The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, August 25, 1909, Page 28, Image 29

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28 TH THE LEES McRAE INSTITUTE. (Co-Educational Department.) To the surprise and delight of many of the friends of the Lees McRae Institute, Mr. JL L. Mast, of Mast, Watauga County, N .C., has made it possible for us to open at an early date a Co-Educational Department of this school. Mr. Mast is one of the most successful merchants in Watauga County and presidetit of the Watauga Bank. He is a 9 * consistent member of a sister denomination, but liberal and broad minded in church matters. For several years he has been interested in building a high grade Christian school near his home. The first step was to buy from us for $325 a building and lot that we had been using for a school and church. To this building he added nearly one thousand dollars worth of improvements, which resulted in one of the nicest school buildings in the county. He then offered this DrODertV to the Mpthnrfiat Ctmrnti - school. This church, while deeply impressed with the needs and possibilities of the school, declined to accept it because it is on the extreme edge of the Conference district. Mr. Mast then proposed to give this property, with all the improvements, back to us free of charge and also an option on several acre3 of valuable land, and a five years lease on a ten-room dwelling, for a nominal sura, all of which amounts to a gift of about $1,500. With this splendid offer before us and knowing something of the needs of such a school in this part of the county, we laid the worn before Rev. T. E. P. Woods of Plum Tree, N. who, after careful consideration, has decided to accept it and open up the school in the early fall. Mr. Woods has had much successful experience, both as a teacher and as a preacher, two years of which have been in connection with the Boys' Department of the Lees McRae Institute at Plum Tree. So that we have every reason to believe that he will prove the "right man in the right place." My object in writing these few facts is to let our friends know how auspiciously this Department of our school is opening up and to make an earnest appeal in its behalf for contributions. A few hundred> dollars, or its equivalent in furniture and household goods will be needed flf nn Pn t r* /li rn J a V* ?111 1? ? - ww ?u> moil CUC UV/UOC lliCll W ill UiJ used as a Boys' Dormitory. In view of the magnificent gift on the part of Mr. Mast and the self-sacrificing spirit on the part of Mr. Woods in undertaking this work, and the needs for such an Institution, I hope that many who read these lines will lend a helping hand to this new department of our school. For further particulars write Mr. Woods at Mast, X. C. Edgar Tufts. \AJ A UTrn PHYSICIAN.?Fine location for doctor with family girls to educate college town. Texas. Exceptional inducements. Addre?s "Texas", this office. r r E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE S< Nationa RICH (Formerly 1 CAPITAL. tSOO.MO I J. L. Antrim, John S.'Ellett, Wm Edward C. Ms yo, A. R. EUersor I John S. Ellett, President Wm. M. Intersil Allowed on SiTiofi Depoiiti. The Now High-Class Diamonds and other and Wedding Rings, Silver Novelties, latest Patterns. Fine Imported and ettes. Goods sent on approval upon 921 East Main Street. IVMI* W* I wiiuam wan JEWELEI Sterling Silver and Solid Gold Mail inquiries and orders promptly TO REPAIR DEPARTMENTS. 142 Inco FIRE SUN INS! OF NE Cfaas. . Wlillani T. Mans, Secretary Electric Ll( Ton simply press the button and NeW Orleans Railway A Llg FIRE INS LIABILITY STEAM BOILER QODCH ACCIDENT 626-63C W. M. BYRNES, Pre?. JOHN T. Capital Asaata HIBERNIA ] No. 300 Camp Street LOSSES Buy Your Fi ' There are many reaaona largest la the South. We bi lower freight rates, aad th< When you come to our sto from. Tou can get Just wh Therefore, when you ri headquarters. We will be write for prices. Sydnor & "Furniture for the Home Beau % DUTH. Auj I State Ban MONB, VIRGINIA. he State Bank of Virginia) SURPLUS. *30 DIRECTORS . M. Hill, James D. Crump. Jt ?. Horace S. Hawee. Granville < OFFICERS Hill. Cashier Julien H. Hill. Ass We invite you to do lan Com Precious Stones. New deslgi and Cases of Silver for Bridi American Watches. Opera G satisfactory city reference. RIC tz 6 Co. ; FtS and OPTICIANS. Goodrf. Appointed Railroad attended to. SPECIAL ATTI CARONDELET ST-, NEW OF rporated 1855 RIVER iW ODITANQ r&nvler, President. Fergus Q. Lee, Vicejht and Po1 pay only for what you use. 1 ht Co. 317 Baror NEW IURANCE Phono 1665 PI IAUX A MIOTON, Ltd. 81 ) COMMON STREET Bl , GIBBONS. Vice-Pres. P. 9200,000.00 9482,445.54 INSURANC1 New O I PAID PROMPTLY. urniture Fro i why you should. Our stock uy In carload lots and get lowe s goods reach us In perfect cc re 70a met? big assortment! t at you want. sit Richmond, make our stoi glad to see you. If. you canno TTnnHlAir Tnn tUnl"- 7M-U-13 E. Broad, gust 25, 1909. k 0.000 >8. M. Fourqurean j. Valentine istant Caehier business with us pany is in Engagement al Presents of the rlasses and Lorgn ;hmond, va3ranch Store: i S. Rampart Si ?Opposite? Jnion Station. Watch Inspectors. ENTION CALLED ILEANS, LA. MARINE CO. President. wep Expert advice tree. IMA fttreef ' ORLEANS, LA. -ATE GLASS JRETY BONDS JRGLARY B. BURKB, Sec*) L CO. Orleans, La. I m Ua t is the r prices, indltlon. o select re your it come, I Richmond, Va.