The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, October 20, 1909, Page 23, Image 23

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October 20, 1909. \ TK ties a note of encouragement characterized the whole session. The Presbytery had ' the pleasure of hearing Rev. T. D. Latimer a former member of this body, preach from the text: "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ." Rev. H. B. Zernow preached the doctrinal sermon on the perseverance of the saints. R. I. Long, S. C. WINCHESTER PRESBYTERY. Met in stated meeting in the Ronney Presbyterian church, Romney, W. Va., September 21, 1909. Present, sixteen ministers and thirteen ruling elders. Officers: The Rev. W. W. Edge, pastor of the Davis church, was chosen moderator. The Rev. E. B. Druen, pastor of the Springfield group of churches and Ruling Elder E. A. Harness, of the Petersburg church, were chosen temporary clerks. Candidate J. Hoge Smith was received from New Orleans Presbytery. Licensed: W. Twyman Williams, Jr., and J. Hoge Smith. commissions reported that Rev. E. B. Druen had been installed pastor of the Springfield, Mt. Bethel, Burlington and Patterson Creek churches. That Dr. J. T. McBryde had been installed pastor of the Falling Waters and The Tomahawk churches. That licentiate W. W. Grover had been ordained, and installed pastor of the Parsons, Hambleton and Hendricks churches. Popular meetings held in the interest of Home and Foreign Missions. Splendid addresses; Rev. C. K- Cummings, of Japan, as heard with pleasure. The Home Mission Committee was authorized to employ an evangelist for his whole time, and call upon Synod's committee for at least half of his salary. Presbytery having declined at its last stated meeting to favor any change in the "elect infant clause" of the Confession of Faith had no suggestions to make to the General Assembly's ad interim committee on the subject. Five of the members dissented from this action. Splendid sermons were heard and good feeling prevailed. The usual charming hospitality of the Romney congregation was thorousrhlv pntnvort onH tho a model host. Presbytery adjourned to meet at the call of the Moderator at Synod and In stated meeting in April 19, 1910, in Winchester, Virginia, at 8 p. m. A- G. Link, S. C. PRESBYTERY OF MULENBURG. The Presbytery of Muhlenburg met In stated session at Central City, Ky., September 28, 1909. The opening sermon was preached by Rev. C. H. H. Branch, at tho ronnaaf ?*1-1 - * ? * v\|uudv ui uic i cm iu 15 muucrmur, 1 Judge John B. DuBose. Organization.?Rev. C. H. H. Branch was elected moderator, and Ruling Elder O. T. White, of Elkton, Ky., temporary clerk. Home Missions.?Considerable time was given to a discussion of local home [E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOI Something fb&i luzian 11^ FRESH, ST IJoASTEO^ Two Million Sold everywhere. [TOE REILY-T mission work, and the bounds and duties of the presbyterial and synodical committees as related to each other. Elect Infant Clause.?All matters sent down by the Assembly for presbyterial action were docketed for the spring meeting, except that touching the elect infant clause of the Confession of Faith. It was proposed that the Presbytery declare itself in favor of making the clause read: "The salvation of infants dying in infancy, -as of other persons who are incapable of being called by the ministry of the Word, 1b dependent upon the election of grace, and is accomplished by Christ through the regeneration of the Spirit who worketh when, where, and how he pleaseth." After discussion the majority of the Presbytery voted in favor of a foot-note similar to that ordered by the Assembly of 1900. Sermons.?On Tuesday afternoon a sermon was preached by Rev. Robert H. McCaslin, and at night by Rev. Dr. W. L. Nourse. Presbytery adjourned to meet in stated session at Hopkinsviile, Ky., on April 19, 1910. E. E. Smith, S. C. PRESBYTERY OF TRANSYLVANIA. The Presbytery of Transylvania met at Pisgah Church, in Pulaski county, and was opened with a sermon by Rev. B. M. Green, D. D. Moderator.?Bov T V T yioon Rev. A. A. Higgins, of Louisville Presbytery, was invited to sit as a corresponding member. The Pastoral Relation between Rev. Dr. J. .Addison Smith and the Richmond Church was dissolved, and he was dismissed to the Presbytery of Nashville to accept a call from the Murfreesboro Church. Dismissed.?Rev. J. L. Yandell, to the Presbytery of Transylvania, U. S. A. He will labor at Hyden, Leslie county; Rev. C. M. Chumbley, to the Presbytery of Abingdon. Mr. R. W.. Davis, superintendent of Covenanter and Brotherhood work, made an instructive and inspiring address. The Presbytery spent a profitable hour in considering Sabbath-school work. Burnside Church.?The following schedule of service was arranged for the Burnside Church: Dr. Bl&nton to preach on the first Sabbath of November; Dr. Lindsay, December; Dr. Hunter, January; Mr. Lawson, February; Dr. Moffett, March; Dr. Oreen, April. * 4 * fTH. 23 Good from Louisiana NE COFFEE I RONG, FRAGRANT, I lTISFYING. Cups Drunk Daily 25 cts. 1 lb. I AYLOR CO. EANSjO^A^vJ Collections for Benevolent Causes.?la accordance with the recommendation of the General Assembly, Presbytery adopted the following standing rule: "The Stated Clerk shall communicate with those churches which fail to take collections for any of the benevolent causes recommended by the Assembly, and inquire into their reason for such failure, in the event they do not give satisfactory reasons in their reports to the Presbytery." Commissioners' Expenses.?Presbytery adopted the recommendation of the Assembly adding to DaraeraDh 58. Form of Government, the following words: "Except that the expenses of commissioners to the General Assembly shall be paid out of the treasury of the General Assembly." Proof Texts.?The following committee on Proof Texts of the Confession of Faith was appointed, viz: Rev. H. Glass, Rev. L. H. Blanton, and Prof. C. G. Crooks. Elect Infant Clause.?The Presbytery desired no change in the "elect infant" clause of the Confession of Faith; but if any change is made, would suggest that the one word "elect" with which section III begins, be stricken out. The next meeting of Presbytery will be held at Perryville, April 26, 1909. E. M. Green, S. C. PALMYRA PRESBYTERY. The Presbytery met at Alexandria, Mo., September 28 at 7:30 p. m. Rev. W. F. Vander Lippe, the last Moderator present, preached the opening serinnn Tovf T T *-vV?? O. 1 Rev. J. E. Travis was elected Moderator and Rev. W. R. Henderson, D. D., acted as stated and temporary clerks. Rev. T. B. Southall was dismissed to the Presbytery of St. Louis. ' Rev. C. F. Richmond, D. D., Rev. E. McNalr, D. D., and Rev. W. F. Vander Lippe were appointed a committee to report on the change of language in the Confession relating to elect infants at an adjourned meeting at Synod. The Ad Interim Committee on Proof Text Revision is composed of Rev. W. R. Henderson, D. D., and Rev. T. M. Barbee. The popular meeting on Wednesday evening was given to Assembly's Home Missions. Rev. Homer McMillan. Secretary of Assembly Home Missions, deliver ed an address. An adjourned meeting will be held in Columbia during the meeting of Synod. Paris was selected ?s the place for the spring meeting, the second Tuesday in April. T. M. Barbee, 8. C.