The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, November 03, 1909, Page 31, Image 31

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November 3, 1909. THE P Resolved, first, That we bow in humble submission to His wise providence, 1 knowing that "He doeth all things well." Second, That we are grateful for the sweet privilege of having hud her with us, even though for so short a time. Third, Though her little place is vacant in our midst, the spirit of her short life will ever live to shed sunshine in our hearts Fourth, That we extend our deepest ' sympathy to the bereaved parents and brother, and pray that God may bless J and comfort them. j Fifth, That these resolutions be read i before the Ladies' Aid Society, of River- ] dale, Ga., and if adopted, be placed on the minutes of the said organization. Sixth, That copies be sent to the bereaved family and the "Presbyterian of the South." j Mrs. J. T. Huie, Mrs. H. L. Turner, Mrs. Sewell, Mrs. R. H. Carries, Committee. Uiverdale, Ga. THE GREAT PHYSICIAN. Itishop Kavanaugh was one %day walking through the streets of a city when he met one ol Its prominent physicians, who enured aim a seat in his carriage. The physician was an infidel. After a while ihe conversation turned upon religion. "I aiu surprised," said the intidel doctor, "that such an intelligent man as you are should believe such an old fable as that." The bishop made 110 immediate reply, but some time afterwards said: "Doctor, suppose that years ago some one Jiad recommended to you a prescription for pulmonary consumption, and given you directions concerning it, and you had procured the prescription and taken it according to order, and had been cured of the terrible i disease. Suppose that you had used that prescription in your practice ever since, and had never known it to fail when tak- \ 11 according to directions, what would you say of the man who couid not believe in or would not try your prescription?" "I should say he was a fool,replied the physician. "Twenty-five years ago I tried the power of God's grace. It tuade a different man of ine. All these years I have preached salvation to others, and wherever it as been accepted I have nev r known it to fail. I have seen it make 'Im proud man humble, the drunken man ( temperate, the profane man pure in speech, the dishonest true. The rich and poor, the learned and the unlearned, the old and the young have alike been healed of their disease." "You have caught me fairly bishop, I have been a fool," said the physician. That infidel became the superintendent of a prosperous Sunday-school.?S. S. Journal. Bank of Branches 303 E. Bread Bt~ 1MB a 1 RESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTH He who never arrives is twin to the one who never starts. DEWBERRY SCHOOL AGENCY. This Agency was established in 18'JI uU for many years has served teachers ind schools in all parts of the South uid Southwest. Schools desiring teaoh ?r?. or t achers desiring positions siiould address R. A. Clayton, Manager, Bir>ning bam, Ala. DROPSY CURED with vegetable remedies : ^ * removes all symptoms of d opsy nK to 20 days: 30 to 60 days effects permanent cure. Trial treatment furnished free to every sufferer, aothinsr fairer. For circulars and free trial treatment, write DR. I. H. GREEN* J SONS. kxO, Atlanta, Cs. Rufus J. Paddock ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 284 Camp Street. Room 405. Special Attention to Collections. P. O. Box 731. 6. New Orleans, La. Reference: Presbyterian of the South. ROYALINE OIL for Aching Feet. ROYALINE OIL After Shaving. ROYALINE OIL for Sore Throat. ROYALINE OIL, no Grease, no Stain. ROYALINE OIL, the best Antiseptic. 10c, 25c, 50c. Druggists Win. T. riardie. Pres. Arthur A. Castaned o. WILLIAMS-RICHi Importers and Dry Goods, Notions and ] 209-211-213 and 21* Magazine, 512 New York Office, 6 Leonard 8L P. O. The Nowlar High-Class Diamonds and other Precloi ind Wedding Rings, Silver Novelties, and C fastest Patterns. Fine Imported and Ameri rttes. Goods sent on approval upon satisf? ?21 East Main 8treet. National S RICHMOND, (Formerly The State CAPITAL. SSOO.OOO DIRECT J. L. Antrim. John S. Ellett. Wm. M. Hill. Edward C. Mayo. A. K. Ellerson. Hon OFFIC1 John S. Ellett. President Wm. M. Hill, <3ai Interest A Bowed oa Savingi Deposit*. ticcinc Lignt You simply press the button and pay only fc New Orleans Railway A. Light Co. YOU CAN AFF01 OF THE GOSPEL," Round or Shape Notes, foi MS(i. Sample copy 5 crate. E. A. K. HACK! 1TV m * * Hichmond. nd Main Sta., 26th and Broad Sts? Loulali *4* [. 31 S.H.Hawes&Co. I Dealer In COAL Alee I Lime, Plaster, Cement RICHMOND, VA. CITY BANK of RICHMOND, VA. Wm. H. Palmer, E. B. Addison, President. V-Presldent. J. W. Sinton, Cashier. CAPITAL, $400,000.00 SURPLUS 6 UNDIVIDED PROFITS, $175,000.00 Correspondence Solicited. Vice-Pres. M. M. Hardle, Sec'y & Treas. VRDSON CO., Ltd. Jobbers of *fen*s Furnishing Goods Common and 515 Qravier Sts. Drawer 581. NEW ORLEANS, LAi Company is Stones. New designs in Engagement ases of Silver for Bridal Presents of the can Watches. Opera Glasses and Lorgnictory city reference. RICHMOND. VAtate Bank , VIRGINIA. Bank of Virginia* surplus, oks James D. Crump. Jos. m. Fourqurean ses S. Hawei. Granville G. Valentine ers ihier J ulien H. Hill, Assistant Cashier We invitp VAtl to Ha hnsinaoo -?1*W - and Power >r what you use. Expert advice free. . 317 Baronne Street. NEW ORLEANS, LA. 1} TV a new Sonf Book in your Church |C I V or Sunday School, and one for even- oerson: "FA Mil I AO <nur? S3 fer 100. Vordi and music 83 very best ETT, 100 North Wayne Street. Feet Wayne, lai gth and Tlain Streets Your Account Solicitor 3 per cent Intereot allowed In Savings Department. ana St., and Williamsburg Ave.