The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, November 03, 1909, Page 25, Image 25

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November 3, 1909. THE ] TENNESSEE. The Presbytery of the Western District is composed of eighteen counties, with a total area of 8,573 square miles. Of the 374,294 people in the bounds of the Presbytery only 59,736 are members of the various churches, leaving 316,558 who are not members of any church. Less than one in six of all our vast population is a iiiuicBDcu vuriaimu. ui tuose wno are church members less than one-fourth are active consecrated Christians. In all the Sabbath schools of the different denominations there are only 29,561 pupils. There are more than three hundred thousand persons in the Presbytery who never attend a Sabbath school and with a large proportion of these their failure to attend is entirely due to the fact that there is no church or Sunday school in the community where they live. There are many hundreds of families without a line of God's precious word, or any relie ious literature of any kind. Without ministers, churches, Sabbath schools or Bibles, what can we expect but that all these many thousands perish in ignorance of God and the gospel of His Son, our Saviour. What excuse can we give to our Lord if we fail to carry to these, our brethren here in our very midst, the message of salvation? Their hearts are burdened with a consciousness of sin and they are constantly pleading for the preaching of the gospel. The fields are white unto the harvest and souls are perishing in this great needy Home Mission field. Wm. Thome, Evangelist. Hoeing the first row of corn is the hardest. The Best Reed Organs the Knows of are 132* OKfaANS Sixty-three years ago Jacob Estoy Invented the first "Estcy," and from that dny to this the one purpose of Its builders has liecn?improvement. To-day the Kstcy Organ leads-In tone quality. In mechanical perfection. In durability. Many builders imitate, none surpass, the Extey. We sell the Kstcy In a great variety of styles and Miea. Make a specialty of Church. Chapel and School Organs, and guarantee satisfaction. Llddei & Bates, Sootherii Mask Boose VCfU &r, BAVMlftli Vt* Chesapeake and Ohio Railway SCENIC ROUTE OF THE EAST. FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS. With Dining Cars and Pullman Sleepers Between New York, Washington, Norfolk and Richmond, and Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. i Louis. Direct connections to and from all points West. Three Fast Trains between Richmond and Norfolk. JOHN l>. POTTS, W. O. WARTHEN, den. Pas. Agent Dlst. Pas. Agent Richmond, Va. DLLLO. 312?. *'|0T ?*???* wit fchool Bails, tr-snil to* C-H. RR1.I. 4 11^ HIUal?*r?.o I i PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU' Two Year* Credit Why .V If Needed As Loi HM9HT Buy On IMlf which, in bri< H or organ in at rocL-bot li!SX-rAjHi^H3K of your ^ tho lu*trumei w o gU 111 ktiros tnsUt Sen If CO I I Tho most bo ik?u?d; it shot BJL and explains H you buy f mm ^ for the a?kin ^ iastmmont yc We save you $100 and more on the C ADNIJ | Purchase of a piano. n~~ Mississippi S: HOLLY 8P Under Control of 8ynod of Mississippi Dii One of the most beautiful, handsome ladies in the State. Steam heat, electric lences. Library, gymnasium, art studio, Knabe grand, and a $2,000 pipe organ. 1 New Orleans and Cairo, 111. Superior i servatory advantages in Music, Art and ] slon given twenty pupils for $158.00. I you desire a place. | SOUTHER I BEST, QUICKEST I ABLE AND SAFE! NORTH, EAST, S SUNSET Solid Veslibuled Train Throng CONNECTION MADE AT MAGNIFICENT SOUTE NFur vnnir u in* vi a vim ni If You Contemplate a Trip Const D. ASBURY, Dlv. Pass. Agt. LAKE CHARLES P, Snlmpn PrAaM.nt -I A 9?lman VI Salmen Brick & Lumber Co., It New Orleans Office?716 Comroo Yellow Pine and Cypress Lumber, Prei ' rH. 25 )mF actory toHome a Y ear's F reeTrial Eaiy Terms houldn't You Buy *r As Any Dealer? i The Cornish Plan Bf, place* a strictly hitfh grade piano Tn four homo, freight paid if you wish, torn factory nrlcr. soon term* ? a choice* giving you l'year to tost IH it before you need dcrido to keep it you hi Ironclad Bond InJen holds us to this offer and also mient against defect for 25 years. ^^HnB8B88B3^I d For The Now B|^^9^a RN15H BOOK sutiful piano and organ catalogue i s the choicest of our &U latest styles things you ought to know whether us or elsewhere. The book is yours g. Write for it now and mention tho ^Hi^H u ore interested in?piano or organ. tH 111 Save one-third?buy " tv. E.Ublbb.4 vnr to ytara OH the Cornish plan. afltl HP! ^nodical College 'RINGS, MISS. and Presbyteries of Memphis and Western strict. ly equipped, up-to-date college for young > lights, telephones, and all water convenmusic practice rooms, eighteen pianos, a Che highest and healthiest location between advantages in Literary Departments, ConElocution. Board and tuition for entire seshoarders limited to 110. Write at once if T. W. RAYMOND, D. D., Pres. N PACIFIC THE , HOST COMFORTST ROUTE TO THE iOUTD AND WEST EXPRESS | h to California Without Change NEW ORLEANS WITH THE IERN PACIFIC STEAM!RS TO lb HAVANA, CUBA lit Your Local Ticket Aient, or Write J. H. R. PARSONS Gen. Pass. Agr NEW ORLEANS loe-Preeldent. J. Salmen, Sec'y and Treaa. A SAW and PLANING MILLS. (MUCK " WORKS and MAIN OPriCE:SLIDCLL, LA a Street., St. Charles Hotel Building, taed and Ordinary Brick. Phone Main 211.