The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, September 01, 1909, Page 17, Image 17

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September i, 1909. TH] summer is always crowded with people: Mr. WillianiB has frequently held services there. It is hoped that great and permanent good will come from the present meeting. MISSISSIPPI. Bywy Church has enloved a flna moot. ing, conducted by Rev. Messrs. R. W. Mecklin and D. L. Barr. Twenty-two members, were added to the church on profession of faith, all of them young people between fifteen and twenty-five. Osborn: The new Presbyterian Church at Osborn, a credit to the congregation and community, was dedicated on August 22, Rev. H. M. Sydenstricker preaching the dedication sermon. Five members ? were received into the church on this happy occasion. The congregation is one of the oldest in Mississippi, but has, through removals and deaths, been much depleted until of late, when it has taken on new life. It is located seven miles from West Point. Fayette: Rev. Dr. H. A. Jones, Synodical evangelist, is now holding a meeting in Fayette. This is the third time that he has conducted a series of services here. At the close of these services Dr. Jones will complete his work as Synodical evangelist. On September 1 he will enter upon the pastorate at Gulfport, Miss. Camden: Rev. J. C. King, who was recently ordained by the Presbytery of Central Mississippi was installed pastor of Camden, Concord and Forest Grove Churches, August 7 and 8. He has held a communion service at Concord, where there were five additions on profession and eight infants were baptized. A j. i.1 " me communion season In Forest Grove Church, there were four additions on profession and eight infants baptized. At Camden, there have been five additions by profession of faith. The communion will be observed the first Sabbath in September, when several will be received by letter. When Mr. King moved to Camden from French Camp, where he had been in school, the people of Camden filled the pantry and kitchen with good things to eat. The Camden people are now building a seven room manse on a good lot that adjoins the church. The Lord has early DUt the Seal of his nnnrnvnl iiru-in the ministry of his young servant. C. T. T. MISSOURI. St. Charles: Rev. J. E. Flow, after a pleasant vacation, has returned to his work much refreshed. Memorial Chruch, Napton: On Sunday evening, July 11, Rev. John E. Abbott preached at this church and baptized three infants and conducted an ordination service. Dr. George Smith and Mr Ambrose Stewart were 9-dalned to the ' eldership. Dr. Smith had up until this time served in the office of deacon. Mr. J. H. Hollywood was ordained as a deacon. This church is at present without a pastor but is going vigorously on with the Master's business and equipping itself for efficient service.?C. O. E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU NORTH CAROLINA. Asheville: The pastor. Dr. Campbell, Is spending a few weeks at Banner's Elk. For two Sundays his pulpit in the First Church was supplied by Rev. L. R. Walker, of the West End Church, Atlanta, and on last Sunday Rev. Dr. George Summey, of New Orleans, who went from this church into the ministry, filled the pulpit. Many of the friends of Dr. Summey, Hum an me cnurcnes of the city, were out to welcome him. Davidson: The Presbyterian congregation was privileged to hear last Sabbath morning Rev. Dr. A. A. McGeachy, who filled the pulpit in the absence of Rev. Dr. Richards, and who preached a sermon of unusual beauty and finish, and as striking in thought as it was attractive in manner of delivery. President Smith is to make an address at Montreat Sunday, having as his theme the relation of the Church College to the Supply of Ministerial Candidates. Centre: The H. G. Hill Memorial Fund that Fayetteville Presbytery is raising for Union Seminary, was presented to this church one Sabbath afternoon in May by Rev. R. W. Jopling. Subscriptions were begun Ih the church and completed later by one of the officers of the church. The result was $825 with prospect of at least $50 SOUTH CAROLINA. Aimwell Church, at Ridgeway Station, has just enjoyed a fine meeting, in which the pastor, Rev. P. H. Moore, was aided by Rev. A. E. Spencer. Sixteen members were received on profession of their faitli in Christ. Charleston: Rev. W. A. Nisbet, D.D., of Savannah, is supplying the Second and Westminster Churches, Charleston, in united congregations, through two months. Dr. Frazier is away North on his vacation. Dr. Sprunt, of the First Church, is at Flat Rock and Montreat on vor?n .uvouuu. i ne Westminster is still pastorless. A Conference of Elders and Deacons will be held at Effingham, S. C.