The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, October 20, 1909, Page 25, Image 25

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October 20, 1909. TITHE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY. Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars Now Hanging on Three Hundred Thousand. Every effort must now be put forth to raise the remaining three hundred thousand dollars before December 31, 1909, in order to secure the million dollars needed for the Endowment Fund of the SflPiptv Turn hnnH mA J . - ?v uuuutcu Uiuuaauu UUIIHTS have been subscribed to meet Mrs. Russell Sage's offer. 100 Men and 100 Women Needed to Sub, scribe Each $1,000. Can you not be of this number? Twenty-tive have already joined this company. Auxiliary Societies. Will not all our Auxiliary Societies take this crisis into further consideration? Many have done nobly, some have not yet done all they can. If you are associated with an Auxiliary Society, can you not urge upon the officers the im portance of meeting this serious emergency? We have been more than encouraged by the thousands of letters that we have received. We have had our hearts warmed and inspired by testimonials that have accompanied the gifts already made. Many a Minister Has Brought Cheer by his promise to present this Endowment appeal to his congregation. The ministry of this country must be our chief support in this undertaking. Help us. We know the multiplied causes that are brought to your attention. But what can be more important than this crisis, which makes possible, if all will take hold, a substantial beginning of a suitable endowment for this work that missionaries and Christian laborers in every land affirm to be fundamental and essential to their achievements? "The Bible is the Seed Corn of the Kingdom." Send for our "Story of the Year 1909," Just issued, if you desire a graphic picture of heroic work done all over this country and in many distant lands. Reliable Subscriptions are Needed. Pledges Need Not be Paid Immediately. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. The New York Bible Society has distributed thousands of copies of the Bible the past season among the 450,000 immigrants that have landed in New York. In all, '90,000 volumes of Scripture have been distributed, and in thirty-seven different languages. The work is entirely J ? ' '9 > T* Organs Lend the organ world. Rich, powerful, resonant?a musical marvel for church, chapel,school,and the home. Grent range 1 of stop combinations and wonderful phrasing ability. Kvery good feature of others aud many improvements?the new "transposing keyboard," and others hardly less notable. I The Estey has a 63-year reputation as & the best reed organ in the world. Your I correspondence is solicited. I / LUDDEN ft BATES, Southern Music Hone \ * jT ? IE PRESBYTERIAN O Two Years Cred If Needed H'c save you $100 and more c t>n> chase of a piano. Mississ Under Control of 8ynod o One of the most beauti ladies in the State. Steam lences. Library, gymnasiui Knabe grand, and a $2,000 New Orleans and Cairo, II servatory advantages in Mi sion given twenty pupils 1 you desire a place. unsectarian, and all imm tute of the Bible and desir furnished with a copy. There are many indicati usual interest and faith in mission work now being in foreign lands. Everybo for September gives a w numerous fields, and in a ( preciative spirit which is s Honnrhird frnm nonnl corded the theme by popul A trust fund of $50,000, 1< Leopold Schwelch, of Paris therance of research in th< art, history, languages, anc ancient civilization with re ble study," (has been handc British Academy for adminl Council of the Academy hai a portion of the income to of a permanent lectureshij provided that not less th tures shall be delivered am will ho hxr ovnorio In .? wv. VAJ/VI 1.4Jt 1U tUUV/U current research, and aim the results of modern resc covcry in their bearing on ?on Bible study. The first under the provisions of tl been given by Rev. S. R. Regius Professor at Oxford; are now issued in book to title "Modern Research as I Bible." ' '9 4 F THE SOUTH. MFromFa OoaYea tit Why Shouldn't As Low As Ana y Buy OnThe Con whirh, in brief, plare* a strictly or organ 111 your homo, frvi, hi nt rwk'bottsin fuctory pri? i ofyour own choice* giving U.. tho imtrumcnt beforo yoti nw! J' and we (lv? you 1*11 iromli ilomnltT which hoi Is us to I |^U insure* instrument against defi Send For Th CORNISH I Q VI Tho moot beautiful piano and 0 II i'fctuvi; itihowathachokaitod t 3 ^ and rxplcini thing* y? i ovght bF| you buy fmin u* or ehewher*. for the a*kiny. Writa for it no* instrument t??u are iutere.tml in CORNISH CO S tippi Synodic umi i v OPPinr.n MJ r Mississippi and Presby District. (ul, handsomely equipped heat, electric lights, tel n, art studio, music prac pipe organ. The highest 11. Superior advantages isic, Art and Elocution, 'or $158.00. Boarders lit T. W. I igrants desti- DEM ing one, were This , and (or ons of an un- an<^ 8C^ the Christian an<* ^ou accomplished er8, or l dy's Magazine address ide survey of ham? :andid and ap- ' omething of ? treatment aclar magazines. ;ft by the late NAff , for "the fur- * 3 arcuaeoiogy, I literature of ference to Bi d over to the "*"l istration. The "EW O 3 appropriated PHI?, the founding ). They have ' VAlHtf an three leclually. These ollt with past and lnl ed to furnish , >arch and disthe Bible and three lectures lis fund have Driver, D. D., , England, and >rm under the Uustratlng the MM Al CMw 25 ctory toHome ir'sFreeTrial Easy Terms lington, N. J. Saveone tliird?buy bed ovrr SO J'?r* on /fa Cornish plan. al College ss. teries of Memphis and Western , up-to-date college for young ephones, and all water conventice rooms, eighteen pianos, a and healthiest location between in Literary Departments, ConBoard and tuition for entire Besotted to 110. Write at once if RAYMOND, D. D., Pres. 'BERRY SCHOOL AGENCY. Agency was established in 1891 many years has served teachers ools in all parts of the South thwest. Schools desiring teaehachers desiring positions should R. A. Clayton, Manager, Birnriing i. Via Bristol ?AND THE? fllk & Western ? ?? v ?r V If ?va u Railway ie Short Line Between RLEANS, BIRMINGHAM, MEMCHATTANOOGA, KNOXVILLE ?AND? 4GTON, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. 1 Train Service Dining Car. Formation cheerfully furnished. WARREN L. ROHR, Western Passenger Agent, Chattanooga, Tenn. W. B. BEVILL, General Passenger Agent, noanoKC, VI. BELLS. toy Oharcb and School Bella. 10 aeud Id ml The C. H. BELL CO, Hlikbere, o