The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, October 20, 1909, Page 22, Image 22

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22 THE i Presbyteries KINGS' MOUNTAIN PRESBYTERY. Met with Union Church, near Gastonia, N. C., September 28-30, 1909. The opening sermon was preached by Rev. R. C. Anderson, of the First Church, Gastonia, by request of the moderator. Officers: Rev. G. L. Cook, moderator; Rev. T. C. Croker, temporary clerk, and Dr. C. J. McCombs, engrossing clerk. Enrolled: 12 ministers; 19 elders. All the ministers present except one, who ?as ut'uuutu tti iiume uy sicaness. Corresponding Members: Rev. L. B. Tate, Missouri Presbytery; Rev. W. J. Wyly, Bethel Presbytery; Rev. W. L Boggs, Enoree Presbytery; Rev. T. J. Allison, Ashevllle Presbytery, and Rev. John Wakefield, Concord Presbytery. Ministers Received: Rev. S. S. Oliver, from Fayetteville Presbytery, and Rev. J. K. Hall, from Bethel PresbyteryCalls: Rev. G. L. Cook, from Union Mills; Rev. S. S. Oliver, from Kings' Mountain, Long Creek and Bessemer City, and Rev. S. L. Cathey, from Mt. Holly. Candidates: Ministerial Education report showed seven under care of Presbytery. Address on Davidson College by Dr. H. L. Smith. Presbytery decided to observe Davidson Week. Popular Meeting on Foreign Missions: Report made by Rev. J. B. Cochran; Rev. L. B. Tate, made the address. Home Missions: Report of the summer evangelistic campaign was made and pastors who preached in the tents made addresses. The Westminster School: The Executive Committee reported the school in splendid condition, with 96 enrolled to date. Principal J. K. Hall addressed the Presbytery on the outlook, which is bright. Orphans' Home: The committee reported, and Rev. John Wakefield spoke in the interests of the Home. Confession of Faith, Chapter X, Section 3. Presbytery desires no change. Sabbath and Family Religion: The report called forth a lively and earnest discussion. Reports were made on Colored Evangelization and Sunday School Extension. Presbyterian Standard: Rev. . W. L. Boggs, agent, made a strong plea for the paper. Spring Meeting: Shelby, N. C., Tuesday after second Sunday, April, 1910. Adjourned Meeting: Mt. Holly, N. C., October 8, 1909. S. L. Cathey, S. C. Rutherfordton, N. C., Oct: 4, 1909. NORFOLK PRESBYTERY. mei m its miriy-nrsi regular session, at Gloucester, Va., September 28, 1909. There were 14 ministers and 4 elders present. Opening sermon preached by Rev. C. S. Lingamfelter, of Berkley, Norfolk, Va., the retiring moderator. Rev. R. C. Gilmore, of Portsmouth, Va., was elected moderator and Mr. C. B. Whitney, of New PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUT port News, Va., temporary clerk. Rev. F. L. Delaney was received and accepted a call to the Suffolk Church, Virginia, and a commission elected to install him November 3, 7:30 p. m., 1909. A petition was received from York River Church, asking that part of her membership be formed into a new church to be called the Williamsburg Church. A commission was elected to carry out this petition. A commission appointed to install Rev. R. Walton, at York River and Williamsburg. Reports and addresses were heard from Dr. Rfennie, chairman of Home Mission i/uinmitiee, ana Kev. W. H. T. Squires, chairman of Foreign Missions Committee. The question, "Shall the deneral Assembly pay the expenses of its commissioners?" was answered in the affirmative. Dr. J. W. Ayler, of Newport News, Va.f was added to the Executive Committee on the Assembly's Home and School. The moderator preached at 11 a. m. Wednesday. An Ad Interim Committee, to be appointed by the moderator, was ordered to review the work of the Assembly's Ad Interim Committee on Proof Texts, and report to spring meeting of Presbytery. Presbytery noted with pleasure the gift of land for the erection of a church at Gloucester Point, Va. Next spring meeting at Williamsburg, Va., April 19, 1909, at 7:30 p. m. Adjourned to meet in First Church, Norfolk, Va., at call of moderator. J. W. Lacy, S. C. PRESBYTERY OF ALBERMARLE. The Presbytery of Albemarle held its forty-first stated meeting at the Nut bush Church, September 28-30,; eleven ministers and eight elders present. Officers?Rev. L. C. Vass, moderator, and Rev. J. S. Wood and Elder Joseph Patterson, clerks. The routine work of the Presbytery was regularly and prayerfully dispatched. Received?Rev. F. M. Hawley, from the Di?ooKwfA*?