The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, October 20, 1909, Page 27, Image 27

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October 20, 1909. TH] Temperance FROM ATLANTA'S MAYOR. "I don't believe the city of Atlanta has been damaged by prohibition. The places that were formerly occupied by the IvkloVon W . _ll V niiianE/ oaiuuus uatc an uecu renieu UL equally as good or better prices to the near-beer dealers, or other lines of business. Real estate values have not decreased in Atlanta during the one year and a half of prohibition, but on the contrary, they have been fully maintained, and are today the highest in the history of our city. Building permits to the amount of $3,714,573 have been issued during the past seven and a half months of 1909, which exceeds any corresponding period of any other year. The prohibition law is being enforced in Atlanta. The blind tiger, where whiskey is illegally sold, is hard to tind, and I believe the number of them is decreasing. The arrest of 354 blind tigers attests the fact that the law is being enforced. As to the statement frequently made that the pro hibition law can not be enforced where public sentiment is against it, I desire to say that in my opinion, an honest, and courageous police judge, backed by a mayor of the same kind and by superior court judges who also believe in the enforcement of the law, will in cities of 100,000 to 200,000 inhabitants, very soon create public sentiment which will stop the illegal sale of whiskey or reduce it to a minimum. A study of the arrests shows that the drunks are far behind the times of the whiskey saloon. A great deal of whiskey is being legally shipped into the city from other states .... and many cases of drunkenness may be attributed to this source of supply." This is the significant testimony as to the influence and effectiveness of state prohibition in the metropolis of Georgia, given by Hon. Robert F. Maddox. Mavor of At lanta, Georgia, in an address before the League of American Municipalities at Montreal, Canada, Tursday, August 26. In his address, Mayor Maddox detailed at length the experience of the municipal administration with the prohibition law and emphatically disproved the many stories circulated by the liquor men alleging disorder and failure as following in the wake of prohibition in Georgia's capital city. "At the coming national census in 1910, Atlanta will go over her record of 89,0(fo to the neighborhood of 150,000," asserted Mayor Maddox, "and will easily retain her deserved title as 'Gate City of the South,' and metropolis of our southeastern section." He that good thlnketh, good may do. And God will help him thereunto, For never yet was good deed wrought Without beginning of good thought Aefccs ud Palaa of rheumatism are not permanently, but only temp irarlly, relieved by external remedies. Why not use an Internal remedy?Hood's I s.iraaparilla, which corrects the acidity of the blood on which rheuraatitm depends and cures the disI e*?*? E PRESBYTERIAN OF TI ( In ot the good grocer for sod common cracker II n Bl come to you ii that enables crackers as the NATIONAI 50 Lesson Bus Tea THE SCIENCE OF AC Arranged for Public Sch< School. 25 Lessons for Gra< School Boards. Money refun A booklet containing 12 Southwestern J CLARK! Thirty-Fifth 8 Literary, Scientific, Divinity Graduates prominent In the Sot No saloons. Expenses moderat< (1776) Hampde Able Faculty. Select stude iNoiame moral ana inteueciuai Courses leading to degrees B. ? nd other modern conveniences. One hundred and thirty foi For catalogue or other Info REV. HENRY TUCK! * ' iE SOUTH. SROCER|ESi her days when people went to the a crackers they got; s in common paper NOW eedfi scu it i that wondrous pa< you to enjoy such >se old folks never k L BISCUIT COM PAN' liness Course, Wi cher, for $1.00 ^COUNTS MADE CLEAR AN doI Business Course. 50 Le ded School. Endorsed by Bu J-J "I a X X* 1- A. 9 ? M X ueu ii uui euureiy aausiaeiory, speci men lessons, sent free if : Address GEORGE ALLEN, Ra Presbyterian I SVILLE, TENNE38EE. ession Opens September 15th. Courses. Students nearly t ith. Excellent athletic record 9. Write for catalogue. n Sidney Coll? int body. High standards ai tone. Extensive Campus ai A.., B. S.. B. Lit.. M. A. Steam urth session begins September rmation address iR GRAHAM, President, Har 27 ' I just ' bags. I '\. J :kage soda new. ' thout a D SIMPLE.. Bsons for High siness Men and ipplied for. leigh, N. C. Fniversity ill church members. Healthful location. !ge (1909) id thorough work, id Athletic Field, i heat, light, baths a 15, 1909. npden-8ldney, Va.