The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, October 20, 1909, Page 24, Image 24

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24 THE PRESBYTERY OF OUACHITA. The one hundred and twentieth session of the Presbytery of Ouachita convened in the Presbyterian church of Mt. Holly, Ark., September 23, at 7:30 p. m., and was opened with a sermon by the moderator, Rev. E. D. Brown, D. D., on the subject, "The Example of the Apostolic Church in Doctrine and Method of Evangelistic Work." Present: Ten ministers and thirteen ruling elders. Eight ministers being absent and twenty-two churches not represented. Officers.?Moderator, Elder C. E. Shumaker, of Magnolia church; clerK, Rev. j. jp\ rorsym. Dismissed.?Rev. S. L. Hogan, to the Presbytery of Mangum. Pastoral Relation Dissolved.?Between Rev. P. Sliepperson and Magnolia church. Candidates.?Mr. W. F. Rogers, of the Arkadelphia church, and Mr. J. C. Head, of the A8hdown church were received under the jurisdiction of the Presbytery as candidates for the ministry. This makes nine candidates now under the care of this Presbytery, two of whom are now taking their senior year in the Seminary. The Committee on Ministerial Education and Relief were given the authority to present the cause to each church in our hounds dnrln; fho vpar 'thrrmch aurh laymen as may be available for that purpose. And all our churches are urged to make an offering for Ministerial Education on the first Sabbath of November, and for the Endowment Fund of Ministerial Relief on the third Sabbath of No-" ember. Sabbath School Work.?Through the kindness of the Executive Committee, Mr. J. W. Hickman, a student of Austin College, spent two months at work in this Presbytery during the summer, visiting twenty places and making thirty-nine addresses with the following results: Four schools organized with a total of 149 scholars and 16 teachers; 5 Teachers' Training Classes organized with an enrollment of 47. By a rising vote the Presbytery expressed its thanks to the Executive Committee for the services of Mr. Hickman. Ail our scnoois are requested to observe Sabbath-school day on the first Sabbath in October, and that as large an offering as possible,be secured for the work of the Sabbath-school. Foreign Missions.?Presbytery notes with gratitude the universal interest manifested in this department of our work. The responsibility for giving the gospel to the unevangelized world is being more fully realized, and we congratblate our churches upon the spirit of liberality which they are showing, the four-dollar standard having been reached by some 01 our churches. Assembly's Home and School.?Our pastors are urged to enlighten our peo pie upon the important work being done by the institution, and every church and Sabbath-school is asked to remember the offering for this cause the last Sabbath of December. , # Infant Clause.?The following was adopted: "Whatever change be made in Chapter X, Section 3, of Confession of PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUT Faith, that it clearly set forth the time honored and universal belief of the Presbyterian Church in the salvation of all infants dying in infancy, and tnat there be no ground upon which this doctrine can be misinterpreted or misunderstood, lo accomplish this we would suggest that the word 'elect' be stricken out." Proof-Texts.?An ad interim committee, consisting of Rev. J. C. Williams, D. D.; Rev. E. D. Brown, D. D.; and Rev. D. M. Mclver, was appointed to examine these and report at the spring meeting of Presbytery. Young People's Societies.?An ad interim committee consisting of Rev. J. L. Read Rev. T. L. Green and Rev. J. P. McKenzie, was appointed to arrange a. program for a conference in the interest of young people's work, get an estimate of the expense of such conference, secure a place for holding same, and take all other necessary steps thereto, and report at the spring meeting of Presbytery. Expenses of Commissioners.?Presbytery approves of the plan proposed, for the Assembly to pay the traveling expenses of the commissioners to the Assembly on a mileage basis. Judicial .Tribunal.?Presbytery approved of the amendment to the law providing for a judicial tribunal to relieve tne Assembly of the burden of judicial business. Narrative.?Our Presbytery is in excellent condition and making progress along all lines. Our churches