The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, September 01, 1909, Page 32, Image 32

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32 TI A prisoner was arraigned before the criminal court. Present in court room were Lawyers Smith, Brown, and Greer. "Where is your lawyer"? inquired the judge. "I have none," responded the prisoner, "Haven't any money." "Do you want a lawyer"? asked the judge. "Yes, your Honor." 'There is Mr. Smith, Mr. Brown and Mr. Greer," said the judge, pointing to the young attor neys awaiting briefless and breathless for something to turn up, ''and Mr. Alexander is out in the corridor." The prisoner eyed the budding attorneys in the court room, and after a critical survey, stroked his chin and said: "Well, I guess I will take Mr. Alexander."?St. Paul Pioneer Press. WANTS Readers of Hie Presbyterian of the Sooth may use these columns for publishing their wants or wares. The charge will be 2 cents for each word, cash to accompany orders. WANTED?By a refined middle-aged woman position as companion or housekeeper for elderly person. Address W. A., 216 E. Tenth street, Anniston, Ala. WANTED?Bv a ladv: a nosition to teach English Branches, Latin and Music Address Miss Hope, Bumpass, Va. Young lady wishes position to teach in private family or school; Latin French, Engllsn, Mathematics and Music. References exchanged. Address Miss M., Fort Defiance, Va. WANTED?A few girls, by Christian Home School, Presbyterian. Teacher's ability and experience well known. Courses, English, Mathematics, Latin, French, Music, $225. References. Prospect Hill Home School, Holladay, Va. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO YOUR SEASON'S SHOPPING. Whether you want STREET SUIT, EVENING or RECEPTION GOWNS, or WEDDING TROUSSEAUX, get my samples and estimates before you deckle with whom you will plac?s your order. With my knowledge of correct styles, combine* with taste and good judgment, and the personal interest I take iu every order, 1 am sure I can please you. I guarantee nerfect fit and Rntinfartirm MRS. CHARLES EvJU80N, Louisville, Ky. Chesapeake and OMo Railway SCENIC ROUTE OP THE EAST. FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS. With Dining Cars and Pullman Sleepers Between New York, Washingtrn, Norfolk and Richmond, an/9 ouu Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, and 8t. Louis. Direct connections to and from all points Weaf. Three Fast Trains between Richmond and Norfolk. JOHN J. POTTS. W. O. EARTHEN. Qet. Pas. Agent. DfsL Pas. Agent Riphmnnd V a BELLS. * ? AHoy Chore* ?a<t School u?iu. arHmHrot Owilom The c. 8. BKI.I. CO.. HITUb*r* , o r IE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SC r .?~ > < . i . Senior Hall Main 1 Texas Presbyteriar THE GREAT PRESBYTERIAN opienaia Duuaings, elegantly furnished, h room, obviating all danger of Are. The bea basket-ball, tennis, outdoor games. No serlou courses of study, College and Seminary, lea* Voice Culture, Violin, Organ, Guitar, Expre work, China Klin, Art Rooms with sky-llgl Visiting Director of Music and Teacher of Ii six music pupils last year. COLLEGE OP1 For Catalogue Illustrated by photographs, President, Mllford, Texas. THE ONLY SCHOOL In 1 Lby the war pi I The Peacock Milii San Antonio. Our purpose is to de velop successful I zens. rather than sold iers and sailor Prepare for West Pol nt and Annapol I to commissions in the U. S. Army. T1 infantry cavalry and s eamanshlp. Artl I cutters loaned by the Navy Departmen B ed exclusively by the college. Boating I cadets. Strict supervision day and nig B charge of teachers or officers. Teachei I bacco in all forms. Hazing prohibited. Wesley Peacock, Ph. B., Univ. Col. Geo. LeRoy Brown, U. S. Capt. H. la P. Applewhite, U. Sergt. S. Kllngensmlth, U. S. The Peaooek Naval School trained Instructors. Takes c U nsurpassed health recor "j' l Large gym nasi um. Pnrk-1 ball, write tor our cataloi 'HENRY JEROME STt Silliman Colic An endowed school for girls, under 1 hill country. Handsome, roomy buildings, Steam beat. All necessary equipment. Thr Elocution, Physical Culture, Stenography a ENDOWMENT MAKES PRICES LOV THE SOUTH. Let us explain this to you. Addeesg the President, REV. II. H. 1 Washington and LAW. ENGINEERING, COMI Students drawn frsm thirty States, leliglous tone. Address Pres. G F. Salmen, President. J. A. Salmen, VI Salmen Brick 6 Lumber Co., Ltd New Orleans Office?716"Common Yellow Pine and Cypress Lumber, Press )UTH. September i, 1909. _?T?__ ???j Juilding Dickson Hall i, College For Girls SCHOOL OK THE SOUTHWEST, eatcd by steam from outside metal furnace utlful acetylene gas light. Large gymnasium, 8 Illness in the history of the school. Two ding to degrees. Special departments: Piano, sslon. All branches of Art, Artistic Needlelit. WILLIAM H. SHERWOOD, CHICAGO, nterpretation Classes. One hundred and thirtySNS SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1900. write REV. HENRY C. EVANS, A. M? D. D., business men and good citl- H* jmSjEmjl a. University preparation. jiffiyQII is. Our graduates entitled I l?BI hree branches of the service, \ tSjrfiB illery applied for. Five navy \ /l?|V ] it. West End Lake control!- EC K|?nl , fishing, swimming free to V ; l\ QflV'M ht. cadets visit the city in \\ AUIH -s and cadets free from to- ? atlM of Georgia President. U- \\ If H A., Superintendent. fl NS9W S. A., Commandant. . I U || Conducted In Vacation. I j /II chool. Preparatory and Collegiate courses. Art. lture. Pedagogy, Business, etc. Conservatory of atalned by large stall'ot exnerlenred. college. inly ninety bonrdersand tenches the Individual, d. Brick buildings. Steam heat. Excellent table. Ike campus Concerts, lectures, tennis, bnsketZ before selecting the college for your daughter. 3CKARD, A. M.. Prao.. Raleigh. N. C. igiate Institute ^resbyterlan control. Healthful location In the beautiful, well-shaded grounds. Electric lights, ee courses leading to degrees. Music, Art, nd Typewriting. YER THAN ANY OTHER GOOD SCHOOL IN BROWNI.EE. Clinton, Louisiana. I Lee University VIERCE, SCIENCE, LETTERS. Expenses* very moderate. Fl*h moral and EO. H. DENNY. LL.D.. Lexlnaton. Vs. ce-Presldent. J. Salmen, Sec'y and Treaa. I SAW and PLANING MILLS. BRICK ' WORKS and MAIN OrriCC: SL1DCLL, LA. Street. St. Charles Hotel Building, ed and Ordinary Brick. Phone Main 211.