The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, September 08, 1909, Page 32, Image 32

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32 TH Apples We can sell you at wholesale rates apples of the finest quality, wrapped and packed in New York In boxes or barreled. These are mountain grown, of the finest flavor and have been well sprayed. They will go by freight anywhere in the South and will keep.till Christmas, and later without cold storage. We grow the Albemarle pippin and other high class apples. Every package guaranteed. Write us. The Albemarle Orchard Co., Samuel B. Woods, President, Charlottesville, Va. WANTS Readers of The Presbyterian of the South may use these columns for publishing their wants ar wares. The charge will be 2 cents for each word, cash to accompany orders. , WANTED?A lady wishes a position uo nuioc I11IU vuui{jmuuil LU Iciuy , Will keep house; mother helper; care for linen room; references exchanged. Address Y, Box 312, Lexington, Va. WANTED: Several girls in our Manufacturing Department. No experience necessary. Address The C. F. Sauer Company, 10 S. 21st St., Richmond, Va. Young lady wishes position to teach in private family or school; Latin French, Engllsn, Mathematics and Music. References exchanged. Address Miss M., Fort Defiance, Va. WANTED?A few girls, by Christian Home School, Presbyterian. Teacher's ability and experience well known. Courses, English, Mathematics, Latin, French, Music, $225. References. Prospect Hill Home School, Holladay, Va. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO YOUR SEASON'S SHOPPING. Whether you want STREET SUIT, EVENING or RECEPTION GOWNS, or WEDDING TROUSSEAUX, get my samples said estimates before you decide wltn whom you will place your order. With my knowledge of correct styles, combiner with taste and good judgment, and the personal Interest I take In every order, I am sure I can please you. I guarantee perfect fit and satisfaction. MRS. CHARLES EVJLI80N, Louisville, Ky. Chesapeake and OMo Railway SCENIC ROUTE OP THE EAST. FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS. With Dining Cars and Pullman Sleepers Between New York, Washington, Norfolk and Richmond, and Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, and 8L Louis. Direct connections to and from all points West Three Fast Trains between Richmond and Norfolk. JOHN X POTTS, W. O. WARTHEN. Get*. Pas. Agent. Dist Pas. Agent Richmond. Va. BELLS. jjlcol Alloy Church and School Bolls. er~Sond tot Ostslosuo. The C. 8. BELL CO.. Hllbboro , o E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU' ' "." v ' > . ' ' s "fll imnB^wi Senior Hall Main Bui Tpv^g ProcKir^nriT. THE GREAT PRESBYTERIAN SC Splendid buildings, elegantly furnished, heat room, obviating all danger of Are. The beautll basket-ball, tennis, outdoor games. No serious II courses of study, College and Seminary, leadlni Voice Culture, Violin, Orfcan, Guitar, Express!) work, China Kiln, Art Rooms with sky-light. Visiting Director of Music and Teacher of Intel six music pupils last year. COLLEGE OPEN! For Catalogue Illustrated by photographs, wi President, Mllford, Texas. BTHE ONLY SCHOOL InTE I The Peacock Milita San Antonio, 1 Our purpose is to develop successful bus zens, rather than soldiers and sailors. Prepare for West Point and Annapolis, to commissions In the U. S. Army. Three Infantry cavalry and seamanship. Artiller cutters loaned by the Navy Department, ed exclusively by the college. Boating, fl cadets. Strict supervision day and night, charge of teachers or officers. Teachers i bacco In all forms. Hazing prohibited. Wesley Peacock, Ph. B., Univ. of Col. Geo. LeRoy Brown, U. S. A. Capt. H. la F. Applewhite, U. S. Sergt. S. Kllngensmlth, U. S. A., The Peacock Naval School Co III i isi I cut Silliman Collej An endowed school for girls, under Pre hill country. Handsome, roomy buildings, bei Steam heat. All necessary equipment. Three Elocution, Physical Culture, Stenography and ENDOWMENT MAKES PRICES LOWE TIIE SOUTH. Let us explain this to yon. Address the President, REV. 2. H. BR THE BES' Angell's Cough and W Contains No Oplui ror wnooping uougn, uroncnma, ui FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGOI8TE Salmen Brick 6 Lumber Co., Ltd. New Orleans Office?716 Common S Yellow Pine and Cypresa Lumber, Pressed rH. September 8, 1-909. ? ~?* 1 Iding Dickson Hall College For Girls :hool ok the southwest. ed by steam from outside metal furnace ul acetylene gas light. Large gymnasium, lness In the history of the school. Two ; to degrees. Special departments: Piano, >n. All branches of Art, Artistic NeedleWILLIAM IT SHERWOOD. PHIPAOO. rpretation Classes. One hundred and tblrty3 SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1900. rite REV. HENRY C. EVANS, A. M., D. D., ;XAS LASSED X' JKjl ry Co,,e2?Y^H| lness men and good~citl^ B t"jS9Bkxjm University preparation. B Our graduates entitled B f i branches of the service, B \ t^rJI y applied for. Five navy B. \ /(vfiBM West End Lake con troll- B Bhlng, swtVamlng free to 4 1\ 9 pH Cadets viflt the city in B \\ 7 U IB ind cadets free from to- B -R M IftfB Georgia President. W ft It V , Superintendent. B not IB A., Commandant. i since 1194 given "Thorough Instruction Under Posltly Christian Influences at the Lowest Possible Cost." RESULTt It is to-dsy with Its fsculty of 32, its'stuit body of 443, and. its plsnt worth 9125,444,1 LeTSfng Training School ijvujtata. USpajra all chtrgei for the jeer, including table ird, and tuition in all aubjacta except muelc and 'elolon. Send for catalogue and application blank. jiate institute sbyterlan control. nealthful location in the LUtlful, well-shaded grounds. Electric lights, courses leading to degrees. Music, Art, Typewriting. R THAN ANY OTHER GOOD SCHOOL IN OWNI ICB, Clinton, Loulalana. r MADE hooping Cough Syrup n or Morphine. augha, Cold* and Throat Trouble. I. PRICE 25 AND 60 CENTS. CAW a.J !? Wit V C BBV/*V wi k ft nun r miiv a iti 0AUVI1 WORKS and MAIN OFFICE: SLID ILL, LA treet, St. Charles Hotel Building, and Ordinary Brick. Phone Main 211.