The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, October 13, 1909, Page 21, Image 21

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October 13, igog. TI profession and the community was benefited. ? -/fl <U . . . TEXAS. Lancaster: At the communion service on Sunday, October 3, two young men were received into the membership by letter. The Westminster League is doing ,n11 rri 1 " - " t?cu. i uvsy uave an enrollment or rorty members and the attendance, counting visitors, sometimes reaches to more than fifty. One of the eiders of the church attends each meeting and helps to encourage the young- people. Central Texas Presbytery: The atten tion of pastors and sessions is called to the following action of the Presbytery of Central Texas: "The several pastors and sessions are urged to show to their respective churches the importance of ralsng the necessary means to secure the money promised by Mrs. Sage for me American lilDie Society, and to devise means to secure it." The time for the collection is the third Sabbath of October, or as soon thereafter as practicable. M. C. Hutton, S. C. Paris: The First Church has recently purchased a very desirable lot in the factory portion of the city for the use of a mission Sabbath-school. A neat house, already upon it, is sufficient for the present needs. Thia school was inaugurated about three years ago, during the pastorate of Rev. W. P. Neilson, and has steadily prospered. Miss Jauie Grant opened her home to it and has done more than any to make it a success, though a number of others have rendered very efficient and faithful service. . J. P. R. VIRGINIA. Roanoke: Evangelistic services are being held in the First Church by the General Assembly's evangelist, Dr. J. Ernest Thacker. His singers are Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, of Boston. The interest of some precious soul may depend upon what may be done during this meeting. Pray for God's blessing upon this work. ? Litchfield Church, Chesapeake Presbytery: Sunday, October 3, was a happy day in the history of this old church, the quarterly communion being observed. Ten members were received into the church upon profession of their faith. The pastor has recently been assisted in ?? mvcuu5 \jy xvt3 V. U. J. 011 Op DLL, UL Sl&I* ford county, Virginia. We thank Qod and take courage. Williamsburg: At the quarterly communion on October 3 eight names were announced as enrolled since the last report. Our Sunday-school has grown and we are unable to teach our classes to any advantage in the insufficient church building. The question of new quarters f?l iirtr>n J J * - * M ui<uu ud nuu buuuiu utj seiuea speedily. Men of Synod, we are teaching your boys and girls. R. L. Walton. Samuel Daviea Church: Rev. F. T. McFaden, pastor of the First Church, Richmend, lias Just closed a series of services IE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SC In the Salem branch of the Samuel Davies Church, of which Rev. F. Wootton Osborn has charge. Dr. McFaden preached eloquent and forcible gospel sermons to large congregations, which grew beyond the seating capacity of the church before the close of the meeting. Five young men and one young lady professed their faith in Christ and gave their names to unite with Salem. On the closing day, Sunday,' October 3, O. O. Alexander, H. C. Alexander and C. H. Leland were elected as riiline ?n serve in the Samuel Davies Church. To God be all the praise. Newport News: The Westminster Bible class of the First Church held its annual business meeting in the church parlor September 30. This is one of the growing organized men's classes of the city, and its members are very loyal to Mr. William J. Hughes, who has been their faithful teacher for a number of years. The class has a membership of fifty-one. A contest for new members is now on between its two divisions, the Reds, with Mr. Geggie as leader, and the Blues, with Mr. W. H. Fruish as their captain. The leaders are to invite the whole class to a banquet in October. New Church Organized in Roanoke: On Thursday night, September 30, a commission from Montgomery Presbytery visited Roanoke to organize a church in the west end of the city. They found an enthusiastic gathering of Presbyterians in a private house, and proceeded at once to organize. Sixty members were enrolled from other churches and two young people were received on profession of faith. Messrs. W. M. Graybill, Win. E. Price, and C. B. Price, were elected elders, and Messrs. T. W. Davis. E. S. Revnnlds. and C. S. Bellar, deacons. Messrs. W. M. Graybill, Wm. E. Price and T. W. Davis, were installed. The others will be installed later if they accept. The church has a fine prospect of growth, being located in a beautiful residence section of the Magic city t Lexington: Ex-Governor R. B. Glenn, of North Carolina, spoke in the Presbyterian Church at both services, Sabbath, October 10. Since he left the Governor's chair he has been giving his time to the advocacy of the interests of Home Missions in the far South. He is fin olnmionJ onnolro. and has been making a tremendous impression wherever he has been. Lexington is fortunate to have the opportunity to hear him. He spoke at eleven o'clock on "The Evangelization of the Southwest." In the evening he spoke under the auspices of the Presbyterian Brotherhood, to a mass meeting of men at eight o'clock. His subject was, "The South's Need of Strong Christian Men." New Providence: Rev. H. W. McLaughlin took his place in this pulpit on Sunday, October 3, as pastor of New Providence Church. It was a bright day and a large attendance of the congregation present. After services the preacher was met at the foot of the pulpit by the congregation, extending to the pastor the right hand of fellowship, and a cordial welcome. "May this old church increase In Its weight of years by lengthening her >UTH. 2* cords and strengthening her stakes, and as she grows older he more Christlike. May the pastor's duties be pleasant to him and the church prosper in his hands. May God's blessings be with the pastor and people." WEST VIRGINIA. Keyser: Messrs. W. R. Hill and B. A. Engle, candidates under the care of Winchester Presbytery, very efficiently filled the pulpit of this church for two Sabbaths, while the pastor, Rev. M. B. Lambdin, was away on his vacation. After a brief intermission through the summer, the Woman's Study Club of this viuuruu uas resumed its work for the coming year by taking up the study of "Aliens or Americans," under the leadership of the pastor's wife. Charleston: At the Bream Memorial Church, a meeting of much interest and' large fruit was concluded on Sunday night, October 3. The pastor, Rev. Chas. F. Myers, was assisted by the Rev. Mr. Jacob j', who for more than a week preached twice a day, afternoon and night. There were large assemblies and close attention. On Sunday, October 3, forty nve persons were received into this church. The new church building is progressing well, and will not be too large for this rapidly growing church. PERSONALS. Rev. Wm. C. Buchanan's address is changed from Kobe to No. 64 Shirakabecho, Nagoya, Japan. Rev. H. J. Cumpsten changes his address from Thurb'er, Tex., to Carlsbad, New Mexico. Rev. G. E. Thompson changes his address from Luraville, Fla., to Dowling Park, Fla. Rev. Geo. R. Ratchford changes his address from San Angelo, Tex., to Sterling City Tex. Rev. Wm. W. Sholl. of Idaho, has ac cepiea me call to the pastorate of the church at Jasper, Ala. Dr. G. A. Wilson, evangelist of Lexington Presbytery, changes his address from Raphine to I^exington, Va. Dr. W. L. Lingle, pastor of the First Church, Atlanta, will address the men's meetings at Central Young Men's Christian Association during the month of October. Rev. 8. W. Rogers changes his address from Mobile, Ala., to Bay Minette, Ala. He is pastor of the Burgett Memorial Church. Barnett Church. Atlanta? n#? T in'"" Johnston, of Madison, Ga., has been Invited, by a hearty, unanimous vote to take charge of this church in the northwestern part of Atlanta. Rev. N. B. Mathes, pastor of Philadelphia and Rlverdale churches is at the Presbyterian Hospital, recovering from a surgical operation. He is doing well. The Spruell School is mi IDEAL School for Boys, Marietta, Ga.