The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, October 27, 1909, Page 27, Image 27

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October 27, 1909. T est of the association here and conducted helpful services in the chapel. The Y. M. C. A. was especially fortunate in securing as the speaker for the Sunday evening services, October 10, Dr. W. W. Moore, of Union Seminary, and as all who have ever heard Dr. Moore well know, the audience enjoyed a discourse on things Biblical and spiritual as beautiful and chaste in presentation as it was rich and inspiring in thought. ine prospect in athletics for the present session is exceptionally good. The total number of students enrolled to date is 118, as against 108 for the entire session of last year, and it is expected that there will be some additions later on. The new men have made an unusually good impression and new and old alike have gone to work with a commendable degree of cheerfulness and earnestness. Thus it may be safely said that the recent improvements, the increased enrollment, the manly and intelligent appearance of the student-body, and the general attitude toward tneir work all augur well for an exceptionally pleasant and successful year in the history of the college. A. W. McW. October 14, 1909. Library Calvin Memorial Addresses delivered before the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, Savannah, Ga., May, 1909. Presbyterian Committee of Publication, Richmond, Va. The celebration of the four hundredth aniversary of the birth of John Calvin by the General Assembly of our Church last May was a full and rich memorial of the great reformer, his life, character, literature, theology and influence upon the Church and the world. There were twelve addresses by men of ability and acquaintance with their great themes. Two of the very best are by Christian laymen, President Denney, of Washington and Lee University, and Hon. F. T. Glasgow, an elder of the Church of Lexington, Va. Two are by distinguished guests from over the seas, Dr. James Orr, of Scotland and Dr. Charles Merle D'Aubigne, of France, and two are by brethren of the Northern Church, Dr. Winton, of Trenton, and Dr. Warfleld, of Princeton. And others are by honored divines of our own communion; Dr. R. C. Reed, T. Cary Johnson, R. A. Webb, S. L. Morris, S. A. King and A. M. Fraser. It is a book of great strength, improving and attractive. The book-making is excellent, in paper, printing, illustration and binding. "Practical Church Music": A discussion of Purposes, Methods and Plans; by L Kdmund S. Lorenz, Author of "Getting \ Ready for a Revival," "The. Gospel m. Catarrh is an excessive secretion, accomVk panled with chronic inflammation, from the mucous membrane. Hood's Sarsnparilia acts on the inucous membrane through the blood, reduces inflammation, establishes healthy I action, and radically cures all cases of catarrh. HE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SC Worker's Treasury," Editor of "The Choir Reader," "The Choir Herald," and "Der Kirchenchor." 8 vo., pp. 423; $1.50 net. New York, Chicago and Toronto. Fleming H. Revell Company, 1909. A book which well deserves to be called "An Encyclopedia of Church Music." It comes from the hand of one who is experienced in both the pulnit and the mnsi cal parts of church worship. It is the outcome and enlargement of a series of lectures first given to Vanderbilt University and afterwards to Union Biblical Seminary. After a suitable introduction, the author considers his theme under the head of the Minister's Musical Preparation, The Minister's Hymerological Preparation, Congregational Singing, The Management of Church Choirs, and Practical Application of Church Music. His study of hymnals and tracing of the development of modern church music is both illuminating, philosophical, and interesting. His testimony to strength and dignity in the hymns is emphatic and intelligent. The practical problems of the choir are handled judiciously, and many valuable suggestions are given. The book should be read by every young pastor, and the older ones will not find it out of place. It's good to have money, and the things that money can buy, but it's good, too, to check up once in a while, and make sure you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.?Lorimer. DR. JAMES A Memorial Volume ( Part i, i?k. NVoodkow as Hern by Hi Character sketches written by his fori PartII. II is Teachings, as Contaii rials, ktc. Edited and pnbllshed by his daught* L>. Bryan Company. 1,000 pages-Kull clo Copies may be obtained from MISS M. W 50 Lesson Business Teacher, THE SCIENCE OF ACCOUNTS Arranged for Public School Busini School. 25 Lessons for Graded Schoi School Boards. Money refunded if noi A booklet containing 12 speclmei Addre I Southwestern Presl CLARKSVILLE, Thirty-Fifth 8?ssion Of Literary, Scientific, Divinity Courses. Graduates' prominent in the South. Bxc< No saloons. Expenses moderate. Wri'e (1776) Hampden Si Able Faculty. Select student body. Notable moral and Intellectual tone. Ex courses leading to degrees B. A., B. S., nd other modern conveniences. One hundred and thirty fourth sessl For Catalogue or other Information a REV. HENRY TUCKER QRAHJ 4 >UTH. 27 Things Running ^ Smoothly Household Lubricant is T3 just Rood, pure oil, properly compounded, won't corrode, ruiu,darken,bewAj come rancid or injure the most delicate mechanism. Conies iti the handy can, always ready for use. Can Kj may be closed with its own spoui HVI tion.) l'or all light-runniug mcc'.iauisms Tound in every home. Prevents Kjri HOUStHOLD W Sold J V In 1-oz. and | Everywhere [ '] S-oz. eons Ky?(,<,| STANDARD OIL COMPANY (<) "Why, that's a regular little printingpress, isn't it?" remarked the visitor. "Yes," replied Mrs. Popley. "Willie's uncle gave it to him on his birthday." "What a complete little thing! It's selfinking, isn't it?" "I don't know, but Willie is." W00DR0W. Consisting of Two Parts. [8 FRIKND8. 11- r pupils, colleagues, and associates. <KD IN illS SKKMONB, AUDKKSHKS, EDITOir, Marlon W. Woodrow. Printed by the R. th. Price, t'2.00. Cash to accompany order. r. WOODROW, 1801 Washington St., Columbia, S. C. Course, Without a for $1.00 MADE CLEAR AND 8IMPLE. ess Course. 50 Lessons for High oL. Endorsed by Business Men and t entirely satisfactory, i lessons, sent free if applied for. 88 BEORGE ALLEN, Raleigh, N. C. )yteri&n University TENNE8SEE. ieni September 15th. Students' nearly all church members, silent athletic record. Healthful location. tor catalogue. dney College (1909) High standards and thorough Work, tensive Campos and Athletic Field. B. Lit, M. A. Steam heat, light, baths a Ion begins September 15, 1909. iddress vM, President Hampden-8ldney, Va.