The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, October 27, 1909, Page 22, Image 22

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22 THE a * Presbyteries FAYETTEVILLE PRESBYTERY. Organization: Moderator, Elder W. A. Monroe, M. D.f of the Sanford Church; temporary clerks. Rev. L. Smith and Rev. W. C. Brown. Roll: Thirty-two ministers, 41 elders. Received: Rev. Charles L. Bragaw, Presbytery, of Nebraska city, U. S. A.; Rev. J. Mclver Wicker, Presbytery of Philadelphia. U. S. A. Licensed: Mr. R. D. Dixon. Candidate taken under care: Mr. Robert Carter, of Bethesda Church. Organization of Churches: Selma, June 21, 1309, twenty members, two elders, one deacon. Commission appointed to organize at Lane. Installations, order taken for: Rev. J. Mclver Wicker, SL Paul's and ML Tabor; Rev. T. H. Spence, Smithfield, Kenly, Oakland. Nf?w Hronne 1 Qnmmort-illo on/1 T II lington, Sardis, Duke and Lane. To get a pastor. 2. Flat Branch, Barbecue, Mt. Pisgah, Cameron Hill. Rev. Charles L. Bragaw. 3. Gulf, Jonesboro, St. Andrews. Rev. A. E. Grover. 4. Pee Dee. Mt. Gllead, Wadeville, Troy, Biscoe, Macedonia. Rev. L. Smith. r>. Rockingham, Brainerd, Cameron ian. To get a pastor. 6. Mark's Creek, Mt. Hermon, Hoffman, Harrington School House, Ellerbe Springs, Gibson, Aberdeen. To get a pastor. The present supplies to serve until this is done. 7. Smithfield, Oakland, Kenly. Rev. T. H. Spence. 8. Pittsboro, Haywood, Salem, Broadway. Rev. A. H. Shaw. Supplies for Vacant Churches: Phlllippi and Shiloh, Rev. L. Gross; Culdee, nev. it. a. Arrowooa; issuers, Kev. A. E. Baker; Pembroke, Rev. H. M. Dixon; Mt. Carmel, Rev. W. R. Coppedge; Selma, Rev. T. H. Spence. H. G. Hill Endowment Fund for Union Theological Seminary: Amount secured to September 15, $6,469. Davidson College Endowment: Third week in October set tot Davidson College Week, and an effort to be made to secure thorough canvass of the whole Presbytery at that time. Changes in Confession: Attention of General Assembly's ad interim committee called to action at last meeting, towit: We are willing for such a change in the language of the Confession as will make the historic position of the church, that infants dying in Infancy are saved, perfectly clear, but would prefer that It be done by a foot-note. Revised Proof Texts: Ad Interim committee appointed to examine and report at spring meeting. Rev. R. J. Beattie, chairman, Sanford, N. C. Presbyterial Sermon: Rev. David Fairly; subject, "Infant Salvation;" text, 1 Cor. 15:22 and Matt. 18:14. For next PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUT1 regular meeting, subject, "The Fundamental Character of Pastoral Work and the Necessity of Its Performance." Rev. R. J. Beattie, principal; Rev. J. M. Wick er, alternate. Sunday Schools: The movement set on foot by the Rowland Sunday school to place one or more Sunday school missionaries in our bounds was endorsed and action was taken to secure a Presbyterial superintendent of Sunday schools, a collection to be taken in all our schools first Sunday in November for this pur pose. ?.ev. w." r. WalKer, Red Springs, treasurer of this fund. New Trustees Appointed: Davidson college, A. L. .lames, exit 1913. Southern Presbyterian college, Rev. J. K. Roberts and Elders J. R. McQueen and W. .1. Page, exit 1912. Sunbeam Evangelistic Campaign: Twenty-eight meetings were held resulting in an ingathering of about 200 souls. Adjourned Meeting: Red Springs, during Synod. Next Regular Meeting: Pittsboro, N. *J., April 11, 1910, 7:45 p. m. A. W. Crawford, S. C. PRESBYTERY OF KANAWHA Met in Montgomery, W. Va., in the newly reDaired and cmatlv imnrnvorf terian Church, on Monday, October 11, at 8 p. m. The Opening Sermon, on "Personal Work," was delivered by the retiring moderator, Rev. W. B. Hudson. Rev. J. K. Hitner, a former pastor of this church, was elected moderator, and