The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, November 17, 1909, Page 22, Image 22

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22 THE Presbyteries THE PRESBYTERY OF WESTERN TEXAS. Met in Goliad Texas, Wednesday, October 13, at 8 o'clock p. m., and was opened with a sermon by the retiring moderator, Rev. John Black Hudson, from I Peter 3: 15. There were present twenty-five ministers and fourteen ruling elders, representing churches. Rev. Chas. H. Dobbs, Jr., was chosen as Moderator and Revs. B. D. D. Greer and E. H. Hudson, temporary clerks. IVantioto Q V? ni ? * -? i^iwuviobbv u. in. uiaoguw wns rccciveu from the Presbytery of Lexington and after a careful examination was ordained to the full work of the Gospel Ministry. He will labor as an Evangelist in the lower Rio Grande valley, with headquarters at Mercedes. Rev. C. L. Cleveland was at his own request dismissed to the Presbytery of Brazos. Rev. R. M. Latimer returned his letter of dismission from this Presbytery to the Presbytery of Asheville. Rev. M. W. Doggett, D. D., reported the re-organization of the church of Port Lavaca and the organization of churches at San Antonio to be known as the Denver Boulevard; the Calaveras Church, near San Antonio; at Aransas Pass; and at Ganado. tu- e ? :i-.. /*i 1- -a ?a_ iig viiMic/ vsiiurcn was ai us own request transferred to the Presbytery of San Antonio, U. S. A. San Marcos was chosen as the place for the stated spring meeting. A great deal of time was spent in the discussion of the Presbytery's work of Home Missions. The work was found to be in a very encouraging condition. The great need just now is for church buildings in a number of our most promising Home Mission fields. The most notable feature of the meeting was the Free Conversation on the state of religion within our bounds. At the suggestion of the Moderator, as the roll was called the pastor and representative from each church outlined briefly the condition and especially the needs of that church and the Presbytery engaged ' in special Draver for that sneoiflo chnroh In this way this exercise become a real means of grace to the Presbytery. The churches of Karnes City and Helena, presented calls for the pastoral services of Rev. J. A. Black. He accepted the calls and the following order was taken for his installation: At Karnes City, November 9th, Rev. H. W. Hoon to preside, preach the sermon and propound the constitutional questions; Rev. H. W. Hamilton to deliver the charge to the pastor and Ruling Elder J. R. Burt the charge t5 the congregation. At Helena, November the 10th, Rev. H.- W. Hamilton to preside, preach the sermon and propound the constitutional ruestions; Rev. H. W. Hoon to deliver the charge to the pastor and Rulingto PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU1 Elder J. R. Burt the charge to the congregation. Rev. P. H. Burney, as special evangelist, reported the organization of a church at Crystal Springs and the church was enrolled. Presbytery approved the change in the form of government, providing for the payment of the expenses of commissioners to the General Assembly by that body. The following ad interim committee was appointed to report to the next stated meeting of Presbytery, touching the "Proof Texts." Presbytery declined to give any advice to the General Assembly's committee to recommend a change in the Confession of Faith. Presbytery heard with great profit addresses from Rev. R. D. Campbell, concerning the work of the Texas-Mexican Presbytery and from Mr. R. Waller Blain, touching his work as Sunday school missionary within our bounds. Resolutions WPrP artnnfaH nvnroonl?? ? * ? u.w,,vvu vajii zoning iuc uppreciation of the Presbytery of the worth and importance of the work represented by these brethren. Presbytery deemed it inadvisable at this time to take any steps, looking to the division of the Presbytery. The newly organized church of Crystal Springs presented a call for the pastoral services of Rev. P. H. Burney for one fourth of his time, which he accepted and the Rev. H. W. Hoon and Ruling Elder C. W. Ernest