The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, November 10, 1909, Page 32, Image 34

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32 Tl APPLES From our mountain orchards. The Albemarle pippin, the late Queen Victoria'" favorite, and other high class apples. A box or a barrel at wholesale prices. Every package guaranteed. THE ALBEMARLE ORCHARD CO., Sam'l B. Woods, President. Charlottesville, Virginia. .^Sir^ TENNESSEE COLLEGE 7 |jS?s|i . 8 vfl^DGjn) Religious,Mental, Phys- ^ lea' Training of the 0 highest order. M Write for catalog. PEAL SCHOOL. IDEU LOCATION. N GEO. J. BURNETT. Pre#. J. HENRT BURNETT. Mgr Via Bristol ?AND THE? Norfolk & Western Railway The Short Line Between NEW ORLEANS, BIRMINGHAM, MEMPHIS, CHATTANOOGA, KNOXVILLE ?AND? WASHINGTON, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. SoMd Train Service Dining Car. All information cheerfully furnished. Chattanooga, Tenn. 1 WARREN L. ROHR, Western Passenger Agent, W. B. BEVILL, General Passenger Agent, Roanoke, Va. WA NTS_ Rates for 'Want" Advertisements.?The cost of an adver isement c ntaining twenty-five words or less will be fifty cents for each insertion. No advertisement published for less than 50 cents. All over twent.<-five words will cost two cants for each word. Cash to accompany the order. WANTED ? First class, experienced teacher of music and Latin, mature sin gle lady, healthy, attractive appearance and personality, best Christian character. Adequate salary to right one. Desirable position, near future. Present employment no obstacle. Send full information, with photo, first letter. Address, Presbyterian of South, 104 Edgewood Avenue, Atlanta, Ga. WANTED?By experienced graduate nurse (Virginia), position with invalid lady or child, willine to tmvei ences exchanged. Miss G., care The Presbyterian Company, Atlanta, Ga. WANTED?By a woman of experience in both hospital and schools, a position as matron. Best testimonials. Address, "E. W. P.," Monteagle, Tenn. WANTED?A matron, German preferred, for a home for needy and sick. Address. Home. Box 731 New Orlennn T.o Geo. E.Egdorf Practical Painter and Decorator. 231 Constance St. New Orleans. Phone Uptown 2396-L. Contractors' and Dealers' Exchange, Telephone Main 327. Estimates Cheerfully Given. IE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE S r r^~ ; - ? Senior Hall Main Texas Presbyterie THE GREAT PRBSBYTERIA1 Splendid buildings, elegantly tarnished, room, obviating all danger of Are. The be basket-ball, tennis, outdoor games. No serh courses of study. College and Semluary, 1? Voice Culture. Violin, Orfcan, Guitar, Exp work. China Kiln, Art Rooms with sky-ll Visiting Director of Music and Teacher of bIx music pupils Inst year. COLL.EGE O! For Catalogue Illustrated by photograph | President, Mllford, Texas. Silliman Coll An endowed school for girls, nudei hill country- Handsome, roomy buildings, ! Steam heat. All necessary equipment. T1 Elocution. Physical Culture, Stenography ENDOWMENT MAKES PRICES IA THE SODTII. Let us explain this to you. Address the President, REV. H. H. AGNES SCOTT C DECATUR (near THE COLLEGE offers advantages THE AGNES SCOTT ACADEMY, a four years' course leading to Freshi Cluster Spri CLUSTER 1 This school claims your attention b of Christian teachers, and the personal catalogue will interest you if you hav Forty-four Years of Successful Work. Vjl AN Ideal Christian Home Warn Era M Expression, PhysicalC III ftKfl Music. High standard mi trained Instructors. Takci U nsurpassed health re>c ball*0^rftSfSnourcatal ' HENRY JEROME SI Get Bettei Pay L< Buy from the largest an House in the South. Buy w to select from. Buy where B113' where prices are lowest. SYDNOR & ] "Furniture for t 709-11-13 E. Broad Si OUTH. November 10, igof. A ^1 I iJ ~*rt*ij_ kjR Building Dickson Hall n, College For Girls ?J SCHOOL OF THE 80UTHWEST. heated by steam from ontslde metal furnace au 11 f 111 acetylene gas light. Large gymnasium. Mia lllnncq Lq * > " *-* L?*? .. uic umiui; VI LUC BCUOOl. 1WO ;adlng to degrees. Special departments: Piano, resslon. All branches of Art, Artistic Needle Ight. WILLIAM H. SHERWOOD, CHICAGO. Interpretation Classes. One hundred and tfeirt.v PENS SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1900. a, write REV. HENRY C. EVANS, A. M., D. V.. egiate Institute Presbyterian control. Healthful location In the beautiful, well-sbaded grounds. Electric lights bree courses leading to degrees. Music, Art. and Typewriting. )WER THAN ANY OTHER GOOD SCHOOL IN BROWNI.EE. Clinton, Louisiana. OLLEGE for Women Atlanta), GEORGIA. equal to best colleges for men. under separate faculy and government, #ff?rs nan class. For catalogue, address, F. H. GAINES, Preside^. ners Academv C7 ~ */ SPRINGS, VA. ecause of its superb location, its strong care given each boy entrusted to us. Our ea boy to educate. HAMPDEN WIL80N, Headmaster. School. Preparatory and Collegiate oourses. AiL Culture, Pedagogy, Business, etc. Conservatory fli On tained by large staff of experienced, collegfe9 only ninety boarders and teaches the Individual, ord. Brick buildings. Steam heat. Excellent tahlb. -like campus Concerts, lectures, tennis, bnsketog beforesclectlng thecollego for your daughter. rOCKARO. A. M.. Pres.. Raleigh. N. C. r Furniture iss for It! d most enterprising Furniture here you have the best variety 6ar loads arrive almbst daily. Write us for prices?Visit us. HUNDLEY, Inc. he Home Beautiful" RICHMOND. VA.