The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, September 29, 1909, Page 21, Image 21

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September 29, 1909. TJH its foundation to the present time; Dr. Petric read a most instructive paper on Presbyterianisni, and the exercises were most appropriately closed by a most striking sermon by Dr. J. G. McAllister from the text, "Speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward." A large, cultivated and interested audience nighly enjoyed the exercises. Mr. S. O. Coxe, a candidate, from the Presbytery of Atlanta, was present, and examined with a view to licensure, though he had been unable to get his proper dismissal. Presbytery adjourned to meet at Waddell on Saturday before the first Sunday of November, with a view to Mr. Coxe's ordination and installation as pastor of Waddell and Orange Churches. The Rev. W. E. Hill was received from thp PrPfibvtaPV of Worth A lohomo orwl J -w- J ?w? VM *4iuwuuiu auu following committee appointed to install him pastor of the Farmville Church, on the second Sabbath of October, viz: Dr. Moore to preside, preach and propound the constitutional questions; Rev. H. T. Graham to charge the people and Rev. W. J. King, the pastor. Reports from the churches showed gratifying progress in a number of cases. A manse is just being completed at South Plains Church. Presbytery cordially commended to the liberality of our people the efforts which are on foot to build churches at North Garden, at Fork Union and Tyro. At the latter point, Mr. llolladay nno nf t V\o o?/H/I of no /\f n**r?oKi'tomr Kon "UV lllVy vuuuiuni,?o Ul A I COUJ ll'l J , uao done faithful and efficient work for two summers, and there were twenty-two professions of faith, during recent protracted services at that point. The Rev. J. D. Carpenter made an instructive and stimulating address on the Assembly's Sabbath School work, during the meeting of Presbytery. Twenty-nine churches were unrepresented, and more than half the ministers were absent. The two davs of the session were full of work and of interest, and the hospitality of the community cordial and abounding; and those who failed to attend missed one of the most pleasant meetings of Presbytery. Stated Clerk. ' WEST VIRGINIA. To the Members of Greenbrier Presbytery: Governor Glenn will be at Mount Pleasant church Sinks Grove, W. Va., on Friday, Oct. 8 next to deliver an address in the interest of Assembly's Home Missions. We will also have other speakers present on this occasion; will have an all-day meeting, and will endeavor to make it a grand rally for Home Missions. The invitation issued at Presbytery holds good, and we hope you will all come and bring with you large representations from your churches. Cordially, Robt. B. Hudson, Chairman Committee on Arrangements. UPPER MISSOURI. Presbytery of Upper Missouri met at Bethel Church. SeDtember 16. at 8 n. m.. and was opened with a sermon by the moderator, Rev. J. A. Gray, from John 4:35. He struck the key-note, which 1 IE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOI indicated the intensely missionary character of the meeting. Rev. E. N. Bradshaw was- granted a letter of dismissal to the Presbytery of Solomon, U. S. A. Committees on Assembly's Home Missions, Foreign Missions and Colored Evangelism made excellent reports. Enthusiastic and helpful discussions were made on them all. Presbytery overtured the General Assembly to place the evangelistic work with the secretary thereof, under the direction of the Assembly's Home Mission Committee. ii whs recommended that the report of the ad interim Committee on Proof Texts be approved, also the amendment to chapter 10, section 7, and that the wording thereof be left to the committee, of which Rev. A. M. Fraser is chairman. It further recomipended the proposed amendment to chapter 5, section 7, relating to a permanent Judicial Committee, also approved the plan to have the General Assembly pay the expenses or Its commissioners. Presbytery adjourned * to meet with Eastminster Church, April 14, 1910. H. P. McClintic, Stated Clerk. DR. CHAPMAN ON TEMPERANCE. Rev. Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman, who recenty completed a three months' evangelistic campaign in Australia, spoke in Melbourne, in a most forcible way, on the temperance question, in the United States. The temperance fight is on in Australia as well as in America and some people are saying there that the American v-auiimiftii is not approved Dy tne better class of people. Dr. Chapman said: It is easy enough to misjudge a campaign eleven thousand miles away from it, and to report failure without fear of contradiction, "But," he said, "I know the United States. A man who says that the temperance battles have not been successful in my country; who declares that Prohibition does not prohibit; who has the effrontery to say that the better people in the United States are not in Sympathy with the mightiest battle which has been waged since the days of the Civil War, is either willfully ignorant or maliciously so." The audience burst forth in cheers when Dr. Chapman called upon them to take their stand for the right in Australia. . The evangelistic party accompanying Dr. Chapman and Charles M. Alexander, the singing evangelist, left Australia for Hong Kong, China, going by way of the Philllppine Islands. They are making an evangelistic campaign tour of the world. Japan and Korea will be visited, and the party expects to sail for America from Yokohama Japan, November 15, on the "Empress of China." They will reach Chicago by December first. M. A. Martin. On Account of Hazing, four young men have recently been dismissed from the United States Military Academy at Wen* Point. * * 4- . JTH. 21 Misgovernment of Congo: The following paragraph is found In late press dispatches: "London, August 18.?Sir Authur Conan Doyle has written an eloquent protest to the T imes on the misgovernment of the Congo Independent State. He urges the powers to convene a European conference to deprive Belgium of a trust so dreadfully abused, to make other arrangements for the proper government of the Congo, and to redress or revenge the wrongs inflicted upon its people." Pittsburg: The tent campaign in this city has just concluded, with many gracious manifestations of God's mighty power In the meetings. At the invitation of the Pittsburg Evangelistic Committee, Mr. R. S. Bradbrook, of London, England, conducted the services all through August, preaching the old Gospel in a telling manner, night after night. Some of the most striking cases of conversion and restoration have been re .?auu v/iinstians nave had their faith stimulated, their love for Christ and man strengthened, and they have gone back to their churches full of holy enthusiasm. Mr. Bradbrook's power in holding and interesting the men was manifestly shown in the men's mass-meetings at 4 P. M. on Sabbaths. And his services in the churches on Sabbath mornings gave the highest satisfaction, and undoubtedly win be long remembered. Every day, except Saturday, at noon. Mr. Bradbrook addressed meetings at the Y. M. C. A., dealing with the fundamentals of Holy Scripture. PERSONALS. Correspondents will note the following changes of address: Rev. James Murray: from Warrenton, to Suffolk, Va. Rev. G. E. Thompson: from High Springs to Luraville, Fla.?express office Mayo, Fla. Rev. William A. Rolle: from Winnfield, La., to Homer, l^a. Rev. George Lang changes his address from North Birmingham to Anniston, Ala. Rev. Dr. John L.. Caldwell, of Pine Bluff, Ark., is considering a call to a professorship in Austin Theological Seminary. Rev. C. O. N. Martindal*?, of Brownsville, Tenn.. has accented a the faculty of the Bible Training School in Nashville, and his Brownsville congregation has reluctantly concurred with him In his application to the Presbytery to have the pastoral relation dissolved. "Rev. Benjamin Morgan Palmer, D.D., LL.D., the Forensic and Pulpit Orator; the Citizen, Scholar, and Christian Pastor," is the title of a very beautiful eulogy upon Dr. Palmer, which comes to our hands without any name attached. It is a loving tribute, and comes from some one who was evidently most familiar with the work and ministry of the great pastor and preacher. The Sprupll School is *vn IDEAL School for Boys, Ma-, rietta, Ga.