The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, November 03, 1909, Page 22, Image 22

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22 THE 1 I Presbyteries NEW ORLEANS PRESBYTERY. Presbvterv nipt in thp fii-ut fhrn-nh New Orleans, Tuesday evening, October 19. By request of Dr. .Ino. \V. Coldwell, ruling elder, retiring moderator the o)>ening sermon was preached by He.". H. W. Burwell, from the triple texts; "Come unto me." "Go forward," "As ye go. preach." Fifteen ministers .and fifteen ruling elders were enrolled. Rev. C. S. Sholl was elected moderator and J. M. Williams temporary clerk. Rev. Dr. J. C. Barr reported the organization by himself, under special evangelistic power given him, of a church of fifteen members, with one ruling elder and one deacon, at * Hammnnrl Tho rejM?rt was received and the church was enrolled. Rev. E. D. Pelletier, of the Presbytery of Algoma, Synod of Kingston and Toronto, was introduced and invited to sit with the Presbytery. Mr. Pelletier has for several months been engaged in the French evangelistic work, in the Teche country, supplying Rev. M. R. I'aradis' place, and will probably be continued permanently in the work, in addition to the present French force of the Presbytery. A call from the Houma Church for the pastoral services of Rev. J. N. Blackburn, for all his time, was presented, found in order, placed in Mr. Blackburn's hands and accepted. A commission, enmnospii of Rev. Messrs. Geo. Summey, Jno. W. Caldwell, Jr., C. A. Hyland, and Ruling Elder F. G. Winder, was appointed to conduct the installation, at such time as it may choose. A petition from sixteen persons for the organization of a church at Franklinton was favorably heard, and a commission appointed to effect the same at the earliest opportunity. Commission: Rev. Messrs. George Summey, W. McF. Alexander. J. M. Williams and Edmond EaVergne, and Ruling Elder, E. H. Taylor. Rev. Jno. Stanley Thomas yvas dismissed to the Presbytery of El Paso, and Rev. H. C. Arthur to the Presbytery of Eastern Texas The Presbyterial Committee of Ministerial Relief was discontinued and its work assigned to the committee of Ministerial Education, Dr. W. McF Alexander. chairman. Provision was made for the installation of Rev. Dr. Geo. H. Cornelson, Jr., as pastor of the First Church, New Orleans: Time, Sunday evening, November 28, 7:45 p. m; commission. Rev. Dr. W. McF. Alexander, to preach and preside Rev. Dr. ilAnrcA Qnmmoif 41 A Du iu tuaigc luc jmmor, and Rev. Jno. W. Caldwell, Jr., to charge the people, with Ruling Elder, P. E. Ouedry, to complete the commission's meinberehip. * Rev. Chat. L. Nourte was given leave to labor outside the bounds of the Presbytery while engaged in work as an evangelist. Rev. Dr. Alexander was, at the request PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUT of the church appointed as moderator of the session of the Memorial Church, during the vacancy, and Hev. Messrs. .1. X. Blackburn, Jno. W. Caldwell, Jr.. and George Sumniey were given evangelictln /?Kow?r? n'u.'1- j ??i mt- i uiuoaaiix. Areola, and Amite churches which have no sessions, respectively, until the next meeting of the Presbytery or until n regular minister or evangelist is in the Held. The name of William Magee. colored, was stricken from the roll of candidates. In reply to an application of Rev. John Kovacs for a letter of dismission to a certain congregation of the church of the Disciples, it was ordered that in view of the information that Mr. Kovacs had connected himself with another denomination his name be dropped from the Presbytery's roll. The Presbytery approved of the plan of paying the expenses ol" commissioners to the (Jeneral Assembly out of the treasury of the assembly. In the matter of the form of the amendment of the "elect infant" clause in the Confession of Faith, action was deferred until the spring meeting, and an ad interim committee was appointed, consisting of Rev. Messrs. \V. McF. Alexander, Jno. W. Caldwell. Jr., and C?. H. Cornelson, to report on it. Amite Church was chosen as the place for the next regular meeting. PRESBYTERY OF FORT