The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, October 13, 1909, Page 31, Image 31

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October 13, 1909. THE dren, and we commend them to him who hath said, "As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you." 3. That a copy of these resolutions, containing but a feeble expression of our esteem, be sent to the f?miiv nnri > in the records of the society be dedicated to her memory. Elvira G. Gordon, Lillie H. Thornhill, Alice J. Kyle. Committee. Hard Colds.?People whose blood is pure are not nearly so likely to take hard colds as are others. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the blood pare; and this great medicine recovers the system after a cold as no other medicine does. Take Hood's. I Commonwealth "Bank 12 North Ninth Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. CAPITAL - - $200,000.00 4- Per Cent ON SAVINGS. I S.H.Hawps&fn I Dealer in COAL Also Lime, Plaster, Cement RICHMOND, VA. CITY BANK of RICHMOND, VA. Wm. H. Palmer, E. B. Addison, President. V-Presldent. J. W. 8inton, Cashier. CAPITAL, $400,000.00 SURPLUS 6 UNDIVIDED PROFITS, $175,000.60 Correspondence Solicited. ROYALINE OIL for Aching Feet. ROYALINE OIL After Shaving. ROYALINE OIL for Sere Thfoat. ROYALINE OIL, no Grease, ne Stain. ROYALINE OIL, the best Antiseptic. 10c, 25c, 50c. Druggists Bank oj Branches 303 E. Broad St.. IBth > . : PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTH. 31 Wm. T. riardie, Pres. Arthur A. Castaned o, Vice-Pres. M. M. Hardle, Sec'y & Treas. WILLIAMS-RICHARDSON CO., Ltd. Importers and Jobbers of ury uoods. Notions and Men's Furnishing Goods 209-211-213 and 213 Magazine, 512 Common ancj 515 Qravler St*. Now York Office, 5 Leonard 8t. P. O. Drawer 581. NEW ORLEANS, LA, The Nowlan Company uuw m.? *>? - ..i6ii viasH Diamonds and other Precious Stones. New designs In Engagement and Wedding Rings, Silver Novelties, and Cases of Silver for Bridal Presents o< the fastest Patterns. Pine Imported and American Watches. Opera Glasses and Lorgnettes. Goods sent on approval upon satisfactory city reference. ?21 East Main Street. RICHMOND. VA* National State Bank I RICHMOSin VIBftlMiA (Formerly The State Bank of Virginia) CAPITAL. $500,000 SURPLUS. SJOO.OOO DIRECTORS J. L. Antrim. John S. Ellett, Wm. M. Hill. James D. Crump. Joe. M. Fourqurean Edward C. Mayo. A. R. Ellerion. Horace S. Hawes. Granville G. Valentine OFFICERS John S. Ellett. President Wm. M. Hill. Cashier Julien H. Hill, Asairtant Cashier Interest t Uowed on Saving! Deposit!. We invite you to do business with ua^ To CALIFORNIA $32.00 from New Orleans One Way Colonist Tickets on Sale September 15 to October 15, 1909, inclusive VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC Through Train Dally Oil Burning Locomotives Pullman Tourist Sleepers Chair Cars and Coaches Liberal Stopovers Rate Per Berth in Tourist Sleeper, New Orleans to San Francisco $5.75 I Ask for information and literature, or write J. H. PARSONS, Gen. Pass. Agt., New Orleans. Electric Light and Power You simply press the button and pay only for what you use. Expert advice free. New Orieans Railway & Light Co. 317 Baronne Street. NEW ORLEANS, LA. VAT T A XT A ITF/XD A a new Son* Book in your Church TlllJ \ j /\ /\rrtlKI/or Sunday School, and one for A v-*x 111 every person; "FAMILIAR SONGS OF THE GOSPEL." Round or Shape Notes, for S3 for 100. Words And music 83 very best sonars. Sample copy 5 cents. E. A. K. HACKETT, 109 North Wayne Street. Fort Wayne, lad. a f ? e?li 1 cm ?z? r. mm 1 #-v? y*" Jitdin o ire 91 5 t M M? ? ? I1 J ?t ? ? Your Account 8oliclt?d 9 CsVCr 3 per cent Interest allowed In 8avln?e Department. and Main 8ts., 25th and Broad 8ts^ Louisiana 8L, and Wllllamsburo Ave. * 4 *