were appointed a commission to install Mr. Burney, Octo ber 27. The statistical report to the Synod shows that we have organized ten churches this year; re-organized one and received one from the Presbytery of San Antonio, U. S. A. Rev. W. C. C. Foster presented his resignation as pastor of the Brownsville Church and the church was cited to show cause why the pastoral relation should not be dissolved. The resignation of Rev. T. O. Ferrin, of the pastorate of the churches of Rockport and Refugio was accepted and the relationship dissolved. It was resolved that an adjourned meeting should be held during the sessions of Synod, at the call of the Moderator. The Presbytery adopted by a rising vote resolutions of thanks to the pastor, church and citizi-ns of Ooliad, for their generous hospitality. Also the church and the ladies of the First Church, of w iviu/i i?*f ttuw cuici iniueu me I'resDyiers at luncheon as they passed through Victoria en route to and from the Presbytery. Brooks I. Dickey, Stated Clerk. PRESBYTERY OF FLORIDA. Presbytery of Florida met at St. Andrews, Fla., October 26, and was opened with a sermon by Rev. W. H. Zlegler, Present, eight ministers and eight elders. Officers?Rev. N. P. Quarterman, moderator and Rev. K. L. Mclver. temDorarv clerk. Candidate Robt. Roulhac was dismissed Central Alabama Presbytery. [*H. November 17, igog. Proof Texts?An ad interim committee on proof texts was appointed, consisting of Rev. J. W. Walden, D. D., Rev. R. Q. Baker, Rev. Eugene P. Mickel, D. D. Elect Infant Clause?Presbytery made no suggestion of change to the Assembly's Ad Interim Committee, but again expressed its satisfaction with the present wording. A petition for the organization of a church at McArthur's Still, was granted and a commission consisting of Rev. J. S. Sibley, Rev. Clyde Johnson, Rev. J. D. Rountree and Ruling Elder J. T. Porter, was appointed to perfect the organization if the way be clear. Rev. W. T. Wadley resigned the chairmanship of the Colored Evangelization Commitee and Rev. K. L. Mclver was elected to fill the vacancy. The hospitality of the St. Andrews' Church, on the beautiful bay of St. Andrews, was royal and the representatives seemed more than willing to linger at this restful spot until final adjournment. Spring meeting?Gretna Church. Clyde Johnson, S. C. PRESBYTERY OF LOUISIANA. The Presbytery of Louisiana met at Lafayette, Tuesday evening, October 26, 1909, and was opened with a sermon by Rev. T. M. Hunter, D. D. Present, six ministers and four ruling elders. Officers?Rev. B. L. Price was elected moderator, and Rev. D. F. Wilkinson clerk. ReceivecT^-Rev. W. B. Logan from Steu benville Presbytery, U. S. A., and order was taken for installing him as pastor of the Welsh Church. Dr. R. T. Price, of Steubenville Presbyery, and Rev. Ph. Briol, of New Orleans Presbytery, were invited to sit as corresponding members. Free Conversation on the state of religion within our bounds elicited the facts that most of our churches are regularly supplied with stated services, that 4L 1 ' lucjr are acuve ana energetic, that the attendance is good and the outlook encouraging, but that the financial condition of our State makes it impossible for the churches to give as liberally as usual to the various causes. The Obituary of Rev. R. F. Patterson, prepared by a special committee, was adopted and ordered spread on the minutes of Presbytery. It has already been published in the religious papers. The Board of Trustees of Silliman Institute made an encouraging report, showing a larger attendance than last year. ana ine worn or tne Institute in a very satisfactory condition. Proof Texts?Rev. E. M. Stuart and Ruling Elder T. F. Webb, were appointed an ad interim committee to consider and report at the spring meeting. Commissioners' Fund?Presbytery endorsed the plan of paying the traveling expenses of commissioners out of the treasury of the General Assemhlv Elect Infant Clause?Presbytery favors such change in the Confession, Chaptt*i X, Section 3, as shall make clear to Juie most unlettered, the conviction of1' the k