The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, October 20, 1909, Page 32, Image 32

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32 T] Grow Mushrooms For Big' and Quick Profits. Small Capital to Start. A Safe Business. I am the largest giower in America, len j ears experience < nublos me to give r>ia<tt? al instruction in the business worth many dollars to >ou. No matter what your occupation is or where you are located, heic is an opportunity to acquite a thorough knowledge of this paying business Send for Free Book giving particulars and information, how to stait. cost. etc. Address JACKSON MUSHROOM F^RM S325 N. Western Ave. Chicago. Illinoil Apples We can sell you at wholesale rates ap pies of the finest quality, wrapped and packed in New York bushel boxes, or barreled. These are mountain grown, of the finest flavor and have been well sprayed. They will go by freight anywhere in the South, and will keep till Christmas, and later, without cold storage. We grow the Albemarle Pippin and other high class apples. Every package guaranteed. Write The Albemarle Orchard Co., Samuel B. Woods, President, Charlottesville, Va. Chesapeake and Olio Railway SCENIC ROUTE OF THE EAST. FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS. With Dining Cars and Pullman Sleepers Between New York, Washington, Norfolk and Richmond, and Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, and 8L Louis. Direct connections to and from all points West. Three Fast Trains between Richmond and Norfolk. JOHN J. POTTS. W. O. WARTHEN, Ge;.. Pas. Agent Dist. Pas. Agent Richmond. Va. WANTS Bates lor "Want" Advertisement*.?The costol an advertisement c ntainiDg twenty-five words or lets will be fifty onts for each inw rtion. No ad ertisement published for lees than SO cents. All over twenty-five wort's will tost two cents for each word. Cash to accompany the order. WANTED?By experienced graduate nurse (Virginia), position with invalid lady or child, willing to travel. References exchanged. Miss G., care The PreB byterian Company, Atlanta, Ga. WANTED?By young lady, position as companion, or governess for several small children. Address, B. J. W., Somerset, Orange Co., Virginia, Box 2C. WANTED?A woman who can cook, and teach girls to cook is wanted at the Presbyterian Orphans' Home, Eynchburg, Va. HE PRESBYTERIAN"OF f : s i?: ?r L'. . - Senior Hall Texas Presb THE GREAT PRE! Splendid buildings, elegantly room, obviating all danger of fl basket-ball, tennis, outdoor gauie courses of study. College and S Voice Culture, Violin, Organ, C work. Cblua Kiln. Art Rooms Visiting Director of Music uud six music pupils Inst year. CC For Catalogue Illustrated by President, Mllford, Texas. Silliman ( An endowed school for i hill country- Handsome, roomj jstenm neat. AH necessary equ Elocution, Physical Culture, St ENDOWMENT MAKES I THE SOUTH. Let us explain t Address the President. R AGNES SCO' DECA THE COLLEGE offers a THE AGNES SCOTT A offers a four years' course le Cluster { CL This school claims your atten Christian teachers, and the per will interest you if you have at Forty i Buy Your Furn and For years ours has been in the South, where vari< of furniture can be secure NE Car load after car loa< for inspection. a posiai win ao. i>ei we can please you and sa SYDNOI Furnlt 709-11-13 E. BROAD 8TRI THE SOUTH. : 1 * ' . " Main Building yterfan. College HBYTERI AN SCHOOL OF THE furnished. heated by steam fi re. The beautiful acetylene gai a. No serious Illness In the hi lemluary, leading to degrees. ! lultnr, Expression. All hranche with sky-light. WILLIAM H. Teacher of Interpretation Classe ILLEUE OPENS SEPTEMBER photographs, write REV. HENH Collegiate ;lrls, under Presbyterian contro r buildings, beautiful, well-shad< Ipment. Three courses leading enography and Tyin-wrltlng. PRICES LOWER THAN ANY C his to you. EV. I*. H. BROWNI.EE, Cllnti rT COLLEGI TUR (near Atlanta), GEORl dvantages equal to best colli r A nCUV Itn/lna wr?v*.iTi i f uuuci ocyaiciie 1* lading to Freshman class. E F. b springs Ac USTER SPRINGS. V/ ition because of its superb loc sonal care given each boy entr x*y to educate. -four Years of Successful Work HAMPDEh Ik I H 91 jtlan Home School. Preparatory s l. Physical Culture, Pedagogy, Bin tandard maintained by large sta ctors. Takes only ninety hoarders; 1 health record. Brick buildings. Hi slum. Park-like campus Coaccr or our catalog before selecting the CRONE STOCK ARD, A. M-. P iture Where Va Variety Greates i recognized as the quality s sty, desirable styles, grade d at very low prices. W FALL GOODS HERE. 1 of the choicest furniture h WRITE TO US. us Tell you about 1L No r ?C J WU IJIUUC/. R. & HUNDLE1 uro for thm Homm Bmautij EET, October 20. 1909. ? * M * . M Dickson Hall For Girls 1 SOUTHWEST, rom outside metal furnace ? light. Large gymnasium, istory of the school. Two Special departments: Piano, ;s of Art. Artistic NeedleSHERWOOL), CHICAGO, s. Oue hundred and thirty23rd, 1900. Y C. EVANS. A. M? D. D , Institute I. Healthful location In the id grounds. Electric lights, to degrees. Music, Art. 1THER GOOD SCHOOL IN >n, Louisiana. Zfor Women 2IA. sges for men. iculty and governmer*., 'or catalogue, address I. GAINES, President. :ademy ation, its strong corps oI usted to us. Our catalog I WILSON, Headmaster. wmrnw md Collegiate courts. Art incus, etc. Conservatory ol 0' of experienced, collegeund teaciies the individual, team heal. Excellent table, is, lectures, tennia, banketcollege tor your daughter, res.. Raleigh, N. C. lues are Best 5t tore?as the one store and particular pattern as arrived and is ready nnttnr mj horn vnn 11 va if, Inc. ful RICHMOND, VA.