The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, November 17, 1909, Page 25, Image 25

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November 17, 1909. THI fused to allow us to prove the truth of the article in question. They are afraid to face the proof and an impartial investigation. This, in any case, so Mr. Vandervelde told them, morally condemned the Company before the world, no matter what the decision of the judge might be. arid this vindicates our contention in the matter. We can not go into all the technicalities of the law in the matter, but we have the consciousness that we have done what we could for the needy and the oppressed. While Mr. Morrison is thrown out of this case, yet they threaten to take up further action against him on another charge. Of course, all of this only means that they are determined at any cost to frighten us and all others into silence. We wish also to thank our fellow missionaries of other Protestant' Societies in England and America and Sweden, who are laboring in Congo, for all their interest and sympathy at this time. At a recent conference of missionaries of all Societies working i l\oro n onooiol onoor??t of ?? ??I iv> x. i* opwiai ocimvii vi yiajci waa nuiu for us and for the oppressed natives in this land. Other missionaries are liable at any time to be sued. We wish also to thank our government at Washington for so closely following up the case, to see that we got justice. es^ I M f Ing rood organs. Wy Built to-day by descendW ants of original inventor. ^ M Combine many valuable features a not found in other organs. Note ^ navuc,llicucw transposing Key* M board." Size, atyle and capacity 1 m to suit place and purpose. 1 M Church, chapel and school designs ft M u specially. 375,000 made and sold. ft f LUDDEN A BATES. Southern Music House 1 f DtH- EF, Sasanuah. 6a. 1 DEWBERRY 8CHOOL AGENCY. This Agency was established In 1891 and (or many years has served teachers and schools in all parts of the South and Southwest Schools desiring teachers, or I achers desiring positions should address R. A. Clayton, Manager, Blrmlng ham, Ala. Chesapeake and OMo Railway SCENIC ROUTE OP THE EAST. FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS. With Dining Cars and Pullman Sleepers Between New York, Washington, Norfolk and Richmond, and Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Louis. Direct connections to and from all points West. Two Fast Trains between Richmond and Norfolk. 'UMN D. POTTS, W. O. WARTHEN, Oen. Pas. Agent. Dlst. Pas. Agent Richmond, Va. BELLS. auoj Cknreh and school Boll*. UT OmiiI dot Th# C. 8. BKLL CO.. Hlflcb*r* , O Z PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOU The American Consul General, and his Vice-Consul were here, also the English Consul, who takes deep Interest in the case. But during these dark days of waiting, Mrs. Sheppard and Mrs. Morrison have naa 10 De rar away rrom us at their stations in the Kassai?it was impossible Two Years Credit Why If Needed As Low j msmr Buy OnTl Hi which. In briaf, pi or organ in jour I r^UMS^^Sni^ll at rocL-bottom fyvurowi ?h IRBtl jflMBISisHUi ^ th? instrument bo and we fb* To deatalir whkh iuiura uutruuicn Send 1 COR] I The nxmt beauiift I I iduod; it phowitln and explains ihiu| H jtwi buy from us o for the s?kinR. V instrument you an "V save you S100 and more on the f ADNICH Put chase of a piano. *WRni?II ~ ~~ * ? *. a I. &?3 1 Mississippi Syi HOLLY 8PRI Under Control of Synod of Mississippi an Distr One of the most beautiful, handsomely ladies in the State. Steam heat, electric II iences. Library, gymnasium, art studio, m. Knabe grand, and a $2,000 pipe organ. Th< New. Orleans and Cairo, 111. Superior ad1 servatory advantages in Music, Art and El< slon given twenty pupils for $158.00. Boi you desire a place. i z Get Better Pay Les Buy from the largest and House in the South. Buy wh? to select from. Buy where ca Buj' where prices are lowest. SYDNOR & H "Furniture for the 709-11-13 E. Broad St. F. Salmen, President J. A. Salmen. Vice Salmen Brick 6 Lumber Co., Ltd. New Orleans Office?716 Common 8 Yellow Pine and Cypress Lumber, Presec TH. 25 for them to be with us. May God grant that out of this trial may come a better day for poor Congoland. But the forced labor still goes on, and the cry of the oppresed is heard in all parts of the country . W. H. Sheppard, W. M. Morrison. qF actory to Home Y ear's F reeT rial Easy Terms uldn't You Buy %s Any Dealer? he Cornish Plan ?cm a strictly high grade piauo tH home, freight paid if you wish, fiiptorj price, upon term* olcc, giving you 1 year to t?*t iHMOE^^M for? you tir?<l deride to keenit a an Ironclad Bond Inholds us to this offer and also t against defect for 25 years. ^^BQBEUqSmI For The New WISH BOOK H til piano and organ catalogue o choicest of our bo latest styles ;s you ought to know whether H r elsewhere. The book is yours Trite for it uow and mention the ^H| e interested in?piano or organ. f ft Washington.N. J. Save one -third? buy k.fuua?l .?r so 7?r, OH /A, Cornish plan. U^HI lodical College NGS, MI88. d Presbyteries of Memphis and Western let. equipped, up-to-date college for young ghts, telephones, and all water convenisic practice rooms, eighteen pianos, a 5 highest and healthiest location between vantages in Literary Departments, Con juunuu. Duuru huu iuiuuu tor enure se?arders limited to 110. Write at once if T. W. RAYMOND, D. D., Pres. F urnitur e is for It!' most enterprising Furniture ire you have the best variety ir loads arrive almost daily. Write us for prices?Visit us. UNDLEY, Inc. Heme Beautiful" RICHMOND, VA. _ -President J. Salmen, Sec'y and Treas. SAW ud PLANING MILLS. BRICK WORKS mm! MAIN OFT ICE: SLIDELL, LA Itreet, SL Charles Hotel Building. I and Ordinary Brick. Phone Mala 211.