The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, October 06, 1909, Page 22, Image 22

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22 ^ th: i | Presbyteries PRESBYTERY OF CENTRAL TEXAS. The Presbytery of Central Texas met in Clifton, September 26, and was opened with a sermon by the moderator, Rev. | 1? HcA/tn u?k ? o . or U. U. VIICCU, I I Will I1CU. JL id. ? I. Officers: Rev. Edward Bailey, niodera tor, and Elders M. M. Johnson, of the Southern Church, Austin, and T. C. Smith, of First Church, Waco, clerks. Corresponding Members: Rev. C. F. Hancock, of Meridian, and Rev. Rudolph Miller, of Arkansas Presbytery. Rev. N. W. Turner, of the M. E. Church, South, was invited to sit as a visiting brother. Present in all seventeen ministers and seventeen eiders. Received: Rev. S. E. Chadler, D.'D., of the Presbytery of Western Texas, and Rev. T. B. Anderson, of Brazos Presbytery. Arrangements were made for the installation of these, the first as pastor of Highland University, and the second Mart Church. Candidates: B. K. Tenney and J. M. Freeland, of Unity Church; E. F. Montgomery, of Mart Church, and L. W. Downs, of First Church, Waco, after a thorough examination were received un der the jurisdiction of Presbytery. One of these ts a grandson of the late Rev. Levi Tenney, and one is a son of Rev. J. A. Montgomery. At the request of Rev. E. E. Bigger, concurred in by the church, the pastoral relation between himself and the Mexia Church was dissolved, and he was dis missed to the Presbytery of Dallas. Rev. Eugene C. Caldwell and Elder J. E. Cooper, of Georgetown, were appointed a committee to arrange a program for a convention, to be held during the v spring meeting in regard to Y. P. societies. In accordance with the recommendation of the General Assembly, the first Sabbath of December was designated as Bible day in the Sabbath schools. McGregor was selected as the place of the spring meeting. The narratives from the churches showed a healthy condition, several good meetings having been held during the summer, and quite a number added to the churches. Proof Texts:'An ad interim committee, consisting of Rev. D. N. McLaughlin, D. D., Rev. Eugene C. Caldwell, Rev. S. C. Chandler, D. D., was appointed to examine these and report at the spring meeting of Presbytery. Infant Clause: In regard to this, the following was adopted as the expression of this Presbytery: "All persons dying in infancy, are elect, and are regenerated and saved by Christ through the Spirit, who worketh when, where and how He pleaseth. So also are all other persons, who are incapable of being outwardly called by the ministry of the Word." " Overture to the Assembly: "The Presbytery of Central Texas holds to the opinion that it is the belief of the whole Southern Presbyterian Church that while God has passed by some, and has left E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU them to perish solely on account of their own sins, yet He has not predestinated by any positive decree any human being to be eternally lost. That is, all those who are eternally lost, are lost not because of any decree or order of God, but only because of their own sins. "Therefore, believing the foregoing * statement to be our belief, and the plain teaching of the Scriptures, we earnestly overture the General Assembly to appoint a committee ad interim, consisting of the five professors of Theology in our five Theological Seminaries to prepare and present to the Assembly of 1911, a re-statement of the Confession of Faith, Chapter III, sections III and IV, and of the answer to Question 13, of the Lareer Catechism. This re-statement is not to strike out any essential element in our system of doctrine, but simply to remove expressions that are liable to be misunderstood by outsiders." Presbytery approved of the proposed plan for the Assembly to defray the expenses of the commissioners to the A BCAmkU AOOCIUUl)'. * After a hearty vote of thanks for the cordial hospitality of the Clifton people, the Presbytery adjourned to meet in McGregor next April. M. C. Hutton, S. C. MONTGOMERY. The Presbytery of Montgomery' met at Princeton, W. Va., on Tuesday, September 14, 1909, at 8 p. m., and was opened with a sermon by the Rev. James D. Paxton, D. D., on Mark 9: 24, "Lord, 1 believe; help thou mine unbelief." There were present fifteen ministers and fourteen elders. The trip over the new Virginian railway was most interesting, and impressed the members of Presbytery with the needs and opportunities of Home Missionary work. Princeton itself, with its bright prospect of material development and its little nucleus of intelligent and earnest Presbyterians, furnished an object-lesson of opportunity and responsibility, which the Presbytery will not soon forget. Rev. J. A. McMurray was chosen moderator, and Ruling Elder W. M. Grayblll, reading clerk. Rev. A. H. Clarke, per inaneni recording clerk, was at his post. He has rendered most efficient service as clerk, as well as in his ministry in Lynchburg, and It was with much reluctance that Presbytery dismissed him to the Presbytery of Abingdon. He goes to the work at Welch, W. Va. Rev. P. C. Clark offered his resignation as pastor of the Bluefield Church, that he might accept the position of Superintendent of Home Missions in the Presbytery of Montgomery. The pastoral ciaiiun was uissoivea, and be enters at once upon his new work, residing at Salem, Va. Sermons were preached during tfie meeting by Rev. E. E. Lane, Rev. D. J. Woods, and Rev. R. H. Fleming, D. D., the last named being the Presbyterial sermon on The Doctrine of the Atonement. The usual public meeting in the inter TH. October 6, 1909. ests of Foreign Missions was held on Thursday night, Rev. W. C. Campbell. D. D., presiding. Interesting addresses were delivered by Rev. Dr. G. W. Painter, of China, and Rev. Mr. Ross, of Mexico. Licentiate L. McC. Williams was examined for ordination, having received calls from Buchanan and High Bridge. His examination was sustained, and a commission was appointed to ordain and install him on the first Sunday in November. In response to the Assembly's request, the Presbytery had no suggestion to make as to revision of the Confession of Faith, X, 3. The frtllAUjU? ? ....... a kummiuee, ad interim, was appointed on the proof-text revision: Rev. Messrs. D. J. Woods, L. W. Irwin, and R. H. Fleming. Rev. Dr. W. T. Palmer was appointed to preach the next Presbyterial sermon, on "Infant Baptism." Presbytery adjourned to meet at the call of the moderator during the sessions of Synod, and in stated spring meeting, at Bluefleld, W. Va., on Tuesday, April 12, 1910, at 8 p. m. J. A. McM., S. C. PRESBYTERY OF MEMPHIS. The Presbytery of Memphis met at Oakland, Tenn., September 21-23, 15 ministers and 9 ruling elders present. Received the Rev. W. H. Muirhead from Nashville Presbytery. Dismissed the Rev. C. B. Boyles to Tuscaloosa Presbytery and the Rev. J. E. Hobson to North Mississippi Presbytery. Permitted the Rev. J. D. Fleming to labor out of its bounds for the next six months and commended him for abundant and successful labors. One church reported organized, Norris Avenue, near Memphis, on Hernado road. Commissions appointed to organize, if way De clear, church at Arlington and one in Memphis being built and.furthered by the Second Church. Popular meeting was held in the interest of the Assembly's Home Missions and of local Home Missions. Special consideration given also to a mission in Memphis for colored people under care of the session of the Second Church. Ad Interim Committee to examine Proof Texts, was appointed and instructed to report to Presbytery next spring. Assented to contlnn^n* fun.* *? * * -.0 ?? ftuuu iui naveling ' expenses of commissioners to General Assembly and to change in Form of Government touching that point. Unfavorable weather made attendance small, but the people of the community attended the meetings and the preaching services with evident pleasure. Th?<r hospitality was generous. Luncheons served on the ground*facilitated fellowship and business. J. H. Lumpkin, S. C.Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 24, 1909. The Church calls for money, for men and for messages. y