The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, September 15, 1909, Page 30, Image 30

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30 . TH] W. T. Hardle Wm. F. Hardle Robt. T. Hardle Hben Hardle Wm. T. Hardie & Co. COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MFur.HANT# 933 Gravier Street, cor. Dryades, NEW ORLEANS. LA. CHILDREN'S ILLS. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "Baby Base." (Cost 25c.) Give to the child as directed on bottle. "Baby Ease" is advised for diarrhoea, convulsions, colic, constipation, sour stomach. "Baby Ease" manes teetning easy, promotes cheerfulness and produces natural sleep. "Baby Ease" makes a mild laxative for school Children. It is a pleasant, harmless and effective substitute for calomel or castor oil. Next time you need a remedy for children's ills, try "Baby Ease." Formula printed on the bottle. Circular free. Baby Ease Company, Atlanta, (ia. ; | It. L. Christian &- Co. i: ] [ 808 E. Main Street, ;! RICHMOND, - VIRGINIA.]; FANCY fiRnCFQIFC 1 |I Agents tor !> i j HUYLER'S CANDIESi! . WMtWttHWttMSttttttttWtWttt Mail or Bring Us Your Savings We pay Interest on Deposits of $1.00 and upwards. . Whitney-Central Trust & Savings Bank 616-618 Common St. NEW ORLEANS, LA. F. Johnson & Son Comnanv * J LIMITED. UNDERTAKERS AND FURNISHERS OF FINE FUNERAL FURNITURE. Washington Ave. and Prytania St. Livery Department: Phone Jackson, 697. Undertaking Dept.: Phone Jackson, 21. NEW ORLEAN8, LA. r r E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU Marriages Harvey-Ellis.?On August 30, at the manse in Winfleld, Putnam county, W. Va., by the Rev. Jno. K. Hltner, Mr. Raleigh Wert Harvey and Miss Laura Ethel Ellis, both of Hurricane, W. Va. Hinds-Twitchell.?At the residence of bride's mother, 743 S\ Charles street., New Orleans, La., on Tuesday, August 31, 1909, by Rev. J. W. Caldwell. Jr.. Mr. Geo. Putnam Hinds and Miss Jennie Summer Twitchell, both of New Orleans. Deaths English:. Died suddenly, at the home of his brother-in-law, Rev. D. P. McGeachy, in Lenoir, N. C., August 26, 1909, in the twenty-seventh year of his age, Thomas Reese English, Jr., the only son of Thos. R. and Sarah Peck English nt TTnl? ?5 ? wuiuu i oeuiiuary, Richmond, Va. Moose:. George Edward Moose, son of Charles Edward Moose and Ida Leah Moose, died at Sarah Leigh Hospital, Norfolk, Va., August 29, 1909. He was born November 13, 1887, and had nearly reached his twenty-second birthday. He was a member of the First Presbyterian church and a most faithful son. Hunter.?Died at her home in Craigs-a au - * i me, va., at me age or tmny-two years and six months, Mrs. W. S. Hunter. Mother and babe together were laid to rest. "Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep." RESOLUTIONS adopted by the Ladies' Aid and Youeh Emerson Societies of Bethany Presbyterian Church, Craig8vllle, Va., in respect to Mrs. W. S. Hunter: Whereas, our all wise and loving Heavenly Father has seen fit to take from our midst and call up higher our beloved sister and faithful co-laborer, be it resolved and recordpd? 1. That we reverently submit to his righteous will without question. Our loss is incalculable, yet we rejoice to dwell upon her gain. 2. That we bear affectionate testimony to her exemplary character and walk among us. Calm, unassuming, cheerful, earnest-hearted, faithful in the performance of whatever duty was hers in home or church life, she was an example to all. A constant and devoted wife, a fond and faithful mother, always in her place at church, Sunday-school and societies, she was one to be relied upon when help was needed. She held nothing of hers as too good for the Master's service. a. That we extend our tenderest sympathies to the bereaved family and rela TH. September 15, 1909. tlves, praying God's comforting presence with them. Adopted August 21, 1909. Mrs. R. B. Dull, Mrs. E. T. Dudley, Miss Fanny Doyle. KATHERINE BUMGARDNER. Departed this life August 29, 1909, at the home of her parents, on Kerr's Creek, Va., Katherine Bumgardner, one of the twin daughters of Mr. Walter and Mrs. Annie McClure McCown. She was nearly fifteen, a sweet and lovely girl, a cnurch member when ten years of age and was not afraid to die. Of her it may be said: "The maid is not dead, but sleepeth." IN MEMORIAM. JOE VAUGHN PURVINE. (Love's tribute to memory of a precious bud early called for the Lord of Paradise.) One more little baby barque Has crossed the river deep. The waters were very cold and dark For the dimpled baby feet. 'Tis a beauteous bud the Master said Go gather it. Angels, for me, They answered, 'Tis already dead, We bring it, Lord, to thee. And ferns stood on the golden strand And bade our darling come So we meekly kissed the folded hands And say, God's will be done. Maggie McNinch. MPS fiARAU A Kl Kl 1/ CUAll wni 1-11*11 l\i kWITlVll. At Jackson, Miss., on August 12, Sarah Ann Kirkpatrick, beloved wife of George Lemon, an elder of the Central Presbyterian church, and one of the pion eer residents of Jackson. Deceased was born at Castlewellan, county Down, Ireland, on February 22, 1841, and came to this country when a child. For nearly fifty-two years she had been a constant companion and helpmate to her beloved husband, and a veritable "mother in Israel" In the community where she had so long resided. It was largely through her influence, benevolence, and earnest work that the Central Presbyterian church was established, and its usefulness and influence developed. Delicate health in recent years had prevented her attendance at th^ house of worship, but she was unceasing in her labors for the Master's cause. Her death was sweet and tenderly beautiful, of the old-fashioned kind that characterized the martyrs of old. With the composure of a true Christian, fortified calm faith and serene belief in God's promises, she entered into blessed rest, after bidding tender farewell to the loved ones who, with . anxious, tear-stained faces, assembled at the bedside giving to each words of ad vice ana Denedlctlon, after which she quietly and believingly passed away, conscious to the moment when God took her home, and in that sacred chamber of death, the weeping loved ones, through tear-blinded eyes, followed her sweet and