The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, October 27, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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1* THE The Presbyterian of the South Thornton S. Wilson, Managing Editor. Editors?Tho8. E. Converse. James P. Smith, E. B. McCluer, George Suramey. Published weekly by The PresbyteriaD Co. Incorporated tn Georgia. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Price.?Two dollars a year in advance. If payment is delayed three months, $2.50. Receipts.?The label pasted on the wrapper is a receipt for payment. If label is not changed within two weeks after your remittance, notify us at once. Discontinuances.?We find that a large majority of our subscribers prefer not to have their subscriptions interrupted and their files broken in case they fail to remit before expiration. It is therefore assumed, unless notification to discontinue is received, that the subscriber wishes no interruption in his series. Notification to discontinue at expiration can be sent in at any time during the year. If you wish the paper stopped, write us yourself?don't ask the postmaster to do it Change of Address.?Give the old as well as the new address. Remittances should be made by money order or by draft on some of the large cities. Make all remittances to "The Presbyterian Company," 104 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. When local check is sent, add 10 cents for collection. Address the Richmond, Va., office: Central Presbyterian, Box 850. Address the New Orleans, La., office: Southwestern Presbyterian, Box 731. Ktuered a? second class matter January 8. I Hi*, at the Post Office at Atlanta, Georgia, -.11 l?*r act of March 3. 1879. Church News The October collections are ordered as fnllnurc ITnr ITnroitrn Mioainna Pov Q H. Chester, treasurer, Nashville, Tenn., A. special collection in the Sabbathschools, on the flrBt Sabbath, for Sabbath School Extension, R. E. Magill, treasurer, Richmond, Va., Box 883; and on the third Sabbath a collection for the Bible Cause, Wm. Foulke, treasurer, Bible House, New York. ALABAMA. Eutaw: Rev. T. S. Knox has been called to the Westminster church, Charleston, S. C. Presbytery of Tuscaloosa met on October 21, to take action. Marion: The pastoral relations have been dissolved between Rev. W. B. Doyle and this church in order that he may take a post-graduate course at McCormick Seminary. Tuscaloosa: Stillman Institute opened October 5, and now has about thirty students enrolled. While the total number of students is not larger than is usual at the opening, the proportion of Theological students is larger. There are now eleven students taking the Theological course and seven of those in the academic course have the ministry in view. We PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU1 are glad to note that the new students are as a rule older men than we have been getting for several years past and therefore capable of doing more solid work. Of the five mission Sunday schools taught by the students, two were kept "evergreen" by men who stayed in Tuscaloosa and worked all summer and it is hoped that all of the others will be opened within a few weeks. At an adjourned meeting of Tuscaloosa Presbytery held in Tuscaloosa, Oct. 21 the pastoral relation of Rev. T. S. Knox with Eutaw and New Hope churches were.dissolved, and a letter of dismission granted him to the Presbytery of Charleston. Messrs. E. H. Hobbs, j. u. wiikins and L. M. Hooper were elected trustees of Selma Military Institute. The Presbytery adjourned to meet in Selma at the call of the Moderator during the session of the Synod of Alabama. J. G. Praigg, S. C. ARKANSAS. Monticetlo: At tbe communion service, October 10, eight persons were received into the membership of the church. Twenty-five persons have been added to the church since the present pastor, Rev. J. W. Purcell, took charge of the work in ?j 11 iit;. Ruseellvillc: On the third Sunday of October, by" a Commission of Washburn Presbytery, Licentiate S. K. Dodson was ordained to the full work of the ministry and installed pastor of the Washburn Memorial church, Russellville. Rev. J. E. ' Wylie presided and preached the sermon; Rev. W. I. Mclnnis charged the pastor, and Rev. J. S. Martin charged the congregation. Mr. Dodson is a graduate of Austin Theological Seminary and has been serving this church four months, and is much liked by both his congregation and the people of the town. Clarendon: Rev. J. W. Atwood writes, "Upon our arrival everything possible for our comfort and pleasure was provided. Pantries were filled with good things to eat, and acts of thoughtfulness and kindness were seen and felt on every side. Better still, the manner in which v{e were received into the hearts of the people was such as to make us rejoice and All us with gratitude. On Sunday, October 17, the installation took place, which .. uo uui niEiciy luiinui uui ui sucn a nature that pastor and people were helped and inspired. On the same day the Sunday schooh voted to build a modern Sunday school room to our beautiful brick church building. With a united, harmonious, loyal and enthusiastic membership we are expecting gracious tokens of the Lord's presence among us." GEORGIA. Athens: Rev. E. L. Hill, who has been Buffering with a severe attack of ttfe grip, is improving. His session has ordered him to take a month's rest to recuperate. 8ynod of Georgia: The sixty-fifth an,nual session of the Synod of Georgia will convene in the First Presbyterian Church, Cedartown, Ga., November 9, at ?H. October 27, 1909. 7:30 p. m. All ministers and representatives of the churches and the Assembly's Committees who expect to attend will please send their names and the time of their arrival at once to Rev. W. W.-Powell, Cedartown, Ga. Atlanta, West End Church: Six persons have been received recently into the membership of this Church. A Bible class has been organized which is a great help in the Sunday-school. Rev. L. C. Vass, of Luebo, Africa, will speak in this church on Saturday night. North Avenue Church: The needs of the Presbyterian Hospital were presented in this Church Sunday morning, by Mr. C. D. McKinney. The sum of $700 was raised for this institution. Rev. Thornwell Jacobs preached in the evening in the absence of the pastor, Rev. R. O. Flinn, who is conducting evangelistic services in the Central Church, Mobile, Ala. Rev. L. C. Vass, of our African Mission, will visit the churches of Atlanta during this week. He will speak Friday evening in the First Church and Saturday evening in the West End Church. A Young People's Missionary Conference will be hel/1 nt Trlnit,. 1M?*1 1!~. ? ?v a . iuctuuuiai Church, Atlanta, November 7-9. Mr. Soper, from New York, who is one of the leaders of the Young People's Missionary movement, will be present. Dr. A. L. Phillips will also attend. Fort Gaines: The quarterly communion was observed at the last appointment, with the usual prepartory services, Friday night preceding. The pastor, Rev. S. W. DuBose, will be absent the fourth Sabbath attending Presbytery, but will preach the fifth Sabbath instead. LOUISIANA. ?Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Porter, missionaries to Brazil, arrived in the city on last Friday and are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Barr in the manse of the Lafayette Church. Westwego: The name of the Salaville Church has been chanced hv #nnrni?i nt the Presbytery of New Orleans, to Westwego, to conform to the name of its location. New Orleans: This city is one of the fifty or sixty in which great series of campaign meetings in the interest of the Laymen's Missionary Movement will be held this fall and winter. Active steps have been taken looking to the proper preparation for the New Orleans meeting. A committee of laymen, of which Judge W. B. Sommerville and Hon. W. O. Hart of the Presbyterian church are members, has had the matter under consideration and will report to a gathering of laymen on the evening of November 5, recommending full co-operation and the appointment of suitable committees to take charge. > Baton Rouge: An annex for a Sunday school and reception room will be added to the Presbyterian Church. This decision has been reached by the congregation of the church, and an architect will begin work at an early date drawing the plans and specifications for the a&ditiro