The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, November 10, 1909, Page 31, Image 33

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November 10, 1909. THE I Miss Lucy was the youngest of the three sisters and distinguished by the depth of her emotional nature. She clung to the object of her affections and felt as j few are capable of feeling, the changes wrought by time. And yet in the providence of God she survived her sisters for I many years. The late Rev. Dr. W. V Wilson of I Messed memory, who had married her | sister, spent the closing years of his long ! and useful life in her home. And to add to the trials through which she was called to pass, her own health gave way. Years of suffering as well as sorrow were allotted to her. But it was all ordered in love. She was exercised by these chastisements. They yielded in her the peaceable fruits of righteousness. As long as she was strong, she went about doing good, and when shut in by personal trials she endured as seeing Him who is invisible. To her church and her wide circle of niuuicu uuu 11 iciiuo, out; una mil me comfort and inspiration that flows from the contemplation of a life devoted to the .service of God. MRS. MARGARET ORR EDGAR. On September 23, 1909, at her home in Covington, La., Mrs. Margaret Orr Edgar crossed over to receive her reward, after a long life of faithful service for the Lord. She was born in Melrose, Scotland, April 2, 1836, and came to this country about fifty years ago. She and her consecrated husband, Mr. Robert Edgar, lived a short time in New Orleans, then his health failing, they moved to Covington, where the rest of her fruitful life was spent. Many knew and loved the peacefulness of the beautiful home of which this energetic Christian woman was the center. i ne spirit or unrtst dwelt there, and upon her gentle face one might read "Holiness to the Lord." The church of which she was a charter member can not forget the devoted attendant who so dearly loved the house of prayer; the pastor will ever remember the appreciative face, so eager for the message; the Aid and Missionary Societies will miss a treasurer member and all who knew her will grieve for a friend, staunch and true. fieing left early a widow, she courageously bore the burden of rearing her { young family, and reaped a rich harvest ; of love and gratitude from the band of noble men and women who now mourn : for their wise and faithful mother. I 1- ? - - i i? a privilege 10 noid in memory this aged saint, who after months of suffering, bravely and patiently borne, now "rests from her labors," while "her works do follow her." Prayer must be life's constant resource. Prayer leads to vision. Prayer gives vlr- : nmmmmimitittintmmtmmmmmmmmt Bank ol 1 u ' Branches: 303 E. Broad St., 15th am mmmtinnitinmiinimiiiiiimiuMnmtimttn >RESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUT1 tue, in the old Roman sense of fortitude or tried courage. It was when Elisha prayed that the Lord opened the eyes of his servant. *cic:ctcK tcictc tc ismoior k io>cic*c ictoicic % * I UHUKXJH PEWS 1 |> PULPITS. OPERA CHAIRS Comfort. Strength. Finish combined. Have s I everything. CAN SAVB YOU MONEY. $ < | THE DEWOLF FURNITURE CO. <T> II Dept L. (iarnett. Has. "r v| "-jAjAi MA1A1AIM/VJ/S' t. dvTvfvivl vfvlvlvl vT^l V/I vl\ /TVrv/K/1 vTvfV- lvTv/1vavMvVvT> An Old Worn-out Preacher out of employment, I am trying to help myself and those dependent upon me to live. For this purpose partly, I have written three boohs, viz.: "Kirk Ward's Ghost: or A Modern Miracle"; "The End of the World"; and "Golden Rule." Price, by mall prepaid, of each singly, 50 cents; any two, 75 cents; or all three, $1.00. Two cent postage stamps taken Is desired. Now, If you desire to show sympathy for an aged preacher struggling against want, order one, two, or three ol these books. Address the author, REV. R. H. CROZIER, Palestine, Texas. ROYALINE OIL for Aching Feet. ROYALINE OIL After Shaving. ROYALINE OIL for Sore Throat. ROYALINE OIL, no Grease, no Stain. ROYALINE OIL, the best Antiseptic. 10c, 25c, 50c. Druggists. Wm. T. Hardie, Pres. Arthur A. Castanedc WILLIAMS-RICH Importers ai Dry Goods, Notions and 209-211-213 and 215 Magazine, New York Office, 5 Leonard St. P. O. The Nowla High-Class Diamonds and other Precii and Wedding Rings, Silver Novelties, and Latest Patterns. Fine Imported and Au ettes. Goods sent on approval upon saa 921 East Main Street. | National ? g RICHMON (Formerly The St* H CAPITAL, $500,000 (ft DIRE* }}, J. L. Antrim, John S. Ellett. Wm. M. H Edward C. Mayo, A. R. Ellerson, H ?( OFFI S John S. Ellett, President Wm. M, Hill, < 1 Interact / Uowed on S>vio(i Depotiti. 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