WORTH. The Presbytery of Fort Worth met October 19, 1909, 7:30 p. m., in the chanel of the Southwestern Home and School for Orphans, at Files, Texas, with thirteen ministers and four ruling elders. In the absence of the President of the Home, Rev. Jas. D. McLean, D. D., who was attending the Synod of Arkansas, Ruling Elder E. P. Penick, acting superintendent of the Home, welcomed the Presbytery and acted as host. The members of the Presbytery were all entertained in the Grace Knox cottages. All were made perfectly comfortable, and the fraternal communion was very delightful. The early rising and the convenience contributed toward making the meeting very short. Rev. Wm. Caldwell was elected modnr. ator, and Ruling Elder M. C. Billings temporary clerk. Rev. R. P. Walker was received from the Presbytery of El Paso on the second day. Rev. S. J. McMurry reported the organization of the Tonk Valley Presbyterain Church, in Young county, five miles southwest of Graham, with twenty-one communicants and nine baptized noncommunicants. Commissions previously apiwinted re jjunvu uie installations or Kev. Kzra J. Durham at Bridgeport and Chico, and Rev. W. H. Wycough at North Fort Worth. Addresses on Calvin were delivered by Rev. Kdward H. l^>le. Rev. F. T. Charlton and Rev. Ceorge N. Funk. The Presbyterian Tax was raised for this year lrom 10 t ents to 12*4 cents per member. The Hlllsboro Church called Rev. R. P. H. November 3, 1909. Walker and a commission was appointed to install him. This Presbytery adopted the following as its wishes for Chapter X, Section III: "All infants dying in infancy are elect, and are regenerated and saved by Christ iiiKiuKu ine spirit, who worketh when, where, and how he pleaseth. So also are all other persons who are incapable of being outwardly called by the ministrations of the word." All our Churches are urged to make offerings to the two Causes of Ministerial Education and Relief. Our requests for aid from these funds have greatly increased. and our duty to make offerings for these Causes is therefore greater than before. The churches of the Presbytery are reminded that although there is no collection appointed for this quarter, yet there is necessity of providing Home Mission funds so that the workers shall have the amounts confidently expected. Consent was given to the amendment touching the expenses of Commissioners w i.?r Mcueini Assemniy; a protest was adopted against the displacement of the item of Baptized Non-communicants from the Presbyterial Statistical Report to the General Assembly; and an overture was adopted asking the next Assembly to replace* that item in its former place, and take such measures as will secure on the part of pastors and sessions more care in giving to the children of the Church their proper place and estimate in the Church. Rev. \V. M. McCullough, Chairman of the Permanent Committee on Sunday school, etc., was instructed to prepare a program for a Sunday school institute ft) be held on Wednesday, April 20, 1910. 2:30 to 6 p. m., In connection with the meeting or Presbytery. The spring meeting will be held at Mineral Wells, Texas, April 19 (Tuesday), 1910, 7:30 p. m. An adjourned meeting will be held at San Angelo, Texas, ad interim of the sittings of Synod, at the call of the Moderator. After appropriate resolutions of thanks, the Presbytery adjourned a very delightful meeting. Let all the brethren note all the points of this report, as no further minute of the fall meeting will be printed. Stonewall J. McMurry, Stated Clerk. PRE8BYTERY OF DALLAS. Presbytery met at Amarillo, Tex., October 12, and was opened with a sermon by Rev. W. L. Lowrance, D. D. Present eighteen ministers and thirteen elders. Officers: Moderator Rev. S. L. Rieves, clerks. Rev. L. Gill, Rev\ F. L. McFadden; and Rev. Robert Hill, D. D. Received: Rev. P. C. Irwin, from Durant Presbytery and Candidate T. W Currle from Ft. Worth Presbytery. The organization of Ave new churches was reported and they were enrolled as follows: Ringold, Ponder, White Deer, Happy, and Paducah. The Synod of Texas was overtured to divide Presbytery into three Presbyteries,