The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, September 15, 1909, Page 32, Image 32

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.V Th Apples We can sell you at wholesale rates apples of the finest quality, wrapped and packed in New York in boxes or barreled. These are mountain grown, of the finest flavor and have been well sprayed. They will go by freight anywhere in the South and will keep till Christmas, and later without cold storage. We grow the Albemarle pippin and other high class apples. Every package guaranteed. Write 11s. The Albemarle Orchard Co.. Samuel It. Woods, President, Charlottesville, Va. WANTS Readers of The Presbyterian of the South may unc mcsf cuiamns iur puDiismnir tneir wants ar wares. The charge will be 2 cents for each word, cash to accompany orders. WANTED?A lady wishes a position as nurse and companion to lady; will keen house; mother helper; care for linen room; references exchanged. Address Y, Box 312, Lexington, Va. WANTED: Several girls in our Manufacturing Department. No experience necessary. Address The C. F. Sauer Company, 10 S. 21st St.. Richmond, Ya. WANTED?a few girls, by Christian Home School, Presbyterian. Teacher's ability and experience well known. Courses, English, Mathematics, Latin, French, Music, $225. References. Prospect Hill Home School, Holladav, Ya. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO YOUR SEASON S SHOPPING. Whether you want STREET SUIT. EVENING or RECEPTION GOWNS, or WEDDING TROUSSEAUX, get my samples and estimates before you decide with whom you will place your order. Witn my knowledge of correct styles, combined with taste and good Judgment, and the personal interest I take iu every order, I am sure I can please you. I guarantee perfect fit and satisfaction. MRS. CHARLES Ei-LISON, Louisville, Ky. Chesapeake and Olio Railway SCENIC ROUTE OF THE EAST. FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS. With Dining Cars and Pullman SleeperB Between New York, Washington, Norfolk and Richmond, and Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Louis. Direct connections to and from all points We si. Three Fast Trains between Richmond and Norfolk. JOHN J. POTTS. W. O. vVARTHEN. Oe;?. Pas. Agent. Dist. Pas. Agent. Richmond. Va. BELLS. ?<mii A'loj Church and School Bella. HTSsdiI rot Oataloguc TH* C. S. BELL CO.. Hillabere , o "Whatever may betide, Keep clean the white page of thy inner life." IE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTH. September 15, 1909. mmmmm mm senior Hall Main Building Dickson Hall Texas Presbyterian, College For Girls mn uu&ai rnesDi rKKlAN SCHOOL OK THE SOUTHWEST. Splendid buildings, elegantly furnished, heated by steain from outside metal furnace room, obviating all danger of Are. The beautiful acetylene gas light. Large gymnasium, basket-ball, tennis, outdoor games. No serious illness in the history of the school. Two courses of study. College and Seminary, leading to degrees. Special departments: Piano, Voice Culture, Violin. Organ, Guitar, Expression. All branches of Art, Artistic Needlework, China Kiln, Art Itoouis with sky-light. WILLIAM H. SHERWOOD, CHICAGO, Visiting Director of Music aud Teacher of Interpretation Classes. One hundred and thirtysix music pupils Inst year. COLLEGE OPENS SEPTEMBER 23rd. 1900. Kor Catalogue Illustrated by photographs, write REV. HENRY C. EVAN?. A. M.. D. D.. rrtMUfui, 31 mora, iexas. F?re INSURANCE LIABILITY Phone 1665 PLATE GLASS STEAM BOILER GODCHAUX <&. MIOTON, Ltd. 8URETY BONDS ACCIDENT 626-630 COMMON 8TREET BURGLARY Incorporated 1855 FIRE RIVER MARINE SUN INSURANCE CO. OF NEW ORLEANS Chas. Janvier, President, Wiiflam 7". Maus, Secretary. Fergus G. Lee, Vice-President. Buy Your Furniture From U<a There are many reasons way you should. Our stock Is the largest in the South. We buy in carload lots and get lower prices, lower rreigni rates, and tne goods reacn us in perfect condition. When you come to our store you have big assortments to select from. You can get Just what you want. Therefore, when you visit Richmond, make our store your headquarters. We will be glad to see you. If you cannot come, write for prices. Sydnor & Hundley, Inc., "Furniture for the Home Beautiful" 709-11-13 E. Broad, Richmond,Va? Silliman Collegiate Institute An endowed school for girls, under Presbyterian control. Healthful location In the bill country. Handsome, roomy buildings, beautiful, well-shaded grounds. Electric lights. Steam beat. All necessary equipment. Three /-nurses lending to degrees. Music, Art, Elocution, Physical Culture, Stenography and Typewriting. ENDOWMENT MAKES PRICES EOWER THAN ANY OTHER GOOD SCHOOL IN THE SOUTH. Let us explain this to you. Address the President, REV. H. H. BROWNI.EE, Clinton, Iyoulsiann. THE BEST MADE Angell's Cough and Whooping Cough Syrup Contains No Opium or Morphine. For Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Throat Trouble. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGI8T8. PRICE 26 AND ?0 CENTS. MM Brick 6 Lumber to., Ltd. New Orleans Office?716 Common Street, St. Charles Hotel Building. Yellow Pins and Cypress Lumber, Pressed and Ordinary Brick. Phone Main 211.