The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, October 13, 1909, Page 23, Image 23

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October 13, igog. T1 MOBILE PRESBYTERY. Mobile Presbytery met in Scotlano Church near Tunnell Springs, Alabama, September 21, at 7:30 p. m. Present, six ministers and six ruling elders. The at-* tendance was diminished by a violent storm causing great difficulty in railroad transportation. Presbytery opened with a sermon by Rev. E. A. Smith, from Romans 8:1. "There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus." Officers: Moderator, Rev. S. W. Rogers. Temporary Clerk, S. P. Dunn. Assembly's Overture: Presbytery's answer to the Assembly's overture regarding the "elect infant" clause was, that we desire it plainly stated that we believe that all infants dying in infancy are saved by Christ. Rev. D. A. Planck. D. D., and Rev. A. P. Carr, D. D., were appointed a committee to examine the revision of the proof texts of our standards and report at the next stated meeting of Presbytery. The overture of the Assembly regarding the raising of a continuous fund to defray the expenses of commissioners was answered in the affirmative. Pastoral Relation Dissolved: Rev. J. P? McMillan, D. D., and the State Street Church at Citronelle with the sincere regrets of Presbytery, by whom Dr. McMillan is greatly beloved. Dismissed: Rev. J. P. McMillan and Kev. c. 15. AlcL,eod to North Alabama Presbytery. To be dismissed: Rev. W. H. Boyd to Kingston Presbytery, at an adjourned meeting. Report of the Committee on Systematic Beneficence showed the usual liberality of our people, but .nearly ten per cent less than last year owing to the stringency of the times. The people of Scotland came fully up to their proverbial character for hospitality, for which they received the hearty thanks of Presbytery. Place of next meeting, Stockton. Time, third Tuesday (19th) of April, 1910. The following revised roll of permanent committees was adopted, which Presbytery requested the church papers to publish: Presbyterial Home Missions: Rev. D. A. Planck, Rev. A. F. Carr, Rev. E. A. Smith, Thad Harrison, N. Crane, T. M. McMillan, Julian Duffle. Foreign Missions: Rev. A. F. Carr, R. O. Harris, J. H. Wienand, George Stewart. Assembly Home Missions: C. W. McCulley, R. E. McWilliams. Frank Moore. Ministerial Education and Relief: Rev. A. F. Carr, P. J. Hamilton, R. O. Harris. Publication: Rev. S. W. Rogers, J. C. MeLeod, M. D. Sabbath 8chools, Young People's Soci etie8 and Women's Societies: Rev. A. F. Carr, R. O. Harris, Julian Duffle. Colored Evangelism: Rev. E. A. Smith, J. M. Davison, W. T. Neal. Schools and Colleges: Rev. D. A. Planck, W. S. Anderson. Orphans' Home: Rev. E. A. Smith, S. P. Dunn, N. E. Davison. Examination Committees: Ancient languages, Rev. C. W. McCulley; Logic, -IE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SO Rhetoric and Natural Sciences. Rev. E. A. Smith: Theology and Ecclesiastical History, Rev. A. F. Carr; Church Goveninent and Sacraments, Rev. D. A. Planck. S. PRESBYTERY OF EBENEZER. Arter holding a called meeting at Maysville on the morning of September 28, at which meeting Rev. W. I. Spears was dismissed to the Presbytery of Columbia, Synod of Tennessee, the Presbytery of Ebenezer met at 7:30 p. m., on the same day in regular service, at Millersburg, and was opened with a sermon by Rev. R. S. Rhodes, the retiring moderator, from Isa. 8:3. Rev. J. C. Cowan, of the church at Augusta, was chosen moderator. Mr. E. A. Thomas, a candidate for the gospel ministry, was received by certificate from the Presbytery of East Alabama, having completed his studies at Clarksville. After the usual examinations he was licensed to preach, and a call for his pastoral services from the Moorefield church was placed in his hanflfi nnrl npnonfo/l * ? * _v^vp^u .?j linn. t\ i-uiumission was appointed to ordain and install him in the near future. The Committee on the Minutes of the Assembly called attention to the various topics handed down for consideration. Some of these were referred to committees to report