The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, September 08, 1909, Page 23, Image 23

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September 8, 1909. T Commonwealth Bank 12 North Ninth 8treet, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. CAPITAL - - $209,990.00 4 Per Cent ON 8AVING8. I ROYALINE OIL for Aching Feet. ROYALINE OIL After Shaving. ROYALINE OIL for Sere Throat. ROYALINE OIL, no Grease, no Stain. ROYALINE OIL, the best Antiseptic. 10c, 25c, 50c. Druggists Far COUGHS and COLDS-.CROUP and all PR INS It Acts Instaataneausly Dill BALM 25c A JAR 25c A JAR AT All DRUGGISTS OR BY MAIL L B. DIEZ. New Orleans, La. Geo. E. Egdorf Practical Painter and Decorator. .231 Constance St. New Orleans. Phone Uptown 2396-L. Contractors' and Dealers' Exchange, Telephone Main 327. Estimates Cheerfully Given. IS.H.Hawes&Co.j Dealer In rnzki . Also Lime, Plaster, Cement RICHMOND, VA. Bonds and Fine BankInvestments. Ing Connections. Raymond M. Hudson ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Norfolk, Va. Practices in Supreme Court of the United States. And all Federal and State Courts and Departments. CITY BANK of RICHMOND, VA. Wm. H. Palmer, E. B. Addison, President. V-Preeldent. J. W. Sinton, Cashier. CAPITAL, $400,000.00 SURPLUS 6 UNDIVIDED PROFITS, $175,000.00 Correspondence Solicited. ? HE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SO Temperance NEW TEMPERANCE BOOKS. The International Reform Bureau, of Washington, D. C., whose fundamental doctrine is, "The supreme reform is to iiiisi uie cnurcnes in retorm," has just issued new editions of two books intended to provide temperance ammunition for* regular church work in the missionary and Sunday-school branches of the churches respectively. The first, "Intoxicating Drinks and Drugs in All Lands and Times," discusses intoxicants of all kinds comprehensively, esecially liquors and opium, with chief emphasis on their' relation to foreign missions, national and local missionary societies and brotherhoods, in condensed form, such information as will enable them to co-operate in removing these obstacles It is a good and increasing custom to have a "temperance secretary in missionary societies to keep watch of this aspect of missions. The other, "The World Book of Temperance" aims to gtve Sunday-school teachers, with quarterly temperance lessons for six years, a complete "Temperance Commentary in Brief," a short "Chronology" of the temperance movement, and especially a full though brief statement of the wonderful recent experiments showing the harrnfulness of even an occasional glass of beer or wine, which afford most interesting and convincing arguments for total abstinence. There is also an impressive collection of "What Eminent Men Say of intoxicants," which inclnH/xe 1 ?-? ?i- u -1?14 ? LCOllIllUU)r 111 UfUHlI OI total abstinence and no license of such men as President Taft, President Eliot, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Carnegie, John Burns and many more. All this is made available for scientific temperance education as well as Sunday-school work, and for use of preachers and moral leaders generally by full indexes, scientific, Biblical, historical, geographical, biographical and topical.?Cumberland Presbyterian. JAMES H. AIT HEATINQ, GAS AND E Box 2 Contractors' 6 Dealers' Tel. Main 3880. * W. M. BYRNES, Pres. JOHN T. OIBI Capital ... Assets HIBERNIA IN; No. 300 Camp Street LOSSES PAH William FrAiit7 WW UAAUftll A M UAI!?/ JEWELERS at Sterling Silver and Solid Gold Good Mail inquirlea and orders promptly atten TO REPAIR DEPARTMENTS. 142 CAR< V I UTH. 25 CENTRAL BUREAU OF EDUCATION, Paris, Ky., Miss Kate Edgar, Proprietor and Manager. Prompt and reliable information given presidents of colleges and superintendents of schools of teachers suitable for their vacancies. Send fnr nlrn??lo?? wi vuuuiaio. SHOPPING BY AN EXPERT BUYER. Goods of every description, personal and household. Trousseaus a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Guide for ladles visiting the city and accommodations secured. Highest references. MISS VIRGINIA JONES, Purchasing Agent, 203 West 81st Street, New York City. Belmont College Far YOUNG WOMEN. Nashville, Ten. College and Preparatory Courses. Music, Art, Expression, Modern Languages, Physical Culture and Domestic Science. Matchless location. Register now. Catalogues on request. Address Box H. 4 IRA LAN0RITH. D.D..LL. D., Presidest. Mies HOOD sad His HERON, Principals. TULANE UNIVERSITY of LOUISIANA KEW ORLEANS VDWtV B. OBilOUlB. LL. D., frMtdwl. Tulane University ilk all jts departments, is located in the City of New Orleans, the metropolis of the Sputh Nine Department*, with twenty three buildings.. Modern dormitories, extensive laboratories, libraries,'and tnuseQms. Full Oounas in offirsd la LanfuaMi, Selena Engineering. Architecture, Art, Lav, Mnd. lcina, Phsurmacy, and Dentistry. Separate Department for Women. Expenses low. Low dormitory rates. Next session of all departments, except N. O. Polyclinic. begins October ist. Polyclinic opens Novembri 1st. Seixl for catalogue Address. R. K. Bui n\ Secretary. TEACHERS WANTED. We have on file hundreds of applications from all over the South, for competent teachers. New ones coming in every day. Write at once for particulars. The Southern Educational Bureau, Raleigh, N. C Henry N. Gastrock 3120-3122 Magazine St. NEW ORLEANS, LA. RELIABLE SHOES FOR THE FAMILY. Agents, M. A. Packard ?. Co.'s $3.50 and $4.00 SH0E8 FOR MEN. Phone Up-town 2200 W. p fkj PLUMBING, SEWERAGE DRAINING ? i? is it :lectric fixtures. Exchange, New Orleans. La. 515 Carondelet St., Near Poydras. JONS. Vice-Pres. P. B. BURKB. Rer.'? 200,000.00 . $482,445.54 SURANCE CO. New Orleans, La. ) PROMPTLY. L \rn fl ?% 1014 8.' Rampart It t) till? ?Oppoolto? VV# Union Station. id OPTICIANS. ?. Appointed Railroad Watch Inapoctora. ded to. 8PECIAL ATTENTION CALLED )NDELET ST*, NEW ORLEANS, LA.