The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, October 13, 1909, Page 19, Image 19

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October 13, 1909. THE "The quilt is sold, Abigail," she answered. "Sold!" gasped Mrs. Abigail, "that beautiful quilt?" "Yes, daughter, sold." "A lady visiting the Parkers bought it for fifty dollars, and I've given the money to the circle for missions. Abigail, I've worked faithful for you and yours for over sixty years. It was time I did something for the Lord, and somehow he laid it on my heart to do this. It's been a real hardship for me not to have done more in my liftime, but at the close of ninety-four years, surely I have a right to do as I thing best with my own." Mrs. Abigail looked at the little shrunken figure, at the thin, snowy hair. Her mother's sun was almost set, soon it would rise in an eternal morning. The tears rushed to her eyes. Much to Lislieth'n RiirnrUp chn wpnt nror nnS lrnoH by Great Grandma's chair. "Mother, forgive me." she said, with a now humility. "Forgive my inconsiderateness and selfishness. Of course you have a right to do as you please with your own." . And when Mrs. Abigail said ci thing she meant it. Lisbeth vanished quietly. Outside in the hall she gave a relieved sigh. "My"! she whispered happily. "I thought Grand ma would make an awful fuss, but she didn't. I guess the Lord touched her heart, the same as 'he did mine when Great Grandma asked me to carry that quilt over to the circle. I couldn't refuse. I'm glad I did It. I'd be glad if the whole family blamed me for my part in it?yes, I would. But they ain't a-goin* to say a word, not a word!"?The Congregationalism A RARE OPPORTUNITY. The National Evangelical Convention of the young people of Cuba meets at Cienfeugos, Cuba, November 16-18, 1909. Miss Janet Hay Houston, of the Southern l'resbyterian Foreign Mission service attends that meeting and will personally conduct a party of one hundred young women with the aid of at least ten subchaperons. Another object of this party has in view is to give one month's time to evangelistic work in Cuba, visiting all the principal cities of the Island and some of the smaller places from Plnar del Rid to Santiago de Cuba. Their proposed itinerary is this:Leave Richmond, Va., November 2, via Seaboard Air Line railroad to Knight's Key, at the extreme end ot the Florida Keys. From Knight's Key to Havana (twelve hour's time) by steamship. Then one month on the Island and at the end of that time leave Santiago de Cuba or SmriP otVlOP oootom nnnf nf P11K0 Maw York by steamer. Touching at Nassau, Bermuda and perhaps at other points. It is designed to spend only six weeks between Richmond and New York. Only those vitally Interested in Foreign Missions are sought to Join this party. And it is earnestly desired that all Evangelical Churches be represented. The work on the Island will be done In cooperation with ail Protestant Missions now in Cuba. PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUT Some six or more missionary pastors will be added to the party for the more public work, through interpreters, in Cuba. Earnest prayer is asked from all who read these lines, for God's great blessings on the undertaking?in a tidal wave of salvation for poor Cuba. Greatly reduced rates have been procured from Richmond to Havana. At least fifteen dollars less than straight. This makes it?all expense?berth in Pullman, meals in Buffet car, berth and food on steamer, between Knight's Key and Havana, one way?forty-four dollars and fifty cents. Reaching Cuba, on its railroads a still greater reduction is offered them?fifty per cent and unlimited time and stop-over privileges. I am not yet in possession of rate on returning steamer from Santiago to New York, but feel safe in saying it will be considera bly below the straight rate of forty dollars. Young women to whom this seems impossible, are especially wanted. Spiritual resources are more needed than mon ey. All such must write for particulars before deciding not to go. The party has its own uniform, which can be procured from Miss Houston at a reduced price, she having secured this by getting them in quantities. A modicum only of baggage allowed. Limited to a straw suit case and hand bag. No trunks. It is desirable to assemble party in Richmond thirteen days before the day of starting, for twenty-four lessons in Spanish phrases ?.nd information on Cuba, the Cubans, etc. The fee for these instructions will be three dollars. Boarding will be gotten at as low rates as possible for these two weeks. Write for particulars to MIm Janet Hay Houston, Care of Y. W. C. A. Headquarters, Washington, D. C. * ? H. I r, ?Iy Baking Powder from Royal Grape earn of Tartar ML) igBowda# absolutely .JHSsr Pure, Indolence and indulgence drive people from paradise into the fields where thorns and brambles flourish. RESPECT THE MOTHER. Mark the young man who is coarse and disrespectful to his mother. No roseate pathway can be hers who shall sustain to him the relations of wife. Not the happiest will be the lot of those who shall come to be his children. Not to be envied is the neighborhood ever in which he must be reckoned as a citizen. It does not matter what the mental stature of tnat mother is, how old, how bent, uuw uecicpu, iue man 10 wnom sue is mother owes to her gentleness, kindness tenderness and consideration. Did she tall back and did the children, by means of superior advantage, pass her in her race? But think of the toil and trial, her devotion and denial, her mind and her years that she gave that the children might derive the benefit. Think of her sacrifice; no wonder if she fell behind, with her heart in her home, in the buds that were hers. There is no rank, no station, no condition, that may exempt a manly man from a kind regard for his mother.?The Weeklv BnnmiRt The Mission Of those corpuscles In your blood that have been called " Little Soldiers," Is to fight for you against the disease germs that constantly endanger your health. These corpuscles are made healthy and strong by the use of Hood's 8arsaoarilla. This medicine is a combination of more than 20 different remedial agents in proportions and by a process known only to ourselves and it has for thirty years been constantly proving its worth. Ho substitute, none "just-as-good."