The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, September 29, 1909, Page 22, Image 22

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*2 . the Presbyteries THE PRESBYTERY OF WESTERN TEXAS Met ill special session, at the call of the moderator, in the Edna Presbyterian Church, Tuesday, August 31, at 4:30 o'clock p. m. There were present three ministers and two ruling elders. Rev. S. E. Chandler, D.D., was, at his ewn request, dismissed to the Presbytery of Central Texas, in order that he mignt accept a call to the University Presbyterian Church, of Austin, Texas. Rev. T. O. Perrin presented his resignation as pastor of the Rockport and Refugio Churches, but, inasmuch as there was no action of tki churches before Presbytery in the premises, Presbytery cited the churches to show cuuse at the stated meeting in October why the pastoral relationship may not be dissolved. Mr. Perrin expects to take up the duties of professor of Bible in Austin colleee. Mr. R. L. Offield was carefully examined in all the matters required by the Book of Church Order and was duly licensed to preach the Gospel. The Edna Church presented a call for Mr. Offield as its pastor, and Presbytery proceeded to ordain and install him a3 the pastor of this church. With one of the handsomest little churches in the State, with an active, consecrated young pastor and an n -v _? "t J - ? cin-n-iii Du?ru oi niiaers ana ueacons, this church has a very bright future before it. f Brooks I. Dickey, Stated Clerk. ENOREE PRESBYTERY Held its fall session at Wellford, S. C., September 14-16, with an attendance of fifty members, nineteen ministers and thirty-one elders. Rev. C. P. Rankin was moderator, and Col. T. J. Morse, assistant clerk. The Absence of two venerable and he loved brethren was much regretted, viz.: Rev. A. A. James, now 85 years of age, and for fifty-eight years pastor of FairForest Church, who for the second tune in his long life has recently been laid aside by ill' health, and Rev. W. P. Jacobs, D.D., for over forty-five years pastor of the Clinton Church, ard the founder and president of Thornweli Orphanage, who lately met with a serious accident by being run over in Washington City and painfully injured. The Presbytery ordered letters of sympathy sent to these esteemed brethren. But Dr. Jacobs is so rapidly recovering and so full of enterprise still, that he accepted a call from the Thornweli Memorial Church in the Orphanage, and is to be installed its pastor on the fourth saoimtn or tnis month, while he retaiiiB the pastorate of his old charge. Rev. F. W. Gregg was received from South Carolina Presbytery and provision made for his installation as pastor of Limestone Church, GafTney. The pastoral relation between the Palmer Church, Greenville, and Rev. Lowry PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU' Davis was dissolved, in view of his going, at an early day, as a missionary to China; and he was dismissed to East Hanover Presbytery. Rev. L. R. Hope, lately missionary to Japan, was also disniiQ?o^ n *?* u ucwn rresuyiery. Mr. Charles E. Wildman, a student of Columbia Seminary and formerly a deacon of Wallace Church, Atlanta, was received as a candidate under care of the Presbytery and licensed to preach the Gospel, that he may the better keep up successful work among the cotton mill people about Greenville. The Reports from the churches were unusually interesting and encouraging. Nearly all have been regularly supplied with the ministry of the Word, and the blessing of God seems to have attended these labors. vumcicuies, interesting and stimulating, were held?on the state of the church, on colored evangelization and on evangelistic work. As the outcome r* the last, a permanent Committee on Evangelistic Work was appointed to cc-operate with the Assembly's committee, consisting of Rev. P. W. Gregg, Rev. B. P. Reid aud Elder H. E. Ravenel. The Assembly's Overture touching the Revised Proof Texts to the doctrinal standards was referred to a committee to consider the same and report to the spring meeting. The meetine. as a whoio earnest, pleasant and profitable, and was indicative of the prosperity of our Zion. The spring meeting is to be held in the Second Church, Spartanburg. T. H. L. BETHEL PRESBYTERY. Bethel Presbytery met in Bethesda church Sept. 8, at 11 a. in., and was opened with a sermon by Rev. J. M. Holloday, the retiring moderator, from John 17: 17-19. There were present at the meeting twepty ministers and thirty-two ruling elders. Rev. S. J. Cortledge was elected moderator and Rev. E. E. Gillespie, assistant clerk. A commission was appointed to organize a Second Presbyterian church in Chester, if the way be clear. Rev. R. C. Morrison was received from King's Mountain Presbytery and arangements were made to Install him pastor of Kershaw and Beaver Creek churches. Calls from the Richburg group of churches for the pastoral services of Rev. S. R. Hope, from the Heath Springs group for the services of Mr. McCord, and from Woodlawn for the services of Rev. W. B. Arrowood. wfirp rppoivort action on these were postponed for a later meeting. Dr. T. W. Lingle was present and ad,4-,J r? 1?* * uicoocu ic riesujicrjf in me interest of Davidson College. Rev. W. L." Boggs was heard in the interest of the Presbyterian Standard and Dr. W. E. Mcllwaine in the interest of Columbia Seminary. The following action was taken by Presbytery relative to * Davidson College: September 29, 1909. "This Presbytery believes that the cause of Presbyterianism in South Carolina demands a more hearty and united support of our Church in this Synod of - the Presbyterian College of South Carolina, and to this end Bethel Presbytery recalls all of ner trustees of Davidson College twelve months from this date, and cancels their election to take effect at that time. "We desire to place upon record that this action is not taken with intent to injure Davidson College and we do not heliAvo ?? tuau aucu acuon will injure that noble institution, but rather result in good to both colleges. "And it would further acknowledge our profound sense of indebtedness to Davidson College for all that she has so efficiently done for the cause of Chrlstlon education in this Presbytery. We do not believe that there is a better college within the bounds of our church or one more worthy of support." Presbytery expressed itself as being perfectly satisfied with the present language of the Onnfoooi"" ?- - ?^.waiuu iciuuve to the "infant clause." Ridgeway was chosen as place of next meeting; time, Tuesday before the third Sabbath cf April at 8:30. W. A. Hafner, S. C. THE TEXAS-MEXICAN PRESBYTERY. A called meeting of Texas-Mexican Presbytery was held near San Marcos, Texas, on the grounds of our Camp-meeting, on August 5, at 2:30 p. m. The re port or Home Mission Committee was beard and the following recommendations were adopted: 1. That Travis county be included in the field of Evangelist E. Trevino. 2. That Licentiate Q. R. Penn change his residence from Laredo, Texas, to Austin and take charge of our work there and * also to continue his preparations for ordination in Austin Seminary. 3. That Licentiate Cayetano C. Acevedo, change his residence from Corpus Christi, to Laredo, Texas, and take charge of our work there. These two last resolutions will be effective if the committee can make. all the necessary arrangements 4 That candidate A. R. Penn work in the Darwin and Cotulla churches and continue his studies under the direction of Rev. R. D. Campbell. 5. That candidate P. O. Gallegos assist Rev. Elias Trevino in San Marcos field and continue his preparations under Mr. Trevino's care. 6. To grant a month of rest to Rev. Elias Trevino on account of his impaired health. 7. To grant Rev. Walter S. Scott permission to labor a month in behalf of our work outside of the bounds of Texas-Me*^?>" p -.v..r? * i vau/ ICI y . The report of the Committee on Education was heard and the following recommendations warp adnntofl 1 ? 1. M.KJ 1Cceive Mr. Miguel Peralta as a candidate for the ministry. 2. To make applications for help for the following candidates: Messrs. G. R. Penn, Isaac Herrers, F. O. Gallegos, and A. R. Penn. Rev. Walter S. Scott was appointed