( in connection with the fall meeting of Pee Dee Presbytery, on Sept. 23, at 11 a. m. A. H. McArn, S. C. TENNESSEE. Jackson: The Presbyterian Church, Jackson, has been vacant since the death of Dr. McDonald, February 27, last. At a congregational meeting a few weeks oiiivu a unanimous call was tendered Rev. Albert S. Johnson, of Texas. He has accepted the call and is expected by October 1, 1909. R. H. C. Trenton: The congregation of the Presbyterian Church at this place reluctantly concurred with the pastor, Rev. R. L. Benn, In asking Presbytery to dissolve the pastoral relations in order that he might accept a call to Port Gibson, Miss. Mr. Benn has been pastor of the church here for about six years, and the church has thrived under his ministry, the mem uersnip nas increased and the members are better men and women; also a splendid system of lights has been put in the * * TH. 17 church building, a handsome pipe organ installed, and substantial repairs have been made on the church and the manse. He has been a missionary educator as well as a preacher. He is an untiring worker and a faithful minister of the gospel. He is a good citizen as well af a good nreachor or>a '??J * _ , , ?..u 19 imea uy au denominations. The prayers and good wishes of the people of Trenton follow him Into his new field of labor. C. TEXA8. Corsicana: At a congregational meeting of the First Presbyterian Church of Corsicana, on August 15, 1909, Rev. H. S. Springall, of Corpus Christl, Texas, was unanimously called as pastor. Greenville: Rev. Albert Sidney Johnson has tendered his resignation as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Greenville, Texas, effective in September. Mr. Johnson has accepted a call to the nrsi fresbyterian Church of Jackson, Tenn. Forth Worth: Rev. R. L. Cowan, assistant pastor of the Broadway Church, has accepted the call of the Frankfort Church Kentucky, and the Presbytery was due to meet on Aug. 31, to dismiss him to the Presbytery of Louisville. Gainesville: The Sunday School under the efficient leadership of Superintendent J. P. Critz has been holding up well during the summer season. Recently four * pupils, one boy and three girls have recited the Shorter Catechism. Marshall First: The session has given the pa3tor the month of September for V.<~ mo vacation. He will spend part of the time with his family at Hot Springs, Ark., and will supply the First Church, Little Rock, at least until the arrival of their new. pastor. Visiting brethren will supply the pulpit here a part of the month. Notwithstanding the heat our work has gone on, with good congregations and lively prayer meetings. Waco: The pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Rev. Charles T. Caldwell, D.D., is spending his yacation during August at New York City, Philadelphia and Winchester, Va. He expects to return in time to occupy his Dulnit. on !??? _ m v.?V UlOb Sabbath in September. Presbytery of Brownwood: I hereby call the Presbytery of Brownwood to meet at the First Presbyterian Church, Brownwood, Texas, at 7:30 p. m., September 3, 1909, to transact the following items of business, If the way be clear: 1. To dissolve the pastoral relation between Rev. J. W. Siler, D.D., and the First Presbyterian church, San Antonio, Tex. 2. To dismiss Rev. J. W. Siler to the Presbytery of Holston Synod of Tennessee. C. L. Ewing, Mod'r. Hedley: In a ten days' meeting at this place. Rev. F T Phori?? . ivuu, ui run worm, Texas, the organizer of this church, assisted the supply pastor, R. L. Jetton, of Austin Seminary, for the first three days and dedicated the building on Sunday, August 15. Rev. Gaines B. Hall, pastor of the Childress Church, came Monday and did the preaching during the re(Continued on Page -20.)