The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, October 13, 1909, Page 27, Image 27

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October 13, igog. TI THE PRESBYTERY OF PARIS. The Presbytery of Paris met in the First church, Honey Grove, Texas, September 24, at 8 p. m., and was opened with a sermon by Rev. C. C. Weaver, at the request ^of the moderator. ^resent.?Eleven ministers and thirteen ruling elders. Organization?Rev. E. N. Williams was elected moderator, Rev. T. F. Gallaher, temporary elerk; Rev. A. S. Johnson, reading clerk, and Rev. C. C. Weaver, reporter. Popular Meeting for Home Missions.? PreBbytery held a popular meeting in be half of Home Missions on Saturday night. The report of the Home Mission Committee was read showing much progress. Many more professions than usual, "much good work done by the superintendent of Home Missions, a new building at Troupe, larger contributions than ever before as a result of the publicity campaign are finmo nf fhn Uomo r\f {ntowoo* Speeches were made by Dr. Wilson, chairman; Rev. John Williams, superintendent Home Missions and by Judge Lane of Cooper First Church and T. H. B. Hockaday, of Ladonia Church. Day for Laymen's Meeting.?Presbytery at the request of the laymen set apart Friday and Friday night at the spring meeting for the laymen, and it is hoped that a large number will be there. Memorial Service.?Saturday at 11 a. m. Presbytery held a memorial of Rev. J. H. Creighton, who departed this life a few weeks ago. Dr. Wilson read a suitable memorial which was adopted, and will be published soon, and brethren paid tribute to his faithful work. Calls Returned to Presbytery and Declined.?Rev. S. M. Tenney returned the call of the Winnsboro Church and Rev. A. S. Johnson returned the call of Greenville FirBt church. Mr. Tenney will continue to supply the same held, including Winnsboro. Rev. A. S. Johnson was dis missed to the Presbytery of Western District. The Commission to receive and act upon the calls of Henderson and New Danville churches If the way be clear, was continued with full power to act. Proposed Change In Book.?Presbytery voted for the proposed change In regard to defraying the expenses of commissioner to the General Assembly. Licensed and received under care of Presbytery. ?Presbytery licensed Mr. Chester M. Dellinger as a probationer for the Gospel ministry under the extraordinary clause. Received Mr. Harry Roddy, of Honey Grove First church and Mr. Jas. Carmichael, of Bonham First church, under the care of Presbytery for the Gospel ministry. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to the pastor and people of Honey Grove lor their kindness and generous hospitality. It was a delightful and harmonious meeting, pervaded by the Holy Spirit. John E. McLean, Stated Clerk. iE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SC THE PRESBYTERY OF ASHEVILLE. Met in Franklin church, September 21, at 8 p. m. The opening sermon was preached by Rev. R. F. Campbell. D.D. Text: Eph. 5: 14. Officers.?Rev. I. J. Heizer, moderator; Rev. P. M. Eversole, clerk. Present, 8 ministers and 8 elders. Ministers Received.?Rev. I,ewis Collins .was received from Knoxville Presbytery. Ministers Dismissed.?Rev. I. J. Heizer was dismissed to Presbytery of Central Texas. New Churches Enrolled.?Ora Street, in Asheville, and Oak Dale, in Henderson county. Proof-Texts.?Rev. R. B. Grinnan, Rev. R. F. Campbell and Dr. I. J. Archer were appointed to examine the proof texts and report the same to Presbytery. Elect Infants.?Presbytery, in answer to the question, Shall any change be made to Confession of Faith, Chapter X, Section 3? declares itself in favor of so changing the phraseology of this section, as to remove, if possible, the misapprehension that exists in other Christian bodies and to some extent among our own people, as to the teaching of the Confession in regard to the salvation of those dying in infancy. Expenses of Commissioners to General Assembly?Presbytery approved the overture sent down as to change In Chapter V, Section 1, paragraph 58. Overture.?The Presbytery of Asheville would respectfully overture the GenPresbyterian Bibl FOR CHRISTIAN WORK Correspondence Courses?in the Eng History, and .Doctrine; Foreign Missions; Second Term Begins December 9, 1 for Home and Foreign Missionaries, Sunda assistants, settlement workers, etc. For informi Ktv. lifcO. O. BACHMAN, Supt., 1226 7th Street.)* Nash 50 Lesson Business Teacher, THE SCIENCE OF ACCOUNTS Arranged for Public School Busim School. 25 Lessons for Graded Schoi School Boards. Money refunded if noi ( Southwestern Presl CLARKSVI LLE, Thirty-Fifth Session Op Literary, Scientific. Divinity Courses. Graduates prominent in the South. Bxc< VA eolAAna !???? * J 4 ? .w oxiuuua. uApt;uaco uiuQorau). vvn'.e (1776) Hampden Si Able Faculty. Select student body. Notable moral and Intellectual tone. Ex Courses leading to degrees B. A., B. S., nd other modern conveniences. One hundred and thirty fourth sessi For catalogue or other Information a REV. HENRY TUCKER GRAHAM * v >UTH. 27 eral Assembly to recommend to the Presbyteries the following change in Book of Church Order: That Chapter V, Section 6, paragraph 2, be amended by adding the following words: "The moderator of each Assembly shall be ex officio a member of the next succeeding Assembly, representing the church at large and his necessary expenses shall be paid by the Assembly. This snail not interfere with v the regular representation of the Presbytery of which the retiring moderator is a member." , Spring Meeting.?The next stated session will be at Montreat at 8 p. m., April 19. 1909. R. B. Grinnan, S. C. The Westminster New Testament?Thesjalonians and Corinthians. By Professor R. Mackintosh, of Manchester, England. 274 pp. 75 cents net. This is the last published of the series of brief commentaries by modern scholars, edited by Principal A. E. Garvie. A miiuoer 01 me volumes nave been noticed in our columns. These short commentaries represent the attitude of present day scholars and preachers of good standing toward Biblical criticism and its results. They indicate the swinging back of the pendulum from -the more advanced hypotheses of Bible criticism, and are evangelical, yet intelligent, informed and modern. Success should be the beginning and not merely the end of effort. I _ T \ r ^ * * ie t rainingcjcnooi ERS, NASHVILLE, TENN. lish Bible; Sunday school work; Church Home Missions, etc. 909; Third Term, March 24, 1910.?Courses y school workers, Bible teachers, Pastors' ition, address Avenue N. (corner 7th Ave N. and Monroe ville, Tenn. Course, Without a for $1.00 MADE CLEAR AND SIMPLE. ess Course. 50 lessons for High ol. Endorsed by Business Men and t entirely satisfactory. Address, GEORGE ALLEN, Raleigh, N. C. jyterian University TENNESSEE. ens September 15th. Students nearly all cburch members, silent athletic record. Healthful location, for catalogue. dnev Cnllpdp /iono\ ???j ? ? ? ? ? \ jii/Vk/y High standards and thorough work, tensive Campus and Athletic Field. B. Lit., M. A. Steam heat, light, baths a on begins September 15, 1909. ddress I, President,- Hampden-8idney, Vs. I