to M in each class. UAIIE Itl/^'TIVS am? IIWIYIL M&IIIUIL 1440 TO 1446 CAMP STREET, NEW ORLEAN8, LA. YOUNG LADIES' DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL. Twenthy-slxtli term. Latest methods la all departments. Term commences OCTOBER 1, 1908. Complete course. * perienccd teachers. Special Classes la Normal and Business Courses. For mtalocue. address MI8S S. B. WRIGHT, Principal. Henry N. Gastrock 3120-3122 Magazine St. NEW 0RLEAN8, LA. RELIABLE 8H0E8 FOR THE FAMILY. Agents, M. A. Packard A Co.'a 83.50 and 84.00 SHOES FOR MEN. Phone Up-town 2200 W.