The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, October 13, 1909, Page 32, Image 32

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32 THE Apples We can sell you at wholesale rates apples of the finest quality, wrapped and packed In New York bushel boxes, or barreled. These are mountain crown of the finest flavor and have been well sprayed. They will go by freight anywhere in the South, and will keep till Christmas, and later, without cold storage. We grow the Albemarle Pippin and other high class appleB. Every package guaranteed. Write The Albemarle Orchard Co., Samuel B. Woods, President, Charlottesville, Va. Chesapeake and Olio Railway SCENIC ROUTE OF THE EAST. FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS. With Dining Cam and Pullman Sleepers Between New York, Washington, Norfolk and Richmond, and Louisvil'*, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Louis. Direct connections to and from all points West Three Fast Trains between Richmond and Norfolk. JOHN J. POTTS. W. O. WARTHEN. Ger. Pas. Agent Dist Pas. Agent Richmond. Va. WANTS Rates for "Wont" Advertisement*.?The cost of an adver isemrnt c ntiinirjr twenty fiv. ?ord? or less will be fifty c* nts for each in* Hion. No ad ertlsereni p ibllshed for lets than 60 cen a. Ail over twent.?-flve wor 'a will io*i two cents for each word. Cash t j accompany the order. WANTED: Several girls in our Manufacturing Department. No experience necessary. Address The C. F. Sauer Company, 10 S. 21st St., Richmond, Va. SCHOLARSHIP FOR SALE. We are able to Her a scholarship, entitling the holder to a full course of Bookkeeping or Shorthand and Typewriting, including all the Auxiliary Branches, such as Banking, Spelling, Mathematics, etc., in one of the best Business Colleges, at a greatly reduced price. For particulars write this paper. WANTED A wnm a n nrhn i>on and teach girls to cook is wanted at the Presbyterian Orphans' Home, Lynchburg, Va. WANTED?A housekeeper in family of three; a Presbyterian not over 25, with practical experience. W. Sam'l. Goodwyn, Emporia, Va. An Old Worn-out Preacher out of employment, T am trying to help my acit unu mwnc uc|it;imviil upufl me lO IIVG. For this purpose partly, I have written three books, viz.: "Kirk Ward's Ghost: or A Modern Miracle"; "The End of the World"; and "Golden Rule." Price, by mail prepaid, of each singly, 60 cents; any two. 76 cents; or all three, $1.00. Two cent postage stamps taken Is desired. Now, if you desire to show sympathy for an aged preacher struggling against want, order one. two. or three of these books. Address the author, REV. R. H. CROZIER, Palestine, Texas.' BELLS. ftleel A'loj Church sad Mokooi Bells, jyiiwiii 1st Oasalocue The C. 8. BKLI. CO.. Bllbbere.c : PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTH. October 13. 1909. Senior Hall Main Building Dickson Hall Texas Presbyterian. College For Girls THE GREAT PltBSliYTKRIAN SCHOOL OF THE SOUTHWEST. Splendid buildings. elegantly furnished. heated by steam from outside metal furnace room, ol iv In ting nil danger of Ore. Tlie beautiful acetylene gas light. Large gymnasium, basket-hall. tennis, outdoor games. No serious Illness In tlie history of the school. Two courses of study. College and Seminary, leading to degrees. Special departments: Piano, Voice Culture. Violin. Organ. Guitar, Expression. All branches of Art. Artistic Needlework. China Kiln. Art Rooms with sky-light. WILLIAM H. SHERWOOD. CHICAGO, Visiting Director of Music and Teacher of Interpretation Classes. One hundred and tklrtysix music pupils last year. COLLEGE OPENS SEPTEMBER 'J3rd. 1**1. For Catalogue illustrated by photographs, write REV. HENKY C. EVAN8, A. M., D. 1>., President. Milford. Texas. Silliman Collegiate Institute An endowed school for girls, under Presbyterian control, nealtbfnl location In the hill country. Handsome, roomy buildings, beautiful, well-shaded mmni? ii?k#? Miontn neat. All uecesxary equipment. Three courses leading to degrees. Music, *Art, Elocution, Physical Culture, Stenography and Typewriting. ENDOWMENT MAKES PRICES LOWER THAN ANY OTHER GOOD SCHOOL IN THE SOUTH. Let us explain this to yon. Address the President. REV. 2. H. BROWN!.KB, Clinton. Lonialana. AGNES SCOTT COLLEGE for Women DECATUR (near Atlanta), GEORGIA. THE COLLEGE offers advantages equal to best colleges for men. THE AGNES SCOTT ACADEMY, under separate faculty and governmert, offers a four years' course leading to Freshman class. For catalogue, address F. H. GAINES, President. Cluster Springs Academy CLUSTER.SPRINGS. VA. This school claim* your attention because of its superb location, its strong corpe of Christian teachers, and the personal care given each boy entrusted to us. Our catalog will interest you if you have ?hsy to educate. % Forty-four Years of Successful Work. HAMPOCN WILSON, Headmaster. . 8. Art. |S V Expression, Physical Culture, Pedagogy, Bci lncss, etc. Conservatory or IB liwLH. ^ualc. lilgh standard maintained by large staff of experienced, college. trained Instructors. Takes only ninety boardersaud teaches the individual. Unsurpassed health record. Brick buildings. Htoam heat. Excellent labia tea-Largo gymnasium. Park-liko campus Concerts, lectures, tennis, bnsketball. Write for our catalog bcforeec-locting thocolloge lor your daughter HENRY JEROME STOCKARD. A. M.. Pres.. Raleigh, N. C. I Buv Your Furniture From IT,* I Tbere are many reasons wny you should! Our stock Is the largest In the South. We buy In carload lots and get lower prices, lower freight rates, and the goods reach us in perfect condition. When you come to our store you have big assortments to select from. You can get just what you want. Therefore, when you visit Richmond, make our stored your headquarters. We will be glad to see you. If you cannot come. write lor prices. Sydnor & Hundley, Inc., "Furniture for the flome Beautiful" 7(9-11-13 E. Broad, Richmond,Va. , , 1