The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, October 27, 1909, Page 31, Image 31

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ctober 27, 1909. THE ! the sunset?beyond the shadows of the night, she waits till they come. Until then they have the heritage of a lovely Christian life, who helped others all along the way. L. E. M. MARIA ARMSTRONG. A funeral service occurred in Nashville *> October 9, the history of which will he both interesting and instructive to the general reader. It calls for the unfolding of a record of faithful service which is rarely equalled in the history of life. The elegant home of Mrs. Samuel J. Keith, on West End Avenue, in this city, was the place of the service, and the casket around which the company of sincere mourners gathered contained the remains of Maria Armstrong, colored, who had been the faithful "mammy" in that home for fortv-one years. She came into the home when the children of Mrs. Keith were very young, and after helping her faithfully to rear them, she had continued her service, and only recently had been helping to rear the grandchildren. She was a woman of high type of character, and possessed a sense of culture and intelligence far above the majority of her race. She was faithful to her duties, both regarding the parents and the children. Acting for the parents, she demanded the obedience and respect of the children, and always received it. The best of her own race, as well as the good people of the white race, held hor in high regard. She was a devoted l)roek?**A.lnM - ? J ? * *- * G.-iujicimii, tiuu wuu a. great iieip ana strength to the St. Andrews' (colored) Presbyterian church. During recent years, when the congregation has been securing its present property, largely through its white friends, Maria Armstrong was a generous contributor, sending three or four times, fifty dollars each time, to pay on the debt. \ Two days before she died, through Mr. Walter Keith, she gave to the St. Andrews' church, now in course of erection, two hundred dollars out of her .savings, and left in her will still more to be given to this cause. n a i--> hoi iiaaiui, nt;i. o|ieucer jacKauu, was very faithful In his attentions to her. and two days before her death, at her request and the request of Mrs Keith, called tot Dr. Wm. M. Anderson, of the First Presbyterian church, to come and see her. The scene that occurred during this pastoral visit was touching in the extreme. There on the white single bed lay the suffering old servant of the household. On one side the youngest daughter of the lamMy, recently married, was kneeling, and beside her Dr. Anderson leading the nraver. On the ether aiHo nf the hall Mrs. Keith was kneeling, at the foot of Kev. Spencer Jackson, and by a chair Bank o) Branches 303 E. Broad St.. 15th ' I PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTH near the door the colored trained nurse, i Any who doubt the friendship and cordial relationship between the colored people and the southern white people would have looked upon an interesting scene. On the day of the funeral Rev. Spencer Jackson was assisted by Dr. Anderson. The casket was stationed in the front hall of the spacious residence. Mrs. Keith and all her family, children and grandchildren, were assembled in the library. A number of friends were gathered in the parlors. A large number of colored people were gathered in the hall by the casket, and a quartet of young colored men from Fisk University sang hymns. The whole scene was not soon to be forgotten by those who looked upon it. Mr. and Mrs. Percy D. Maddin, the latter one of the daughters of Mrs. Keith, made a handsome gift to the St. Andrews' church as a memorial tribute to the beloved nurse, Maria Armstrong. ROYALINE OIL for Aching Feet. ROYALINE OIL After Shaving. ROYALINE OIL for Sore Throat. ROYALINE OIL, no Grease, no Stain. ROYALINE OIL, the best Antiseptic. 10c, 25c, 50c. Druggists Wm. T. riardie. Pres. Arthur A. Castaned o, WILLIAMS-RICH/ Importers and Dry Goods, Notions and 1 209-211-213 and 21* Magazine, 512 New York Office, 5 Leonard 8L P. O. The Nowlai High-Class Diamonds and other Precloi and Wedding Rings, 8ilver Novelties, and C I.ateBt Patterns. Pine Imported and Ameri ettes. Goods sent on approval upon satisfi 621 East Main Street. National S RICHMOND (Formerly The State CAPITAL. UM.OM DIRECT J. L. Antrim. John S. Ellett. Wm. M. Hill. Edward C. Mayo. A. K. Ellerson, Hon OFFIC1 John S. EUett. President Wm. M. Hill. (2a Interest / Uowed oa Saving! Deposits. 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Assistant Cashier We invite you to do business with us and Power for what you use. Expert advice free. 04"? O AA a ok odi unnc oircei. NEW ORLEANS, LA. ' ????i????. U ?\ a new Soa?Book in your Church |C II or Sunday School, and one for every person; "FAMILIAR SONGS r >3 for 100. Words and music 83 very best ail, 109 North Way DO Street, Fort Wayne, InaL gth and Tlain Streets Your Account Solicited 3 per cent Interest allowed In 8avlnge Department. ana St- and Williamsburg Ave.