report a steady growth in spiritual graces. In the support of Foreign and Home Missions, and in Sabbath-school work the churches are responding nobly with increasing liberality and zeal. We hope for large success in the future. Supply to Vacant Churches.?The appointments to visit vacant churches were made as follows: Garland, D. M. Mclver and T. L<. Green; Jakajones, J. L. Read and J. C. Williams; Marlbrook, M. M. Lawson; Prescott, F. W. Thompson; Magnolia, E. D. Brown; Washington, J. C. Williams and J. L. Read. Presbytery adjourned to meet at the call of the moderator during the session of Synod. Spring Meeting.?DeQueen, in April. Thos. L. Green, S. C. THE PRESBYTERY OF POTOSI. Met in the Pleasant Hill church, September 28, 1909, at 7:30 p. in., and was opened with a sermon by the Moderator, Rev. C. P. Browning, from Mark 16:15. Nine ministers and ten Ruling Elders were present; officers: Elders A. H. Chadwell, Moderator, and O. W. Bleeck, temporary clerk. Ministerial Education and Relief: The ronnrf r\t fho n/>rv??v?? m . ?|/Wi V v/t bUV WlKUiltbOC TV ao 1U1I auu U1 great Interest. Minutes of the General Assembly: 1." Revs. Messrs. C. W. Latham, J. E. Park and Elder D. B. Pankey were appointed the Ad Interim Committee on Proof Texts. 2. The overture recommending that the expenses of Commissioners to the Assembly be put on a mileage basis to be paid out of a common fund raised for that purpose was answered in the affirmative. H. October 20, 1909. 3. The Chairmen of our Home and Foreign Mission Committees are requested to consider and report at the spring meeting, the feasibility of our securing lanterns and systematically visiting our churches, giving illustrative talks on our work abroad and if possible at home. 4. Elect Infant Clause: Potosi Presbytery recommends th&t the following be substituted for Chapter X, Section 3, of the Confession: "All infants dying in infancy, and all other persons, who are mentally incapable of being outwardly called by the ministry of the Word, are redeemed K,. -i uj me itiuuenient or Uhrist, and are regenerated and saved through the Holy Spirit, who worketh when, and where, He pleaseth, which is the historic teaching of our church on this question." Young People's Societies: Rev. Messrs. C. E. Hickok, W. W. Killough, and Elder A. V. Cashion, were appointed an ad interim commttee to consider and report at spring meeting of Presbytery, as to the practicability of holding conventions for the development of interest In Young People's Work. Dismissed: Rev. Edwin W. Behner to Iron Mountain Presbytery, U. S. A. Licentiate Walter S. Cain, was granted permission to labor without the bounds of Presbvterv Commissioners to the General Assembly of May, 1910, were elected as follows: Rev. Adolphus Kistler, of Cape Girardeau, and Elder Ed. Henderson, of Farmington, principals. Rev. C. E. Hickok and Elder O. W. Bleeck, both of Farmington, alternates. Local Home Missions: The report shows that 12 of our 23 churches are vacant. In view of this great destitution, Presbytery instructed the committee to employ an evangelist to labor within our bounds, provided satisfactory arrangement to secure his salary can be made. Presbyterial Sermon: Rev. C. E. Hickok was chosen to preach this sermon at the spring meeting. Foreian MU.i T- * iu cunnecuon with this report a very interesting letter from Miss Addie Sloan, our missionary at Soochow, China, was read and in compliance with her request, prayer was offered in behalf of her, and the other workers of that mission. Presbytery expressed its grateful appreciation of this genial cordial hospitality, which was thoroughly enjoyed, by a rising vote of thanks, after which it adjourned to meet in stated session at Perryvllle Church, April, 1910; and in adjourned session at the call of the moderator, during the sessions of Synod in ouiumdia, mo., on October 26. Geo. W. Harlan, 3. C. Tetterlne Cures Plies. ! Fort Scott. Kansas. Again I am calling for the best salve I I ever used. Enclosed And $2.50. Send I me one-half dozen boxes of Tetterlne. / N. J. Klpp. I ' Tetterlne cures Eczemu, Tetter. King Worm. Bolls, Rough. Scaly Patches on the Face. Old Itching Sores. Itching Piles. Cankered Scalp. Chilblains. Corns and every form of Scalp and Skin Disease. Tetterlne 60c: Tetterlne Soap 25c. Your druggist, or by mall from the manufacturer, The Shuptrlne Co.. Savannah, Oa.