The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, September 01, 1909, Page 30, Image 30

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30 TF CHILDREN'S ILLS. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "Baby Ease." (Cost 25c.) Give to the child as directed on bottle. "Baby Ease" is advised for diarrhoea, convulsions, colic, constipation, sour stomach. "Baby Ease" makes teething easv. Dromntes ehoorfni. ness and produces natural sleep. "Baby Ease" makes a mild laxative for school children. It is a pleasant, harmless and effective substitute for calomel or castor oil. Next time you need a remedy for children's ills, try "Baby Ease." Formula printed on the bottle. Circular free. Baby Ease Company, Atlanta, Ga. W. T. Hardle Wm. F. Hardie Robt. T. Hardle Eben Hardie Wm. T. Hardie & Co. COTTON FACT0R8 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 933 Gravier Street, cor. nrvoHw, NEW ORLEANS, LA.' J I ^ ; | R. L. Christian Sr Co. \: j ; 808 E. Main 8treet, J! RICHMOND, - VIRGINIA,;; I! FANCY GROCERIES jj ; | Agents <or !| HUYLER'S CANDIES;! Mail or Bring Us 1/ r? Your havings We pay Interest on Deposits of $1.00 and upwards. Whitney-Central Trust & Savings Ranlr 616-618 Common St. NEW ORLEANS, LA. F. Johnson 6 Son Company LIMITED. UNDERTAKERS AND FURNISHERS OF FINE FUNERAL. FURNITURE. Washincton Ave. and Prvtania ? - Livery Department: Phone Jackson, 697. Undertaking Dept.: Phone Jackson, 21. NEW ORLEAN8, LA. r r [E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SO Marriages Bridges-Gingles.?At the manse of the Presbyterian Church, Mt Pleasant, Tex., August 15, 1909, by Rev. J. O. Vnmor Mr. T. J. Bridges and Miss Pearl Gingles, both of Bridges' Chapel. Cook-Gallant.?In Ariel, Miss., July 28, 1909, by Rev. W. F. Creson, Mr. J. B. Cook and Miss Mary Gallant, daughter of Mr. L. M. Gallant, of Ariel, Miss. Cummings-Maupin.?At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Maupin, Prairie Grove, Arkansas, August 18, 1909, by Rev. J. E. Wylie, Mr. H. D. Cummings and Miss Mary Rebacca Maupin. Martin-Draper.?On Thursday, August 19, at the manse in Winfleld, W. Virginia, by the Rev. Jno. K. Hitner, Mr. Earl Russell Martin and Miss Virgie Dene Draper, both of Hurricane, Putman county, West Virginia. Lewis-McKmeely.?At Bogalusa, by Rev. Edmond La Vergne, on August 20, 1909, Mr. Chas. B. Lewis to Miss Nettie McKmeely, of Bogalusa. Morris-Brian.?In Alexandria, La., August 14, 1909, by Rev. B. L. Price, Mr. Frank B. Morris, of Louisville, Ky., and Miss Clemmie Brian, daughter of Dr. F. N. Brian, of Alexandria. Moses-Tipton.?In Knoxvtlle, Tenn., at the bride's home, August 19, 1909, by Rev. James Park, D.D., Mr. Edward Pearson Moses and Mrs. Lucie Alexander Tipton. ' ~ : ' Deaths Faubion.?At her residence in Leander, Texas, August 2, 1909, Mrs. Marinda Black Faubion, widow of William Faubion. She united with the church at fifteen years of age, and for over fifty years lived a consecrated Christian life in the Presbyterian Church. She was the devoted mother of ten children. M. C. H. Hood.?Died, at her home at Green Hfll, Texas, August 7, 1909, at the age of fifty-four years, Mrs. Anna D. Hood. She was laid to re3t at Green Hill Church, of which she was for many years a most devoted member, and of which her father was the founder. Gildersleeve.?At Abingdon, Virginia, on Saturday, July 24, 1909, at three o'clock, p. m., after a short illness, Mrs. Mary Gibson Gildersleeve, wife of Benjamin Gildersleeve, Sr., in the seventieth year of her age. Knutti.?July 31, 1909, at Morganton, West Virginia, after a short illness of typhoid fever, In the thirty-eighth year of his age. Prof. John G. Knutti, A.M., a native of Switzerland, principal of Shepherd College State Normal School, and a UTH. September i, 1909. member of the Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church. He leaves a wife and two children. His "sun is gone down while it is yet day." Mrs. Georgia Ann Ransom died August 22, 1909, at Newnan, Ga. Verily, a mother in Israel has been called up hogher. She was a faithful and devout follower of Jesus, having united with the Presbyterian Church at Newnan in 1850. MRS. SARAH F. ROBERTS. Sarah Frances White, daughter of Robert Luther and Jean Stephenson Frierson, wife of Benjamin Franklin Roberts, mother of Leon F. Roberts, of Pawhuska, Oklahoma; B. F.. Jr.. of Arcadia T-rmia iana; Horace, of Sharpsburg, Kentucky; Ewing, of Nashville; Chas., Jennie and Grace, of Franklin, Tennessee; born August 23, 1847, died August 2, 1909, aged 62 years less 21 days. President McKinley, having taken the oath, turned about first of all to kiss his mother. This act, a tribute to a mother's love, vibrated a common cord, and the hearts of all the people responded. Her love had been from the cradle "a pillar of fire by night and a .cloud by day"?an efficient tonic, a safe stimulant. Her complacent smile, her joyous tears on this proud day of her son's inaugural, were they not symbolic of a prouder day in a brighter world? This smile, these tears, do they not paint "the bow of promise" that spans life's young pathway? Do they not interweave an arch bright with heaven's colors against earth's clouds big with the thunderbolts of opposition, discouragements and temDtations? The mother's love can not die. It lives here, It lives there, it is immortal. Her example, her precepts and her prayers are character builders. Noble sons and virtuous daughters are the fruits of her patient and persistent toil. When toil is ended and tears are wiped away and mother a sweet memory, then the influence of her devoted life is magnetized by God's Spirit and becomes one of the "drawings of the father." Absence so sad,'so crushing, is not essentially loss. "Eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard, nor hath it entered the heart of man to conceive what the Lord hath in store for those that love Him." What gain to her? Love so potent in the home here will surely receive augmented power there. Heaven is so near we reach there in the twinkling of an eye, so accessible only the upward glance; so benignant, ask what you will. These are the facilities. Hence, what limit can be placed on the Allwise and All Powerful? They in heaven certainly do the will of the Father. It's my Father's will that all shall come unto Him. All honor to the mother's love. Noble characters are the best . monuments of a mother's love her children- can rear. Men digging In * A vug i units ui mi ancient city uneartnea a stone. Chiseled on It were these words: "To the memory of a good woman." And in the world amongst strangers let your lives speak these words, no more, no less. W. W. 8. .