The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, November 17, 1909, Page 27, Image 29

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November 17, 1909. THE M Story Corner V: ::Ttttn?T??ttmtntntttnnnnntmnntt:tmrt INCOMPETENT. "Father," asked the small boy of an editor, "is Jupiter inhabited?" "1 don't know, my son," was the truthful answer. Presently he was interrupted again. "Father, are there any sea serpents?" I don't know, my son." The little fellow was manifestly cast down, but presently rallied and again approached the great source of information. "Father, what does the North Pole look like?" Hut, alas! again the answer, "I don't know, my son." At last, in desperation, he inquired, with withering emphasis: "Father, how did you get to be an editor?"?Zion's Herald. WHEN WOMEN VOTE. District Visitor: "Good morning. Mrs. I'erkins. I hope you are coming to the i nionist Association garden party at Sir Archibald's this afternoon, to hear our (andidate speak?" Mrs. Perkins: "Well, no; you see, Mum, my neighbor, Mrs. 'Opkins, she belongs to that, so I joined the Liberal Government, so we can look arter one another's babies while Pother's at meetings."?Punch. A pretty school teacher, noticing one of her little charges idle, said, sharply: lohn, the devil always finds something tor idle hands to do. Come up here and let me give you some work." "Pa!" said the little Pennsylvania boy. "Well?" "Is the moon made of green cheese?" "Not if the contract called for green cheese, son. But run along, Little boys mustn't monkey with politics."?Exchange. First Milliner: You have designed the North Pole hat? Second Milliner: Yes; it will be a matter of dispute between the purchaser and her husband.?New York Sun. "How do you pronounce s-t-i-n-g-y?" 'he teacher asked the young gentleman nearest the foot of the class. And the S'| a:t boy stood up and said it depended :I M'eat deal whether the word applied to " man or a bee.?London News. "if you dare to kiss me again, I will <:>U papa!" "I thought you said your father was in California?" "He is." Mrs. Hix: "I don't take any stock in hese faith cures, brought about by the laying on of hands." Mrs. Dix: "Well, 1 do; I cured my Utile boy of the cigarette habit that wav " ,.T^? Inward Effect* of humora are worse than ii 9,utw*fd- They endanger the whole system. , h09" " Sarsaparilla eradicates ail bum rs, cuiesall " >r inward aod outward effects. It is the (rest and tonic, whose meiit has been every* here established. PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTH r=ri i i-=-i i ifs lii We speak ( ^ i J l .1 oiu uays?tr graces and c< ? But do 1 that they di< Une ! Bis< I The Soda Crack light of this day NATIONAL BISC mtmtmtwumimutnmmtmtmtnimmmmi 50 Lesson Business Hp Teacher,: the science of accounts Arranged for Public School Busine School. 25 Lessons for Graded Schoo {f QnKnnl 1* * J ?? - < mvuuui dual uo. iuuucj reiuuueu n no A booklet containing 12 spec! me Addref ::: c Southwestern Presfa CLARKSVILLE, Thirty-Fifth Session 0| Literary, Scientific, Divinity Courses. Graduates prominent in the South. Excel No saloons. Expenses moderate. (1776) Hampden Sit Able Faculty. Select student body. 1 ble moral and intellectual tone. Extensi\ leading to degrees B. A., B. S., B. Lit., N modern conveniences. One hundred and thirty fourth sessic For catalogue or other information a< REV. HENRY TUCKER GRAHAI * t. 27 K"J. Tfricfc I ? m -w of the good le charming ourtly ways, we forget d not know eda suit er that is the deand generation. UIT COMPANY . I Course, Without a for $1.00 MADE CLEAR AND SIMPLE. H 88 Course. 50 Lessons for High H 1. Endorsed by Business Men and s entirely satisfactory. n in lessons, sent free if applied for. }8 || EORGE ALLEN, Raleigh, N. C. yteri&n University TENNESSEE. jcns aepiemoer lain. Students nearly all church members. Ilent athletic record. Healthful location. WILLIAM DINWIDDIE, Chancellor. Iney College (1909) High standards and thorough work. Notare Campus and Athletic Field. Courses [. A. Steam heat, light, baths and other tn begins September 15, 1909. ddress, A, President. Hampton-Sidney, Va