at the spring meeting. Touching the matter of ahanging the language of Chap. X. Sec. 3, of the Confession, Presbytery recommended that the change be made by eliminating the word "elect" before the words "infant" and "in capable persona," so that the whole clause-will read: "Infants dying In infancy," etc. The recommendation was adopted with one dissenting vote. Rev. W. W. Evans, D. D., of Crescent Springs Church and Elder T. P. Glbbert, of the Augusta Church, were chosen principal commissioners to the General Assembly, with Rev. W. W. Akers, of Maysville Church, and M. M. McKnight, of Washington Church, alternates. Rev. R. S. Rhodes requested the dissolution of his pastoral relation with the Washington church, in order that he might pursue a post-graduate course at the Seminary at Louisville. The church reluctantly concurred in his request, and the relation was dissolved by Presbytery. Bayless Memorial Church, Grayson, Ky., was chosen as the next place of meeting. A popular meeting was held in the interests of Home Missions, and Colonel Bennett H. Young, of Louisville, delivered a stirring address. Presbytery adjourned to meet during the sessions of Synod at Lexington. H. M. Scudder, S. C. PRESBYTERY OF ST. LOUIS. Met in Festus, Mo., Sept. 28, 10 a. m. Opening sermon by Rev. J. E. Flow, of St. Charles. ** Officers.?Moderator, Rev. J. R. C. Brown, of Troy; temporary clerk. Elder R. M. Foster, of Grand Avenue. Proof Texts.?An ad interim committee ' * 4 ? < >UTH. 23 America's ^? f .onrlin^ H standard of what a I satisfactory coffee I I rocsc^r sh?uia be?? ",ely"K markable popularity I w?* a proof of its super- I iority. 232 Carloads Sold Annually I Sold Kverywhere THE REILY-TA YLOR CO. New Orleans, U. S. A. J was appointed, consisting of Dr. T. C. Barrett and Rev. J. E. Flow. Overtures to Synod.?To publish its minutes more proniDtlv: to tako looking to the transfer of Price's Branch Church to the Missouri Presbytery. ?Presbytery consented to the overture of the Assembly concerning the payment of commissioners' expenses. Consideration of the proposed amendment concerning commissions was postponed till the spring meeting. Elect Infant Clause.?Presbytery suggested the change of the word "infants" to "persons." A Memorial of Rev. Luther V. Cobb was presented and adopted. The Presbytery decided to ask the SyTT uuu o riuuie .Mission committee for help in its Home Mission work, on account of its pressing opportunities. Elder C. H. Semple, of Grand Avenue, was elected treasurer of the Presbytery. On Wednesday afternoon, interesting institutes were held on Y. P. societies, and on Sunday-schools. An adjourned meeting was ordered for Nov. 16, at Central Church, to consider the interests of Bethany Church. Spring meeting at Cook Avenue. Walter M. L'angtry, S. C. "What a Friend we have in Jesus," Sankey's favorite hymn, of which over fifty millions have been printed, was written by Joseph Scriven. who was horn In Dublin about 1820, and emigrated to Canada about 1850. He lived a simple life, refusing to accept money, and died in 1886. USE THE BIBLE QUESTIONS. 1*> not be wit pout I)r. Hill's 1,200 Hlble questions, suitable for old and y</ung. The questions are In consecutive order and the lJtble Is studied In a systematic way. You understand and get the good of what you read so much more by using the questions. Much pleasure, as well as-benefit. Is afforded. "It Is certainly the greatest help In the study of the Hlble I have ever found."-?Miss I-a in a Lauderdale, Glasgow, Ky. "I am going to put a copy Into the hands of every one of my church members possible, for I think it Is a great thing; am highly pleased with it."?W. K. Anderson, Glading. Miss. v? < nave got much Rood from our study upon these questions, und would recommend them for similar study to any society wishIiik an Inexpensive way to get Rood results from Hlble readfhR."?Mrs. May Wash, Kaufman, Tex. ANSWERS printed in separate pamphlet. Sold at same prices as question books?slnKle copy, 10c, three or more 8 1-3 cents each. Orders promptly filled when sent, to IRVING GILMER, Liberty, Mo.