The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, August 25, 1909, Page 27, Image 28

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August 25, 1909. TH Educational One of the schools mentioned in our advertising columns this week has some peculiar advantages. It is primarily a school for training in business life. But its location at San Antonio, Texas, gives to it a peculiar advantage. It aiso has each year the use of live navy cutters on which the students can be trained in seamanship. It has the presence of an of fleer of the U. S. army, by whom they are bound in military tactics and manoeuvers. It has opportunities for boating, Ashing and swimming, which develop health. * Its graduates are entitled to commissions in the army. See the advertisement of the Peacock school on another page. CHICORA COLLEGE. The work of adding a third story to Chicora College is nearing completion. In two more weeks all the finishing touches will have been marie anri college open for the reception of "fcmpils.? By the addition of this third story tne college will he very much improved not only in way of accommodation but in looks. There is not a handsomer college building in the state than Chicora; being three and four stories high, built of brick overlaid with stucco making a very handsome structure. A forty foot dome is over the center of the college. In this new addition are thirty new dormitory rooms, heated by steam and lighted by electricity with porcelain lavatories in each room; also an elegant art room with proper lighting, and a splendid expression room. In addition to these there will be several new piano rooms. The work at the college has not been confined to the third story but several Other imnnrtnnt /?Vinn?ro?, on-i ?? -- , ?? V v......bvo U1IU uupiuvo* mentB have teen made throughout the entire building. Every room has been |?feS3|J Hap The ORUNEV Doe Sweet Mellow Tone?4 A Ten Year Guarantee 9350.00 gets one. Terr 850 less if paid all cash. V L. GRUNEWAI NKW OKI E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU' completely overhauled and put In first class condition. All rooms are steam heated and lighted by electricity. Lavatories are also in all the old rooms but six. The many improvements have been uarnea on unaer tne direct supervision of Dr. S. C. Byrd, the efficient president, who has spent his entire summer on the grounds, watching every detail of the work. The outlook for the college is fine. There are now more applications for rooms, than at any ot^ier time in the history of the college, t"he number being 220. The college is going to be taxed to the limit in order to accommodate the patronage. Alabama Rr??-?-?< The large and handsome catalogue of this flourishing Institution is on our table. It is handsomely illustrated, exhibiting fully its fine equipment. Its faculty is large and representative. The attenu ance in the past has been fine; and reservations for next session are larger than last. MARY BALDWIN SEMINARY For Young L&dies STAUNTON, VA. Term begins September 9, 1909. Located in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Unsurpassed climate, beautiful grounds and modern appointments. 297 student? past session from 32 States. Terms moderate. Pupils enter any time. Send for catalogue. MISS E. C. WEIMAR, Principal, Stauntnn Vi Paeonian Spring's High School Paeonlan Springs, Virginia. Twenty boys are wanted for the Home of the Principal?under Presbyterian Influence. Stress laid on character. Fifty onlles from Washington, D. C.; in Blue Ridge Mountains. Write to principal for particulars. J. S. Simpson, Principal. ke Your ie a /"h tpy i jne fALD PIANO s It Pedals?Improved action. ; with Each Piano. as: $18 down and $6 monthly. r r . - vnie lor particulars. .D COMPANY LEANS, LA. V ? TH. 27 Converse College 1 SPARTANBURG. S. C. A College for Women. Conservatory of Music, School of Art. confers degrees of A.B.. A.M., A.Mas.. B.Mus. Laboratories, library. 56 piano ? rooms, auditoriom, art studios, chapel, gymnasium. Rooms single, doable and en suite. Boating and out-of-door sports Delightful winter clima'e. ROB T P PELL. Lit.D., President. 1 he Kentucky Presbyterian Theological seminary AT LOUISVILLE. KY. Is well equipped to train men for the ministry. Three '-ears' course of study, combining the scholarly and the practical, and leading to degree of B. D. Faculty of experience. Much attention to the Sunday School, Missions and Puulic Speaking. Expenses moderate. Advantages of the Seminary available for students for the ministry from any Evangelical denomination, and for ncnms |HC|nUILIUU 1UI lit?I IUI IT1S UI Christian service. Session begins October 5th. 1909. For catalogue, conditions of scholarships, or other information, write the chairman, Professer Charles R. Hemphill, Broadway and First St., Louisville, Ky. UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY RICHMOND. VA. A fully equipped seminary, with stven instructors, modern met he ds cf trachlng irda practical cxurse of study. Including, besides the usi'mi departments, ccurses in the English Bible. Sunday School Work. Evangelism end Missions. New tnd th-roughly spcointed buildings Spacious camrus and athletic grounds. Ninety-eighth annual session begins September 15th, 1909. For catalogue or other ir.fcrmatton. apoty to W. W. MOORE. President. FASSIFERN LINCOLNTON, N. C. A PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Situated in the healthy Piedmont section. This school offers unusual advantages in the way of care for the health of young girls, and in its special object f rwl t tr I /Si. o 1 ?< Certificate accepted by Converse, Randolph-Macon, and leading North Carolina colleges. MISS KATE C. SHIPP, Principal. (Diploma Cambridge University, Eng.) Roanoke College DANVILLE, VA. Fifty-first annual session begins on Wednesday, Sept. 8. Able faculty, splendid advantages, comfortable building, good health. ? Elegant new building on a most desirable site will be occupied at an eany day. For catalogue or other information, address. JNO. B. BREWER, Pres. Stephenson Seminary TOR GIRLS Established in 1882 by Rev. C. N. Campbell, D. D. Faculty and equipments up to date, umber of boarders limited to 25. For catalogue apply to MRS. C. N. CAMPBELL,'Principal, or to REV. A. C. HOPKINS, D. D., President. Of Board of Trustees. Chartsstown, W. Va.