*? ?-?^ Tl" J? a * * 1 * M 1 icou/reij ui rnuucttu, ami LiiceniiaiP J. P. Coleman from the Presbytery of Knoxville. Ordained.?Licentiate J. P. Coleman, to the full work of the ministry, and committees appointed to install him pastor at Grassy Creek and Oak Hill the second Sunday, and at Geneva the third Sunday of October. Sermons were preached by Rev Messrs. W. Mc. C. White, D. D., retiring moderator, J. N. Summerrell, D. D., W D. Morton, D. D., and R. C. Deal, the last being the Presbyterial sermon on Family Religion. Rev. L. C. Vass spoke in the in icicoi ui uur Airicun mission, ana free. H. L. Smith presented the cause of Davidson College. Evangelistic Work?A permanent committee was appointed with Rev. W. McC. White, D. D., chairman. Memorial of the late Rev. F. W. Farries was read by Dr. W. D. Morton, ordered spread upon the minutes of the Presbytery and a copy sent to the widow of the deceased. H. October 20, 1909. Proof Texts.?An ad Interim committee consisting of Rev. J. A. McClure and Elder C.-A. Lewis was apointed to examine these and report at the spring meeting. Revision of the Confession.?The following was adopted: "The Presbytery of Albemarle opposes any change in the text of said chapter of the Confession of Faith, but desires an explanatory fnntnnto urhUli 0V.0II ?* *u ? oiiuu kuucui iuu erroneous impression in some minds that our church, by implication at least, teaches that some infants dying in infancy are non-elect and therefore lost." Spring meeting.?Washington, N. C., second Tuesday in April, 8 p. m. Presbytery adjourned to meet at the call of the moderator during the session of Synod. J. A. McC., S. C. THE WESTERN DISTRICT PRESBYTERY. Met in tne Denmark church on September 28, 1909. The opening sermon was preached by Rev. F. L. Allen, the retiring Moderator. There was a full attendance of ministers but only a small number of churches were represented. Rev. George P. Scott was chosen Moderator and Rev. F. L. Allen temporary clerk. Rev. A. S. Johnson was received from the Paris Presbytery and a commission was appointed to install him as pastor of the Jackson church. The pastoral relation between Rev. C. O. N. Martindale and the Brownsville church was dissolved and he was granted a letter to the Presbytery of Nashville. Rev. A. S. Johnson was appointed chairman of local Home Missions and Rev. Wm. Thome was appointed chairman of the Sunday School Committee. The Presbytery asked the General Assembly to pay the traveling expenses of the Commissioners out of the general lund. An Ad Interim Committee was appointed on proof texts with Rev. George P. Scott as chairman. The Presbytery adopted the following paper, which was sent to the General Assembly's Committee on the infant clause: "All infants dying in infancy are elect and are regenerated and saved At. ~ - A A - - - tuiuugu iuc atonement or our L<ord Jesus Christ by the gracious operation of the Holy Spirit Who worketh when and where and how He pleaseth." The afternoon of the second day was given over to a Sunday School Institute. Addresses were made emphasizing teacher training and the preparation for the class. The Foreign Mission Rally Wednesday night conducted by the Moderator was marked with a great deal of enthusiasm and the Presbytery seems to be swinging into line. The Home Mission work came in for its share and one day has been appointed at toe spring meeting for the laymen to gather and discuss and plan for aggressive work along the line of missions. The meeting was one of the best we have had. In the face of great dlfflcul