The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, October 13, 1909, Page 24, Image 24

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24 THE PRESBYTERY OF ARKANSAS. Arkansas Presbytery met at Conway, September 28, at 7:30. Present, ten ministers and six ruling elders. Presbytery was opened with a sermon by the moderator, ltev. J. G. Lane, of Marianna Church, from the text, Rom. 8:29, 30. Ruling Elder Chas. McKee of Central Church, Little Rock, was elected moderator, Rev. H. H. Patrick, Blytheville, temporary clerk, and Rev. J. R. West, Roanoke, engrossing clerk. Presbytery and the church was delighted with a visit and an address by Rev. C. P. Handcock, of the China Mis sion of our church. Splendid sermons were preached by H. II. Patrick, J. Z. Hayno and Chas. R. Hyde, making this meeting full of devotion. Encouraging reports were presented by the permanent committees. The Home Mission report especially showed marked progress. Presbytery asked to have chap. X, sec. Ill, of the Confession of Faith changed so as to read as follows: "Infants dying in infancy, together with all other persons who are incapable of being called by the ministry of the Word, being''elect according to the foreknowl edge of God, aro regenerated and saved by Christ through the Spirit who worketh when and where and how he pleaseth." The hospitality of Rev. A. M. MacLauchlin and his good people was abounding. After a brief, but delightful session, Presbytery adjourned to meet in adjourned session at Helena, at 3 p. m., October 19, (time of meeting of Synod) and in next stated meeting at Marianna church. S. H. Latham, S. C. PRESBYTERY OF RED RIVER. me fresDytery or lieu mver met at Banks chapel September 28, 1909, 7:30 p. m., and opened with a sermon by Rev. Jasper K. Smith, D. D., from Jeremiah 6: 16. Rev. H. M. McLaln was elected moderator and Rev. Geo. D. Booth temporary clerk. The Presbytery took the following action relative to change of language in Chap. X, Sec. Ill, of Confession of Faith: "Red River Presbytery earnestly desires such a change in language as will unmistakably indicate our belief in the salvation of all infants dying in infancy if reference is made to salvation of infants. We have no form of language to suggest. On proof texts: Rev. Q. Q. Woodbridge, Rev. Jasper K. Smith and Rev. Geo. D. Booth were appointed to report on the proof texts. Rev. J. T. Sailes was dismissed to the Presbytery of Dallas. A can irom me noraer cuuruu iur iuc pastoral services of Rev. Wm. A. Rolle was placed In bis hands. Rev. H. M. McLain and Elder J. H. Belcher were elected principal commissioners to the General Assembly. Mansfield Church was selected as the next place of meeting. The pommittee on Home Missions made a report as follows: "The commit ; PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU tee has entered into corporation with the other Presbyteries in the Synod in securing the services of an evangelist and that Rev. Charles Nourse has been elected to the position and has entered upon his work. The committee recommends full cooperation with the General Assembly's Home Mission work." Adopted. The Presbytery endorsed the plan en icrtu upon uy Lne commuieo ior an evangelist and obligated itself to the extent 01 one third of his salary. The Committtee on Sunday Schools and Young People's Societies reported a very satisfactory and encouraging work done. Some very efficient work was done by the chairman, Rev. Wm. A. Rolle, and candidate S. P. Dubois, who labored three months under the direction of the Sunday School Committee. Rev. Jasper K. Smith and Rev. U. B. Currie were appointed a Committee on Supplies. Higher Judicatory. "Your committee rpnnmmonHo thn nnnrnvol Af .... ?.uv> uj/piVIUl Wi. IUC /\ODCiU" bly's contingent fund. Also, the adoption of the suggested change of Chap. V, Sec. I. Par. 68, on page 49 of Minutes General Assembly." Rev. J. C. Stull (colored) was given permission to labor within the bounds of Red River for the next six months. This was one of the most enjoyable Presbyteries in years?at an old historic church in the country among the oaks and pines. The marble shafts in the old cemetery indicated the antiquity of the church. The hospitality of the people was unlimited. Dinner on the ground? like the good old times. The place was fragrant with the memories of such sainted pioneers as Rev. Messrs. Banks, Til in Ion on/I T-T o * **! n ?