The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, October 20, 1909, Page 31, Image 31

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October 20, 1909. THI we feel In the removal from us of our untiring and beloved secretary. Her chair was vacant at our meeting last Tuesday, but her name was upon our lips and her memory as ointment poured forth. We miss her but she is lovingly remembered by what she has done. To her sorrowing husband, mother, sister and brother we extend heartfelt sympathy. The crown is hers; the unfinished work is ours." MRS. M. J. MINOR. Alter weary weeks of patient suffering, Mrs. M. J. Minor, of Rrirtc-Awntor Va., passed peacefully and painlessly to the saints' reward, August 24, 1909. For forty-nine years, she was the faithful and gentle wife of Dr. John Gilmer Minor, and bore with him in patient devotion, the ill fortunes of the Civil War, with all of its subsequent sufferings. Mrs. Minor was Martha Jane Crawford, and was born January 17, 1840, near Fort Defiance, on the historic LexingtonHarper's Ferry turnpike, made famous by her. family in deeds indelible, not only during the war for civil liberty, but in the wars with Indians before Mary Moore, of Abb's Valley, dreamed of disaster. She was of a sturdy, sterling race, whose character was moulded and made for the centuries in battles for personal ngnts and righteousness. So she modestly, but loyally treasured the traditions of her ancestry and their ideals for herself and for her children. She was born of Presbyterian parentage, and the fruit of that faith formed the fibre of her religious character at an early date, and on it was based a precious experience, whch held her hopes of heaven unswerving, until the gates of the city clerical opened for faith's reward. Up to the time of her marriage in 1860, her church privileges were fostered at the old stone church * under such pastors as the distinguished Dr Wm. Brown. Alter her marriage, she became a member of Mossy Creek Church, another of the historic churches of the Valley of Vrginia; later, when an organization was formed at Bridgewater, she became a charter member with her husband, and to it, she gave such a wealth of love and good works, that there is not a page of its history that is not marked by her activities and influence. This church with its ever developing interests,-lay close to her lovinsr heart with snmethincr nt tho clearness that Zlon did to David; there were never claims sq close nor so commanding as to crowd into a corner, anything that promoted the upbuilding of that church. It always held a central place in her devotion and endearments. She was not only always sage in its councils, but steadfast and sweet in its service. Often has she guided its peace over rugged difficulties with out loss, by her patient conservatism, together with Bank o) Branches 303 E. Broad Bt_ 16th ? PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU words and deeds of prudence. She leaned naturally and by grace, to the tender, the gentle, the kind, the considerate, and the oil of her temper was always the olive. The community to which she gave the maturity and the maternity of her sweet life, is made poor as heaven is made rich by her home going. Her home life was of unmarred beauty and its results for righteousness upon her family are imperishable. Besides her husband she leaves three children: H. C. Minor and Mrs. J. H. Clark, of Greenville, Va., and Miss Annie Minor, of Bridgewater, to these and a wide range of other dear ones, she leaves the sweetest heritage of grace triumphant. ROYALINE OIL for Aching Feet. ROYALINE OIL After Shaving. ROYALINE OIL for Sore Throat. ROYALINE OIL, no Grease, no Stain.. ROYALINE OIL, the best Antiseptic. 10c, 25c, 50c. 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