Rev. S. W. Moote was elected temporary clerk. Mr. A. G. Stevenson, of Williamson Cnurch, a student in Washington and Lee University was received as a candidate for the ministry. Tuesday afternoon and evening were given over to a popular meeting in the interest of Sunday-school work. Ad dresses were heard from various members of Presbytery and from the Rev. J. S. Carpenter, superintendent of Diet net wo. l of the Assembly's Sabbathschool work. He was heard with pleas ure and profit. Rev. W. E. Hudson was nominated as a member of the Board of Trustees of Davls-Elkins College, subject to the action of the Board of the college. 8t. Albans, April 19, 1910, was chosen as the time and place f the next meeting. The Montgomery Church is to be congratulated on its neat and commodious house of worship. They have greatly en hanced the value of the property by putting in a thousand dollars worth of improvements. They have also since the call of the present pastor. Dr. Alfred Jones, repaired and improved the manse. The thanks of tho Preatavtorv w#? o*. tended most heartily to Dr. Jones and his good people. John W. Carpenter, 8. C. THE PRESBYTERY OP HARMONY. Met in the Beulah Church October 5, at 7:30 p. m.p and was opened with a ser ft.. - . October 27, 1909. rnon by the retiring moderator. Rev. James McDowell, D.D. Members Present: Thirteen ministers and sixteen elders, also a number of visitors, among whom were Rev. L. C. Vass, of our Congo mission; Rev. A. P. llassell and Licentiate J. E. Wallace, who are supplying Mt. Zion and Georgetown churches, and Elder W. C. Davis, of Manning, one of the representatives of the Laymen's Movement in our bounds. Mr. Hassell expects soon to go to Korea, aim in me meantime is getting acquainted with the church whose representative he is to be in the foreign field. Officers: Elder T. J. Fraser of Sumter, moderator, and Rev. A. R. Woodson, temporary clerk. Home Missions: Petitions for two new churches at Sardinia and Greelyville were received by Presbytery and commissions appointed to organize the same. Both of these are promising points, especially the former. The condition of the Georgetown Church gave Presbytery much concern, and it was determined to appeal to Synod in its behalf. The Synod's Plan for Home Mission Work was approved. Foreign Missions: A very interesting conference was held, with addresses by some of the visitors mentioned above. Much enthusiasm was aroused with ref erence to the J. Leighton Wilson Memo rial Fund. Presbytery has promised $1,000 to this, and to raise it has divided this sum up into one hundred shares at $10 each. Quite a number of these shares have already been taken. Those who wish to contribute to this noble cause can send their gifts to any member of Presbytery's Foreign Mission Committee or to Mr. D. J. Winn, Sumter, treasurer of Presbytery. General Assembly Matters: In regard to the Elect Infant clause Presbytery voted that it desired no change. All other questions were referred to committees to examine and report at the next meeting. Manual: Revised and ? new oduien ordered printed. Spring Meeting: Manning. W. 8. Porter, 8. C. THE PRESBYTERY OF AUGUSTA Met in Monticellp, Ga., October 6, at 7:30 p. m., and was opened with a sermon by the moderator. Rev. George M. Howerton, of Crawfordville. Members present: Ten ministers and nine elders. nrn>n]??lM- A T T_1 ^. aw....M.<v AWf. xx. XX. UUUUSUU moderator; Rev. J. S. Montgomery, temporary clerk. New churches: The Home Missions Committee reported two new churches . as the result of the labors of our evan gelist, Rev. J. D. Fleming?Mt. Olive and Poplar Springs. These were enrolled. Dismissed: Rev. A. L. Johnson, to the Presbytery of Atlanta. Home Missions: The report of the committee showed the work to be in better condition than ever before, and It was determined to continue tbe employ