^UU1U[/ uuu iiul I Illgiuu. U. B. Currie, S. C. PRESBYTERY OF LOUISVILLE. The Presbytery of Louisville met at Bloomfleld, Ky., September 28, at 7:30 p. m. There were present twenty-two ministers and fourteen ruling elders. The opening sermon was preached by the retiring moderator, Rev. Henry H. Sweets, D. D., from Matt. 9:37, 38. Officers.?Rev. Henry W. McLaughlin, moderator, and Ruling Elder Vincent Davis, temnorarv clerk. Received.?Rev. Robt. L. Cowan, from Fort Worth Presbytery; Rev. A. N. Wolff, from Duluta Presbytery (U. S. A.); candidate G. R. Buford, from the Presbytery of Nashville. Dismissed.?Rev. J. W. Atwood, to the Presbytery of Pine Bluff; Rev. H. W. M?Laughlin, to Lexington Presbytery; and candidate Clyde E. Vander Maaton to the Presbytery of Louisville (U. S. A.) Calls Accepted. ? From Frankfort Church, by Rev. Robt. L. Cowan, and from Bardstown Road Presbyterian church, by Rev. A. N. Wolff. Mileage Basis for Commissioners' Expenses.?The overture of the Assembly asking that expenses of commissioners be put on a mileage basis was answered in the affirmative and consent was given to amendment of chap. V, sec. 1, of Book TH. October 13, 1909. of Church Order, to conform to this plan. Elect Infant Clause.?The Presbytery informs the ad interim committee, appointed to report to the Assembly a change in the language of chapter X, section 3, of the Confession of Faith, that in its judgment the language of the Confession should be changed as to express withnnf nmhlcrnUtf AU"i ~n fants dying in infancy are saved. Revision of Proof Texts.?The following ad interim committe was appointed to consider the report of the Assembly's Committee on Revision of Proof Texts in the Standards: Rev. Drs. C. R. Hemphill, W. H. Miley, and C. W. Sommerville. Presbyterial Sermon.?Rev. H. R. L&lrd was appointed to preach the Presbyterial sermon next spring on the subject, "The Church's Debt to the World," with Rev. A. T-T TV>o \r oa nUnenofA Death of Licentiate M. B. Alimond.? Rev. Egbert W. Smith, D. D., and Rev. J. S. Lyons, D. D., were appointed to prepare resolutions on the death of Licentiate M. B. Alimond. Overture to General Assembly.?The Presbytery of Louisville hereby overtures the General Assembly, in session at Lewisburg, W. Va., to authorize the efficient Stated Clerk, Rev. W. A. Alexander, D. D., before he completes the work on the revised edition of the Digest of the General Assembly, to make a thorough search of the records of Presbyte lies and Synods in order that the earlier records of our Church may be made more accurate and complete; that the necessary funds to cover the expense of this work be appropriated; that the stated clerks of Presbyteries and Synods be requested to render every assistance within their power, and that all of the Presbyteries and Synods be reminded of the value of these records, and the Importance of properly safeguarding Ihem. Increase in Salary.?The Bloomfleld and Big Springs churches Increased the salary of the pastor, Rev. S. B. Lander, from $950 and manse to $1,150 and manse. Next Stated Meeting.?Second Presbyterian church, Louisville, on the second Tuesday in April, 1910. Adjourned Meeting at the call of the moderator. David M. Sweets, S. C. Tetterlne Cures Itching Plies Quickly. "One application of Tetterlne cured me of a case of Itching Piles I had fer five . years. Baynard Benton. Walterboro. S. C. Tetterlne cures Eczema. Tetter, Oround Itch. Ring Worm. Infan.s' Sore Head. Pimples. Itching Piles. Bough. Bcaly Patches on the Face. Old Itching Bores. Dandruff. Cankered Scalp. Corns, Chilblains and every form of Scalp and Skin Disease. Tetterlne Rbe; Tetterlne Soap 25c. At druggists, or by mall direct from The Shuptrlne Co.. Savunnah. Oa. > rnoiooacKfcicxmxw*mt: r k ?c mo CHURCH PEWS $ PULPITS. OPERA CHMRS $ -fr Lomion. ssirenKlli. Finish combined. Have jk ^ everything. CAN SAVK YOU MONRY. j* X THF, DEWOLF FURNITURE ro. f g> Drpl L. Farnelt.K**. T sftmomcooiotci:** )iaoioioi j Jtao**