The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, August 25, 1909, Page 34, Image 35

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M THE WANTS Reader* of The Presbyterian of the South may use these columns for publishing their wants or wares. The charge will be 2 cents for each word, cash to accompany orders. WANTED?By a young lady of several years successful experience, a position in family, or school. Music, Englisu, French, Mathematics. Address, Miss Sites, Ft. Defiance, Va. WANTED?We want an agent in each of our churches to canvass the congregations for new subscribers to the Presbyterian of the South. For terms address the Presbyterian of the South, 104 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. WANTED?Settled Christian woman to take charge of private home and let family board with her, good place for the right party; Louisiana town 3,000. References PXrhnnert?r1 ArtHrooo T ililo _ ? c vou u biiia papci . Young lady wishes position to teach in private family or school; Latin French, Englisn, Mathematics and Music. References exchanged. Address Miss M., Fort Defiance, Va. , A refined lady who has had much experience in the management of children and an experienced housekeeper, would like a position as managing housekeeper for widower. Can assist children with lessons and look after their sewing. References exchanged. Address B. A., 1609 Hall street, Birmingham, Ala. I AM NOW. PREPARED TO DO YOUR SEASON'S SHOPPING. Whether you want STREET SUIT, EVENING or RECEPTION GOWNS, or WEDDING TROUSSEAUX, get my sam pies ana estimates before you decide with whom you will places your order. With my knowledge of correct styles, combine* with taste and good judgment, And the personal interest I take iu every order, 1 am sure I can please you. I guarantee perfect fit and satisfaction. MRS. CHARLES EV.LI80N, Louisville, Ky. Chesapeake and Olio Railway SCENIC ROUTE OF THE EAST. FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS. With Dining Cars and Pullman Sleepers Between New York, Washington, Norfolk and Richmond, and Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, and 8t. LOUit. Direct connections to and from all points Wesi. Three Fast Trains between Richmond and Norfolk. JOHN J. POTTS. W. O. vVARTHEN, . Ge;.. Pas. Agent. Dist. Pas. Agent. Richmond. Va. DROPSY CURED with vegetable remedies; ^vr * removes all symptoms of diopsy in 8 to 30 days: 80 to 60 days effects permanent cure Trial treatment furnished free to every sufferer; nothing fairer. For circu'a's and free trial tieat BELLS. gtoai Alloy Church hud School BeiU. nrsond tor OthioKue. TU* C. 8. BKLL CO., HITUb*r* , o r r PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTH. Vanderbilt University partment of Vanderbilt University, insures a higl eational institution. Its faculty is the equal of i of the very best. The school furnishes a hluli si mosphcrc. For information, address J. P. GRAY, M.D.. 1 MAKES ME1 ERSKINE COLLET T1NIVER3ITY trained men on faculty. Courses embra History and Philosophy. Modern building. Young ir Literary societies and athletic organizations. For illustrate James Stro PRFQRVTFRI AT m A V JL. M. A -V M. A 1 BLACKSHEAR, GEORGIA A safe school for your son or daughter, si of Southern Georgia, and offering full ucademl emphasized. Conservative methods and tborou especial attention to backward students. Teach discipline. Unusual advantages at cost. Addrei Alabama Synodical TALLADEGA, , A Thorough, High -Grade, Classical Institution Art and Elocution. Delightful Climate. Bscellen Teachers. MOTTO?"THOROUt For Catalogue and other information, address REV. DANIEL BAKE B R O W N W O O I (1500 feet above tl THE PRESBYTERIAN CO-EDUCA The Synod of Texas now offers, in Daniel Baker Cotle Courses leading to the B. A., B. 8., and B.Lit. degrees are < well trained Christain College men and one woman constit Departments. The Special Departments of Piano. Voice Culture, Vi< Art are in rharge of Christian artists of ability and exs Visiting Director of Music and Teacher of Interpretati 1 resident and his wife, and to this home parents are invi and basement brick and stone dormitory for girls in procest Climate unexcelled in Texas. Altitude (1500 > is ideal located on highest point in centre of moat beautiful resident and no saloons. Meet Session opens September 23, 1909. For catalogue an T. P. JU Just a little economy now atic saving will place you In i mBM Did you ever realize this? By systematic saving you Ingly grows and In a short where money troubles worry tnena in yum iiibi uciwbi orastlnate longer. Write us at once about MAIL.; a safe and sure way PLANTERS NATION! August 25, 1909. r Department of Dentistry THIS S C H O O I. HEINU A D K1 standard school; run purely as an edumy in the country, and the equipment Is tandard dental education, in a college atD.U.S., Sec., Nashville, Tcnn. I L T Founded in 1849 U WESTMINSTER M COLLEGE ? A. 5. FULTON. MISSOURI HIT established 1837 jl due west, s. c. ce English Literature. Languages, Mathematics, len's and young women's Christian associations, d catalog address of Moffatt, D.D., President, Due West. S. C. t INSTITUTE FOUNDED 1901 Ituated in the healthful long leaf plue region ic and music courses. The Christian life gh work. Individual attention to all and ers live with students. Boys under Military ss for catalogue, CLEMENT A. SYDNOR, Principal. College,FOR wo ALABAMA i for Young Ladles, Literary Courses, Music, t Location. Full Corps of Experience*) 3HNES8." the President, T. PEYTON WALTON, Talladega, Ala. :r college D, TEX AS ie sea level) TIONAL COLLEGE of TEXAS ge, equal opportunities for girls and boys. The ?qual to those of any College in the South. Six ute the Literary Faculty. Fifteen teachers in all ?lin. Guitar. Mandolin. Oratory. Expression and erience. WILLIAM H. SHERWOOD. CHICAGO, ion. The Girls' Dormitory is the home of the ted to send their daughters. A new three etory i of erection. I. Ma'aria practically unknown. College buildings section of a city of 12,000, with many churches d full information, write INKIN, President. Brown wood, Texas. CANTERS NAMBANK F SAVINGS DEPARTMENT! RICHMOND, VAfl the Fruits of Life Later r and then, Just a little systeman Independent position for life. r account steadily and unknowtime you've reached the stage you little. t TODAY. "Act! Do not proour method of BANKING BY IU UUIOIII WCttll II, ? \L BANK, Richmond. V?. urplua and Profit* 11,160,000.00. m ..