The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, September 22, 1909, Page 32, Image 34

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32 Tt I Apples We can sell you at wholesale rates apples of the finest quality, wrapped and packed in New York in bushel boxes, or barreled. These are mountain grown, of the finest flavor and have been well sprayed. They will go by freight anywhere in the South, and will keep till Christmas, and later, without cold storage. We grow the Albemarle Pippin and other high class apples. Every package guaranteed. Write The Albemarle Orchard Co., Samuel B. Woods. President. Charlottesville Vn WANTS Readers of The Presbyterian of the South may use these columns for publishing their wants or wares. The charge will be 2 cents for each word, cash to accompany orders. WANTED: Several girls in our Manufacturing Department. No experience necessary. Address The C. F. Sauer Com pany, 10 S. 21st St., Richmond, Va. WANTED?Governess for several small children. Regular English branches and music. Salary $10.00 per month and board. Address, Presbyterian of the South. SCHOLARSHIP FOR SALE. We are able to ffer a scholarship, entitling the holder to a full course of Bookkeeping or Shorthand and Typewriting, including all the Auxiliary Branches, such as Banking, Spelling, Mathematics, etc., in one of the best Business Colleges, at a greatly reduced price. For particulars write this paper. WANTED?A position to teach English, Latin and music. Highest testimonials. Address, Miss M., Box 45, Houston, Va. WANTED?By a lady, position to teach English branches and music. Address, Miss M., care Presbyterian of South. WANTED?Room for elderly lady. Address, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 3, Dayton, Va. TEACHER desires position in family; DUVVVBOIUI CAJ/CX iCUV-C , lUOlilllUUiaiO , English, Latin, French, music. State terms and particulars. Miss . V. W., Warren, Va. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway SCENIC ROUTE OF THE EAST. FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS. With Dining Cars and Pullman Sleepers Between New York, Washington, Norfolk and Richmond, and Loulsvilla, Cincinnati, Chicago, and 8t. UOUI?v Direct connections to and from all points West. Three Fast Trains between Richmond and Norfolk. JOHN D. POTTS, W. O. WART HEN, Ger* Pas. Agent. Diet. Pas. Agent Richmond, Va. IE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTH. Sept. 22, 1909. Senior Hall Main Building Dickson Hall Texas Presbyterian, College For Girls 1HE GREAT PRESBYTERIAN SCHOOL OP THE SOUTHWEST. roonfPohVi'ndtI 1 'iVin H8,, 01 e?n'y furnished, heated by steam from outside metal furnace St ,'4?"Ser of Are. The beautiful acetylene gas light. Lnrge gymnasium, basket-ball, tenuis, outdoor games. No serious Illness In the hlstorv of the school Two vXrCulture1' Vlon?nleoerfr?nd ren'nar? lead,"? to degrees. Special departments:" Piano, cm VriYIo , Organ, Guitar, Expression. All branches of Art, Artistic Needle^'ln> Art Rooms with sky-light. WILLIAM H. SHERWOOD CHICAGO V isiting Director of Music and Teacher of Interpretation Classes One hundred and thirtv' six music pupils last year. COLLEGE OPENS SRl'TMiRpn 'a^ iom and For Catalogue Illustrated by photographs, write KEV." HENRY C.' EVANS, A. M., D. D., President. Mllford, Texas. Silliman Collegiate Institute An endowed school for girls, under Presbyterian control. Healthful location In the hill country. Handsome, roomy buildings, beautiful, well-shaded grounds. Electric lights. Steam heat. All necessary equipment. Three courses leading to degrees. Music, Art, Elocution, Physical Culture, Stenography and Typewriting. ENDOWMENT MAKES TRICES LOWER THAN ANY OTHER GOOD SCHOOL IN THE SOUTn. Let us explain this to you. . Address the President, REV. 5. H. BROWNI.EE, Clinton, Louisiana. ^ 4 Eatabliahad In 1894. The ata of the school to clearly MiriTn. inorouRn instructionunaer positively t>nristian lnnuences at tne lowest IV1U1 1UJ pceaible cost " The school was established by the Methodist Church, not to make money, but to furniah a place where irirla can be given thorough training in body, mind, and heart at a moderate coat. The object has been mi fully carried out that aa a nrct TV T. It is to-day, with its faculty of 82, ita boarding patronage of 800. and its ItUUL 1 . building and grounds, worth $140,000 ^ THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA. ? -1 gf A pays all charges for the year, including the table board, room, lights, steam n I Oil heat, laundry, medical attention, physical culture, and tuition in all subjects * except music and elocution. Apply for catalogue and application blank to REV. JAMES CANNON. JR.. M. A- Principal, Blackatons. Va. Buy Your Furniture From Us There are many reasons wny you should. Our stock is the largeat In the South. We buy in carload lota and get lower prices, lewer freight rates, and tha rnnla raaeh lis In nurfort onnJItlnn When yon come to our store you have big assortments to select from. Ton can get Just what you want. Therefore, when you visit Richmond, make our store your headquarters. We will be glad to see you. If you cannot come, write for pricee. e * Sydnor & Hundley, Inc., "Furniture for the Home Beautiful" 799-11-13 E. Broad, Richmond, Va* \ I